Yeah Nah Pasaran! #135 w David Broder on the Italian election : October 6, 2022

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah Pasaran! on 3CR we talk to David Broder [Twitter]. A translator and Jacobin Europe editor, his next book is titled Mussolini’s Grandchildren: Fascism in Contemporary Italy (Pluto Press, 2022) which ‘Shows the direct lineage between Mussolini’s fascism and the thriving contemporary Italian far-right’.

See : Italy’s drift to the far right began long before the rise of Giorgia Meloni, The Guardian, September 26, 2022 | In Italy’s Deserted Democracy, Far-Right Giorgia Meloni Has Emerged Victorious, Jacobin, September 26, 2022.

We spoke to David about the election, Giorgia Meloni, Fratelli d’Italia, fascism and hobbits.

See also : The Italian Far Right’s Long March Back to Power, Alexander Reid-Ross, New Lines, September 27, 2022 | Giorgia Meloni claims victory to become Italy’s most far-right prime minister since Mussolini, Kara Fox, Barbie Latza Nadeau, Antonia Mortensen, Nicola Ruotolo, Sharon Braithwaite and Valentina DiDonato, CNN, September 25, 2022 | Giorgia Meloni and the return of fascism: how Italy got here, George Newth, The Conversation, September 23, 2022 | ‘Melonomics’, Simone Gasperin, El País, September 22, 2022 | Hobbits and the Hard Right: How Fantasy Inspires Italy’s Potential New Leader, Jason Horowitz, The New York Times, September 21, 2022.

4.30pm, Thursday, October 6, 2022 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• A longer version of this episode will be available as a podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms after broadcast.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in Anti-fascism, History, State / Politics, That's Capitalism! | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

antifa notes (october 2, 2022) : nazis @ Australia Cup (Sydney) + Youth Fest (Melbourne)

[Update (October 3, 2022) : Football Australia starts disciplinary action against Sydney United 58 over fascist songs and salutes from fans, Emma Kemp, The Guardian | OPINION : Sydney United fans re-opened football’s old wounds, and only we can fix it, Thomas Williams, Kick360, October 2.]

Balwyn Boys Go To Moonee Ponds


A dozen or so masked neo-Nazis belonging to the ‘National Socialist Network’ (NSN) protested a queer-friendly youth event (YouthFest 2022!) in Moonee Ponds on Friday. Under the wise leadership of NSN fuehrer Tom Sewell and the protection of Victoria Police, the boys occupied a smol portion of the park for several hours before leaving around 4pm. Below are two accounts of how the afternoon unfolded:


Today a dozen members of the National Socialist Network protested the Moonee Ponds Youth Fest. Dressed in black and wearing masks, they held banners calling the drag performer headlining the event a demon and a paedophile. Victoria Police formed a line between the NSN and the community event and proceeded to facilitate their protest for the remaining three hours of the event.

When community members implored Moonee Ponds Council staff to “do something” about the neo-Nazis who were performing sieg-heils and snapping pics for social media, the staff members told members of the public that giving these fascists attention was letting them win.

While it was powerful to watch young queer musicians take the stage and play for the children and youths despite the neo-Nazi intimidation, it is a dangerous mistake to treat fascists like badly behaved children. These are adult men who practice a violent ideology and will use opportunities like children’s events to platform their beliefs.

These men are not badly behaved children who will run out of steam if everyone turns their backs. While people aren’t looking, they will take up more space and perform more escalatory acts, knowing that they can seed acts of violence and build a following in doing so. That was their intention in occupying the centre of today’s event in Moonee Ponds, and they were successful in their mission.

Despite the Council staff trying to calm concerned community members and convince everyone that inaction was the best response, a network of concerned queers and anti-fascists gathered and held banners and signs in response to the neo-Nazis. In attempting to counter the fascist presence, counter-protesters were implored to “think of the children” by members of Victoria Police. This was while neo-Nazis continued to jeer and sieg-heil while a young musician played. The counter-protesters continued to hold their ground regardless, and were thanked by parents and youth who appreciated people standing up to the NSN.

The response by Victoria Police today was an outrageous distortion of democracy. When community members approached Victoria Police to ask what their response would be, police officers said that the NSN were protesting peacefully and therefore were protected by the democratic right to protest. These men, wearing masks and sieg-heiling at children, were considered peaceful, considered to not be disrupting the peace. To position acts of fascism as within the bounds of democracy is to legalise hate.

