
Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX): The Extreme Right, Hate Crime, and Political Violence,

Oslo, Norway
Дата регистрации: декабрь 2015 г.


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  1. Закрепленный твит
    5 июл. 2021 г.

    Check out this year's RTV Trend Report by , Madeleine Thorstensen, and , where we present new and updated data on severe right-wing attacks and plots that occurred in Western Europe in 2020.

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  2. 9 часов назад

    Thanks to for contributing to the social and academic life at and for doing important research on the mainstreaming of the far-right. Make sure to read her publications in the years to come!

  3. 13 мая

    New blogpost out 📢In their new piece discuss how bodily autonomy is under attack in the US, and that access to abortion and gender-affirming care is being dismantled by Christian-Right theocracy.

  4. 12 мая

    Next webinar in our and webinar series will be "Going Nativist: How to Interview the Radical Right?" with and Koen Damhuis on June 9. "

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  5. 12 мая

    Check out website for more resources on 'formers'

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  6. 12 мая

    Thanks to , director and deputy director for a very interesting webinar on 'former extremists'.

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  7. 12 мая
  8. 12 мая
  9. 12 мая

    Staring in 4 hours: What can we learn from interviewing formers? Today's webinar in the 'Researching the Far Right series by & (mod. by / ). Today, and will share their insights.

  10. ретвитнул(а)
    11 мая

    Some followers may be interested in this event tomorrow, Thursday, featuring contributions from ’s and at ’s . More info.:

  11. ретвитнул(а)
    10 мая

    Notre étudiante-chercheure () cosigne un billet sur le blogue du avec concernant le succès électoral de Marine Le Pen lors des dernières présidentielles françaises. À lire ici 👀👇

  12. 11 мая

    We are experiencing some technical difficulties but you can now join us for the webinar on the far right in Central America 🇳🇮🇸🇻🇬🇹 with Laura Sala moderated . Co-hosted with .

  13. 11 мая

    📢Webinar on the far right in Central America start in 2 hours. Today we are pleased to have Laura Sala ( ) as main speaker, moderated by . The webinar is a part of our Global Perspectives on the Far Right webinar series co-hosted .

  14. 10 мая

    What can we learn from interviewing ‘formers’? In the next webinar in the 'Researching the far right: methods and ethics' series by & , and will discuss this topic. Thursday May 12, 2022 3:00 PM–4:00 PM

  15. 10 мая

    Join us tomorrow for a webinar on the far right in Central America 🇳🇮🇸🇻🇬🇹 w/ Laura Sala ( ) moderated by Part of our Global Perspectives on the Far Right webinar series co-hosted 🗓️11 May, 15:00-16:00 CET

  16. 9 мая

    Start this week off with a new paper from and affiliate . In this Sociology piece, they explore what role - and how - emotions played a part in the BLM-mobilization.

  17. ретвитнул(а)
    6 мая

    Can’t wait for my visit of next week generously sponsored by . I will finally visit and meet in person as well as present my 2 ongoing project (one solo and another with ). Will be my first time ever in 🇳🇴

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  18. ретвитнул(а)
    5 мая

    4 – from explains in twelve short points the most important aspects of the current “wave” of foreign fighters in Ukraine.

  19. 5 мая

    And (3), that serious acts of violence in Greece are directed mostly against migrants and refugees, or against political opponents. /End

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  20. 5 мая

    Their analyses reveals (1) that Greece has experienced much more far-right violence than any other country during this period; (2) that violence is carried out by so-called lone actors much less frequently in Greece than in other countries /2

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  21. 5 мая

    In a pub by dep. dir and researcher . The authors use the unique developed RTV dataset and compare far-right violence in Greece with that in other Western European countries between 2016 and 2022 /1

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