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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Against the World

[   Ever start worrying about being an LGBTQIA+ couple in this world? It can be scary, but as long as I have my partner… I’m willing to fight. Stay safe kiddos, but never give up. You all deserve happiness and love, no matter what form it takes :)     ]

Hopefully you can read my scribbles in the comic… I should make a transcript… or competely redraw it maybe… add some color later??? hehe idk

Art Taglist:
@justyourcasuallysufferingdad @virgiliananxiety @may-u @callmetea @omegatomato @i-really-dig-the-purple @grumpymoonbird @bassacaglia @stormblessedcastiel @virgilsandersisbae @katie-the-noble-fangirl @loveyatothemoonandback @logan-exe @sidespromptblog @cyberpunkjinx



Patton is quick to jump in his own defense, offended and peeved at Deceit’s claim. Logan glances at Patton as a series of thoughts go over the Logical Side’s mind.

Fact: I know Patton

Fact: Deceit Lies

Fact: Patton has no known record of excluding me from anything.

Fact: Deceit lies.

Fact: Patton respects and appreciates my input. He has always been vocal about this.

Fact: Deceit lies

Fact: Patton holds me in high regard

Fact: Deceit lies

Fact: Patton isn’t the kind of Side to leave any of his friends behind

Fact: Deceit lies

Fact: Patton isn’t the kind of Side to cohere his friends to  mistreat another friend

Fact: Deceit lies

Fact: I’m smarter than Deceit gives me credit for

Fact: Roman is dressed like Jesus. What the fu–



Source: organizeddiscord

I just had the funniest thought of Patton being one of those parents who texts using the text-to-speech option and just,,, doesn’t quite know how it works? So most of his texts to Virgil end up looking something like this:

hey kiddo you left your headphones in my room do you want me to bring them to you later or do you want me to bring them to you roman what are you doing please put my toast back in the toaster thank you kiddo anyway virgil please text me back what to do send text roman why isn’t my text sending 


Oh oh it’s cute oh I love it


Hey Virge you might wanna come down dinners ready I mean I can bring it to you if you want me to or if you don’t want to come down Roman Logan what are you doing stop fighting the sandwiches alright kiddo just come down when you’re ready send I said send please message


thank you for this addition, you’re hired.

Source: princelogical

I just had a random thought but like

what if Deceit’s default response is always to lie? like it’s just an absolute knee jerk reaction he cannot control. 

So he walks downstairs and Patton’s like, “Hey, Dee, want some pancakes?” and he’s like, “No.” Then he sighs, rolls his eyes at himself, and says, “Yes, please,” and Patton giggles. 

Or Roman’s like, “Dee, wanna watch a movie with me?” and Dee’s like, “I HATe movies!” then he mutters, “I freaking love movies what the hell.” 

I dunno it just made me laugh. 


I love thissss


This makes me feel bad for him a little bit and that has never happened to me before


Isn’t this basically canon? Either way, I love it

Source: randomslasher

In My Eyes

This is gonna be short

EDIT: I have lied


Patton had a few regrets in life, what human doesn’t? Maybe he shouldn’t have eaten that spicy pepper. Maybe he shouldn’t have snapped like he did. Maybe he shouldn’t have gotten wasted and slept with that girl.

However, there was one thing he didn’t regret. That was his son, Virgil. Yes, Patton was young to have a child, but he was also financially stable thanks to his supporting parents.

At the age of twenty two, Patton was a single father. The mother wanted nothing to do with Virgil, but she promised to send child support. Patton didn’t want to burden her, and told her to live her life and wished nothing but the best.

Patton’s journey of being a single father was just that. He learned many things during the way, from basic childcare to appreciating one second naps. While exhausted and wanting a good six hour sleep, seeing those impossible violet eyes made him see it was all worth it.

As his son grew, he grew scared of the future. From Virgil taking his first step, saying his first word, teething, potty training, it all scared Patton in some way. Most would say it’s because he wanted him safe. Most would say it’s just first parents jitters.

To Patton? He was scared of his son growing up. He was scared Virgil would forget him, move on without regards. He was scared of someone hurting his son, of someone potentially giving him life threatening injuries.

However, those fears would leave when he saw that bright smile. Those chubby cheeks revealing his dimples, his violet eyes shining with happiness and excitement. His small pudgy hands making grabbing motions to be picked up. That slight stumble he had when running. That joyful laughter whenever Patton tickled him. Those fears would disappear.

When it was time for pre-school, Patton cried the night before at the thought of being away from his son. He was an emotional man with many fears. Living in America was fear enough for him.

The morning of, Patton gave him an extra long hug, to where Virgil was whining he was going to be late. Patton watches him get on the school bus, biting his lip and tried not to let his fears overcome his mind during work. That same day, his son came home messy but with many stories and of a boy he met, Roman was his name, and how he complimented his eyes. Patton was just relieved to know his first day went well.

