
Tsar Nicholas II Challenge by Glass_Cup544 in victoria3

[–]CROguys 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I always do that with Paradox games. Trial and error.

Što je s Gumelini bombonima od Kraša? Bili su još životinje u plavom pakiranju i srca u crvenom. by Fer0xx in croatia

[–]CROguys 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Jebiga, ovo vraća sjećanja. Mislim da sam ih probao samo jednom u žviotu, ali mi je pakiranje bilo intrigantno.

S druge strane, Haribo Dinosauri su mi nepreželjeni.

Is there a way to find out if YMS rated a specific movie on imdb, or do you just look through them to see if it shows up? by Comfortable_Ad2908 in YMS

[–]CROguys 9 points10 points  (0 children)

There is an unofficial Letterbox account which copies all his IMDb ratings. It's much easier to browse on Letterbox.

Crtić o dječaku i grašku. by SnooMarzipans3132 in croatia

[–]CROguys 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Kunem se da je bila Snježna kraljica. Pepeljuga je bio bonus crtić koji nije bio na naslovnici negk bi se prikzao tek nakon što crtić o grašku završi.

Evo: https://www.njuskalo.hr/dvd-filmovi/snjezna-kraljica-palcica-carobnjak-oza-carobni-grasak-dvd-crtani-oglas-15903162

Crtić o dječaku i grašku. by SnooMarzipans3132 in croatia

[–]CROguys 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Dvije crtane adaptacije te bajke mi padaju na pamet.

Jedna koja je bila na onim dvostrukim plavim DVD-ima gdje si imao dva crtića za gledati. Dječak i grašak je bio u kompletu sa Snježnom kraljicom. Gledao sam ga u vrtiću. Bio je prvi DVD u toj seriji ako se ne varam.

Bila je jedna duža japanska adaptacija, isto je bila sinkronizirana na hrvatskom. Znam da je Nostalgia Critic napravio video o njoj.

Također ima jedna njemacka verzija, ali nema hrvatsku sinkronizaciju.

Literature of Croatia: October 2022 by AutoModerator in books

[–]CROguys 1 point2 points  (0 children)

"The Bridge on the Drina," but does that count? He was born in Bosnia to Croat parents I think.

True, but it's overall complicated.

The book is amazing, but it's more fitting to put it into Serbian literature because it is written closer to Serbian standard.

What cultures and time periods are underrepresented in worldbuilding? by kaerneif in worldbuilding

[–]CROguys 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Late antiquity; 17th and 18th century

Sub-saharan and Aboriginal cultures

What's your favourite floating or dream sequence in film? by xluxshrekas in Sardonicast

[–]CROguys 16 points17 points  (0 children)

I love the dream sequence in The Exorcist. It's my favourite depuctions of a nightmare in film.

When it comes to specufically floating: Does Under the Skin count?