
Royal doppelgängers by followerofEnki96 in HistoryMemes

[–]TheWeirdWoods 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It’s what happens when your family tree is a wreath.

The party reaches through a tear in space-time and picks this up, a +2 mace that does lawful damage. by RoomNo9256 in dndmemes

[–]TheWeirdWoods 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Special ability: will of the people in 15ft cube centered on the caster all enemies within range will take 2d4+profiency bonus psychic damage.


Special ability: Congressional Debate the enemy must pass an opposed intelligence check against the caster. On fail their movement speed drops to zero on success the caster has their movement speed halved.

Sent this to my friends who claim Elden Ring is "too hard" by Wittyjesus in Eldenring

[–]TheWeirdWoods 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Regardless congratulations to your four year old he’s already better than like 50% of players by beating Margit. I’m kind of surprised his fingers are big enough to use the whole controller. I struggled with Mario at his age.

Got what he deserved (context in comments) by EK_TheGenius in HistoryMemes

[–]TheWeirdWoods 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Not going to lie in 1941 Tuvia Bielski could done far worse to that kid. And chances are that kid got killed by a Nazi or a Soviet.

When you're defending on Operations Monte Grappa and the attacking team gets to the last sector with their first battalion: by rreexxxxx in battlefield_one

[–]TheWeirdWoods 1 point2 points  (0 children)

On offense Play medic use the HE grenades launch them at the top right corner of the door and the grenade will get all the way down the stairs and hit the entire lower area. you can kill most of the people holding the hall/corner that way. Two medics do it and you are good 4 medics do it and you’ll be through in one life. Most I ever got was 11 kills with one of the HE grenades. (Though they were definitely wounded before my shot)

So it begins. by boneboy247 in lotrmemes

[–]TheWeirdWoods 308 points309 points  (0 children)

There is near zero possibility Russia publicly apologizes and admits they missed or that they killed anyone. I know everyone is nervous but frankly my guess is either NATO gives Ukraine even longer ranged weapons and uses NATO intelligence assets to give Ukraine the ability to destroy whatever unit or facility hit Poland. In effect retaliating but doing it through Ukraine. Poland gets revenge and Ukraine get to give Russia the finger again. NATO supplies more AA and Missile defense to Poland

So it begins. by boneboy247 in lotrmemes

[–]TheWeirdWoods 980 points981 points  (0 children)

Most of NATO doesn’t actually want to fight Russia despite knowing they will win. What will most likely happen is Poland will be able to use this as argument for increased military buildup, solidarity with Ukraine, more supplies to Ukraine, more sanctions when possible, the moral high ground over Russia which they already had.

Considering how fast Russia was to say that wasn’t us and the relatively low damage means this wasn’t a planned first strike and Russia despite their public propaganda has no interest in having NATO bludgeon their dreams so hard their descendants will only have nightmares.

Well, that's satisfying... by Designer_Smile_8035 in battlefield_one

[–]TheWeirdWoods 4 points5 points  (0 children)

With the french narrator while using the Lebel infantry rifle well done!

Quick maths by PM_meASelfie in HistoryMemes

[–]TheWeirdWoods 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Not to criticize but we seem to really feel like hammering Muslims this week.

meirl by Jimbo072 in meirl

[–]TheWeirdWoods 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That literally took me out my body for a second. That was uncomfortable

God damn it how many people tried to create a death Ray by randomguyfromafrica in HistoryMemes

[–]TheWeirdWoods 6 points7 points  (0 children)

The Germans tried to make one as well and the British stole and both sides realized it didn’t work but it accidentally created radar! Here is a comedic video explaining it.

Fat Electrician Death Ray

The Monarchy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) by BoogsterSU2 in lastweektonight

[–]TheWeirdWoods 27 points28 points  (0 children)

The monarchy should have ended after the Queen’s death. It serves no purpose, costs the UK a ton of money, all so a tax exempt family of inbreds who ruthless changed the history of dozens of nations can live in comfort while contributing nothing of value. And serving as a reminder that their citizens used to literally be their property.