Patton watched him get bigger and bigger, soon off to middle school. His fears still lingered, but they were at a simmer. He knew he would be safe, seeing as Virgil was strong and pretty independent. He got that from his mother. Also, he had his longtime friend Roman with him. Seeing him come home with that same bright smile, it made Patton’s heart swell.

Near the end of middle school, Virgil seemed to go down suddenly and Patton held in his panic. He didn’t want to hover, but he reminded Virgil everyday that he was there for him. Virgil would just nod, and would say he’s fine. That was a lie and Patton knew, but he didn’t want to push him. It was until one day that Virgil walked in from school, no smile on his face but tears.

“I hate school! I hate everybody there! I hate it!”

Patton rushes over, grabbing Virgil as he broke down. He let him cry on his chest, even if he was taller than Patton already. Patton held in his anger towards the school, focused on his son. The bullies were getting to him, and not even Roman could do much to defend him. He was suspended for a week. What was the reason for bullying? His eyes. How long? Since the beginning of the second year. Literally his eyes and Patton was in full protective mood.

Patton focuses on Virgil for the rest of the night, letting him vent out his frustrations and insecurities. Patton would listen, give his advice, remind his son that he was there to talk to. Virgil admitted a few things that broke him, but Patton held his hand and listened. They both agreed on outside help, staying close for the rest of the night.

Patton yelled angrily at the school for allowing such torments, almost fighting the principal. As they would do nothing, he reported it to the board of the county, the state. He was not letting this go. No one else would be a victim.

Time passed once more, and that old spark of Virgil’s was coming back slowly. Patton missed it so much, and he was happy to see those violet eyes gleam with joy and his smile bright once more. Into the second year of high school, Patton saw Virgil and Roman walk in, holding hands. He didn’t say anything, instead waiting for his son to say it. They were always affectionate, but he saw the way they stared at each other.

“I’m bisexual, dad. Roman is my…he is my boyfriend.”

“Well, this sure is a surprise. I wasn’t given enough time to bake a cake!”

Virgil launches himself into Patton, laughing and smiling, a few tears streaming down. Patton kisses his head, having Roman come in for a hug. His son was happy, what else could he ask for?

Graduation came and Patton was sure the loudest along with his parents, tears streaming down his face as he saw his son get his diploma. He hugged and kissed his cheeks, Virgil groaning but didn’t push away. He knew his dad was like this, and would only push away if it was a lot.

Patton stares at those violet eyes, seeing his past, present and future. Those rare violet eyes that he loves so much, wishing to turn back time so he could relive his growth.

Patton had regrets. His son was not one of those.

In his eyes, his son was his whole world.



Source: sandersidesquotes



  • Has poor impulse control
    • He’s constantly shouting out nicknames, orders, insults, anything that comes to mind and clearly has trouble filtering himself
    • The entirety of Moving On Part 2
    • Right after saying he’s gonna let it go: “DESTINY HAS DIALLED BACK!”
  • He stims
    • Jumpy boi???
    • Constantly moving????? S
    • uSper expressive and doesn’t like to sit still?????????????
    • Always on adventures and moving around and ready to do stuff, hates not having anything to do with his hands?????????????????????????? Hello???????????????????
  • Is afraid of letting people down
    • Obviously
      • And of course NT people can do this too but Roman’s is directly linked to a lack of productivity/work quality which is super common in ADHD people so
  • Has RSD like it’s so obvious ashfdljgkhfk
    • Worst fear is rejection???????????????? Yeah
    • Doesn’t believe Virgil when he says no one hates him
    • Has to prove himself all the time
  • Hyperfocus and hyperfixations
    • “Forget sleep! You could be writing!”
      • Like he’s hyperfocusing on his current project and forgetting to sleep and do self care that’s so ADHD don’t @ me-
    • Gets so excited about Disney that when Thomas was in a Disney show he could barely speak and kept stimming and bouncing
    • Infodumps about Disney
      • All the time
    • Gets mad when Virgil talks bad about Disney because nO ONE TALKS BAD ABOUT HIS HYPERFIXATIONS NO MA’AM-
  • Forgets shit all the time
    • Like even how to spell his own name
    • And also forgets where Lo and Pat stand and mixes them up
      • Because they look similar
      • If that’s not ADHD idk what is
  • Anger issues
    • Kinda related to lack of impulse control but also like absolutely a thing w ADHD
    • As in: me 24/7????
    • Zoning out???????????
    • Yeah this is an ADHD thing don’t @ me
  • Hates academics and school and stuff
    • Not universal in people w ADHD obviously, but common
    • Bc school is hard my dudes

In conclusion: My boy has ADHD and he is gorgeous and beautiful and valid and if you have a problem with this headcanon, take ur negativity somewhere else!


He’s so good and I love him so much


in conclusion yes

Source: sawyer-saucee