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Chwilio'r Safle
Mae'r wefan hon yn defnyddio cwcis i gyflwyno ein gwasanaethau, gwella perfformiad, ar gyfer dadansoddiadau, ac (os nad ydynt wedi llofnodi mewn) ar gyfer hysbysebu. Trwy ddefnyddio LibraryThing rydych yn cydnabod eich bod wedi darllen a deall ein Telerau Gwasanaeth a Pholisi Preifatrwydd. Mae eich defnydd o'r wefan a'r gwasanaethau yn amodol ar y polisïau a'r telerau hyn.

Beth yw LibraryThing?

LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for book lovers.

LibraryThing helps you create and track a library-quality catalog of your media—books (along with movies and music) you own, have read, want to read, etc.

Beyond your personal catalog, LibraryThing's social aspects show and aggregate tags, ratings, reviews, and Common Knowledge (facts about a book or author, like series and awards). Contributing your own tags, reviews, etc. improves cataloging data for everyone. LibraryThing connects people based on the books they share.

For small libraries like classrooms, community centers, and churches, we designed TinyCat, which turns your LibraryThing account into a simple, professional online catalog, ideal for patron browsing and circulation.

For big libraries, we offer LibraryThing for Libraries—OPAC enhancements that make your catalog more engaging and informative.

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