These savages will pay for what they did. by llquartzllll in HistoryMemes

[–]TheWeirdWoods 104 points105 points  (0 children)

While plenty of Nazis went to prison many more obscure ones were elevated to positions of power or simply overlooked in the post war era or used stolen wealth to flee Europe. Think about it. When a soldier witnessed the largest war in human history and think nothing could be more terrible. They came unprepared to incomprehensible atrocity that was the Holocaust you might understand why they felt waiting for a trial was a disservice and that they viewed Dachau as unforgivable. Also they may have worried that some of these monsters would escape punishment.

reality by Morhesh in HistoryMemes

[–]TheWeirdWoods 16 points17 points  (0 children)

You didn’t invade Poland you moved up your afterlife appointment with your chosen deity.

Guess their door got knocked on one too many times. by Knight_Of_MaIta in HistoryMemes

[–]TheWeirdWoods 277 points278 points  (0 children)

What can you expect From filthy little heathens?

Their whole disgusting church is a curse!

Their skin’s a ghostly white

They’re only good to spite

They’re vermin as I said, and worse!

They’re Mormons, Mormons!

Barely even Christians

Drive them from our land

They’re not like you and me

Which means they must be evil

We must have the Mormon WAR!

They’re Mormons, Mormons!

Dirty thieving devils

Now we have the Mormooonnn WARRRRR!

This is what we fear

The Missourians are demons

The only thing they want at all is land.

Beneath their ghostly hide

There’s demons inside.

I wonder if they even bleed.

They’re Missourians, Missourians!

Barely even Christian!

Missourians, Missourians

Sinners at their core.

They’re different from us

Which means they aren’t the chosen

We will have the Mormon War!

so peaceful religion by ChefGreat1796 in HistoryMemes

[–]TheWeirdWoods 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Religion gives people the excuse to do what they were going to do anyway.

Dues Vult means God wills it.

Ancient cultures asked the gods for favor before conquest.

In modern America football teams ask for god’s favor before games.

Serial killers quote the Bible.

There is a Buddhist Monk in Myanmar who is so fueled by hatred he is called the Burmese Bin Laden.

All these examples are people using their religion as excuses for what they planned to do anyway.

Or any anime really by Ju87g-1 in animememes

[–]TheWeirdWoods 9 points10 points  (0 children)

It doesn’t seem special to me but there’s no harm in other people liking it.

What’s your favorite side arm? by Hellothereberry in battlefield_one

[–]TheWeirdWoods 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Nagant Revolver but mostly because I enjoy running around with the Mosin Nagant Infantry at same time.

It is an ensemble.

can't remember where if I found this, but here it goes :P by HollowVesterian in HistoryMemes

[–]TheWeirdWoods 87 points88 points  (0 children)

Somehow you picked the worst gun to do this, but here is a video of how a Mosin works first hit on a YouTube search. Now go find Vasily Zaitsev.

how a Mosin Nagant Works

hide your girl... by PewPewAnimeGirl in wholesomememes

[–]TheWeirdWoods 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That was one of the smoothest and somehow most wholesome attempt to be cool I’ve ever seen. Get this man a pair of shades.

This Guy Just Threw The Senate Election Into Chaos From His Basement by VICENews in politics

[–]TheWeirdWoods 8 points9 points  (0 children)

But that’s not forcing these issues. 81,175 votes were wasted. Neither of these two candidates will suddenly run on a platform that appeals to less than two percent. What’s going to happen is tens of millions of dollars will be poured into the state by every interest imaginable and we just hope Georgians care about deciding the senate.

Daggers have gotten no love... by KingKnightTheKnight in Eldenring

[–]TheWeirdWoods 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Daggers are fun but not good. Their lack of range and inability to flinch opponents is not made up for with their quicker application of most statuses.

Also PVP I win every now and again but frankly you can’t do much and most weapon arts with them are also very short range.

But don’t worry a RoB user with a buddy spamming sorceries will still point down on you after.

Airing of Grievances! by pancak3s_vs_waffl3s in nursing

[–]TheWeirdWoods 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Of course you should use lay on hands, but don’t use the whole pool of health. I don’t want patients rolling death saves, but I definitely don’t want the cleric using revivify. It’s insane that hospitals don’t try and diversify the party with a Barbarian or two.

Edit:I wrote the wrong ability/spell.