
Other driver said I hit him - technically true but seriously what was thinking? by Decent_Bed_8693 in IdiotsInCars

[–]Decent_Bed_8693[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No, I wouldn’t have hit the black car at all as I was trying to get into the left turn only lane to the side of the black car that had no other cars at the time.

Spanish artic questions by hadesandkerch in slp

[–]Decent_Bed_8693 16 points17 points  (0 children)

You are correct! Bilabials cannot be in final word position and there are no glottal sounds in Spanish.

Bilinguistics is a great resource for appropriate target selection for Spanish and bilingual Spanish/English speakers! But I would rule out that this child truly has a speech sound disorder - it seems like whoever wrote the treatment plan just selected generic early artic goals for English speakers and did not consider this kids primary language or language differences.

Other driver said I hit him - technically true but seriously what was thinking? by Decent_Bed_8693 in IdiotsInCars

[–]Decent_Bed_8693[S] 57 points58 points  (0 children)

Not sure how much this will seen but for some clarification - there are two lanes on either side of the road where the video starts, with a double yellow line in the middle. At about 13 seconds, the yellow line & 2 lanes on the opposite side of the road start to shift to the left because there’s a left turn only lane at the light that splits from the lane I was in. So now 3 lanes on our side of the road. I started to slow down for the light, saw the other driver coming to a stop in the right lane, assumed he was stopping for the light, and had just started to shift into the left turn lane (still needing to pass the others already stopped in the lanes going straight to get up to the light) when he made the turn.

Other driver said I hit him - technically true but seriously what was thinking? by Decent_Bed_8693 in IdiotsInCars

[–]Decent_Bed_8693[S] 15 points16 points  (0 children)

🤣 Seriously! I actually moved but still work out there with lots of driving involved 😭

Other driver said I hit him - technically true but seriously what was thinking? by Decent_Bed_8693 in IdiotsInCars

[–]Decent_Bed_8693[S] 68 points69 points  (0 children)

Sure but common sense in this situation would make you think he was braking because he was coming up on that red light, not because he might turn from the far lane into a gas station he had pretty much already passed.

That is just depressing by medical_genesis in facepalm

[–]Decent_Bed_8693 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My first thought was they communicate using echolalia - so repeat phrases they hear exactly as they heard them, but usually mean something other than the literal words said. It’s common is autistic children and actually very likely if that’s the case and the toddler actually takes the phrase to mean good night! 😊

I guess they thought the rest of us were going the wrong way? by Decent_Bed_8693 in IdiotsInCars

[–]Decent_Bed_8693[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No, but looked like they finally figured it out after the guy that had just switched into the lane behind me and also had to stop short gave her the wtf hand wave out of window.

I guess they thought the rest of us were going the wrong way? by Decent_Bed_8693 in IdiotsInCars

[–]Decent_Bed_8693[S] 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Idk, seems like a pretty hard mistake to make considering she almost hit the Kia, then continued on before turning towards me. Definitely just not paring attention and probably didn’t look either way. My turn was the first actual street right after the video ends (gas station, those workshops, then left turn). And no one should be going a speed on this road to where the Kia wouldn’t be able to pass you.

Gestalt language processing/natural language acquisition by aliciabeee in slp

[–]Decent_Bed_8693 1 point2 points  (0 children)

There are also courses on Northern Speech Services (I think I’m remembering that right) that are really helpful and not as expensive.

14 year old student social/prag goals by UpbeatEvening1652 in slp

[–]Decent_Bed_8693 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I agree that it sounds more like emotional regulation than lack of communication skills. I would recommend a teacher consult as well. It seems he doesn’t require direct speech therapy, especially if he is meeting those goals. When I did this, I would meet with the teacher and ask them describe specific situations where there has been an issue, then coach them in how to support the social skills he’s proven he understands in real time. It can be hard to get teachers on board, but better than providing an ineffective and unnecessary service.

Also depending on what other service providers are available in your school/district, it may also be more appropriate to request to reevaluate speech/language considering he has average scores and sounds like he wouldn’t qualify based on guidelines/lack of academic need, and recommend another provider to support using a push in model or counseling services. My old district had special education teachers and paras push in for social skills in elementary and social skills groups (lasting a full period) in middle/high school. If those are available, that may be more effective since it’s more likely for those issues to arise in a natural setting and easier to target in a group. You’re definitely qualified to provide those supports, but probably not the only person on campus that can!

Favorite Resources/Materials by [deleted] in slp

[–]Decent_Bed_8693 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Bjorem speech sound cues are amazing for artic & phono, but definitely pricy. Spark sequencing cards can be used for a ton of language goals and speech carry-over. My playhome app is great for younger kids.