Be civil: Racism, sexism, general bigotry, personal attacks, threats/advocation of violence, and lewd descriptions are all grounds for immediate bans. Do not respond to incivility with more incivility.
Not dead inside: Subject must die inside. Reactions to physical pain do not count. Sports deaths should be unrelated to normal playing of the game. Posting literal death will result in an immediate ban.
No staged deaths: Examples might be most sports stands stuff, television shows, movies, prank shows, reality shows, game shows, etc. Situations where someone said: "Hold on, let me film this. Ok, now react."
Format: No still images, news pages, memes or heavily edited videos.
Avoid reposting: Only applies to posts made in this subreddit. This includes posts from the top 100 of all time or from the last 3 months. Similar submissions in the past that have received a significant number of upvotes are subject to moderator discretion for removal. Repeatedly reposting may result in a ban.
Turtles are friends, not food: Be nice to turtles pls
No Content Creators: No let's plays, livestreamers, podcasts, vlogs or TikTokers.
Descriptive title: All posts should have a descriptive title. Please, include words pertaining to the subject and/or actions of the clip.