Attending police officers eventually shifted the narrative to claim that the NSN were too dangerous to move off, and that they had to wait until enough reinforcements arrived to act on the fascist presence. When anti-fascists formed a line of counter-protest, however, more police officers appeared in an instant, to ensure that the fascist and anti-fascist groups could not interact with each other. Clearly Victoria Police could have acted if they wanted to, but it was too hard. Instead they opted to allow the NSN to intimidate a community event and beg anti-fascists to do nothing.

This is why we cannot rely on police to counter fascism effectively, as their priorities will always lie elsewhere. It is something of a fashion these days for the far-right to target drag and LGBTQIA+ events worldwide. Now more than ever we must look out for each other and stand up to fascism. Today was a reminder that the police and the state will inevitably find it easier to close their eyes and act as if nothing is happening.

Pretending that neo-Nazis are not standing right there will not make them go away. If your house is on fire it will burn down whether you shut your eyes or not.


The National Socialist Network appeared to mobilise 10 people to spew racism, queer and transphobia at a City of Moonee Valley Youth Fest, featuring a drag performance, in Queens Park. The council event drew a few dozen parents, young people, council staff, and a few food trucks. The nazi’s two banners displayed antisemitism and transphobia aimed at the drag performer and trans and Jewish people generally.

For the first hour and a half to two hours—there wasn’t an antifa contingent presence. But DJs trolled the nazis, as cops formed between the nazis and the festival. The confronting scene led at least one person to tears.

Queer antifa scrambled together and decided to do a symbolic counter protest. Security and cops told us to ignore them, as if their presence was not a threat against us. They tried to stop opposition, warning us it would ‘escalate’ the grotesque situation they had already escalated by facilitating the nazis as a ‘legitimate’ demonstration, and suggested if the nazi’s attacked us we were at fault.

By the end of the event towards 3:50pm when the nazis left, the counter protest was over double the size of the nazi presence. However, the nazis’ presence successfully led to the drag performer belial.bzaar not doing their performance.* There was a centrist sort of vibe from officials not wanting to directly call out the nazis from the mic.

Many people actively thanked us for our presence (even security who warned us against doing anything, by the end had come around). Some people said the event was on their radar as a cosmic right target, and was posted on some cooker social media, but they were surprised by the nazi presence, and noted nazis have been influenced by similar acts overseas.

It is worrying that nazis are brazenly targeting such public events and antifa networks have atrophied, unable to mobilise enough to push them out. Sky News was also present, eager to eat the nazi’s media bait (although only publishing one tweet).

Some questions coming out of the day. How can we build rapid response antifa networks and queer self-defence? How do we build solidarity across struggles, and win people over to see policing as reactionary along with (and connected to) the far-right? How would we challenge a situation that brought in other factions of the right and far-right?

Beyond this, like their kameraden in the United States and United Kingdom (and supplemented by some very ‘mainstream’ sources), local neo-Nazis have selected the trans community as an easy target for their bullying and intimidation, in this case young people (12–25). Whether or not this campaign targeting LGBTQIA+ events will continue remains to be seen, though it would make sense for organisers of future such events to give some thought to the prospect, and for anti-fascists to pay increased attention to them.

*‘The drag performer played their first set on stage a half hour before the NSN arrived. They were unable to perform their second set on police advice. Sadly. Frustratingly. A ukulele group and a solo singer/guitarist were able to perform after the NSN arrived.’

Macarthur: 2 def. Sydney United 58: 0

Oh dear.

Macarthur played Sydney United 58 on Saturday night for the Australia Cup and, while the team lost 2–0, a segment of its fans won a public spotlight for their racist and fascist antics and, as a result, the cone of silence which surrounds its Ustasha-supporting fanbase may have finally been lifted.

See : The Fascists Are Here, And Nobody Cares, Jamie Brodie, Medium, October 1, 2022 | Sydney United 58 fans condemned for Nazi salutes and booing of Welcome to Country, Daniel Hirst, ABC, October 2, 2022 | Football Australia under pressure to issue lifetime bans for Sydney fans who made Nazi salute, Royce Kuremelovs, The Guardian, October 2, 2022 | Football Australia promises ‘strong and swift action’ against Nazi-saluting fans, Vince Rugari, The Sydney Morning Herald, October 2, 2022.

It’s an open secret that segments of the Croatian community in Australia pine for a return to and the re-establishment of the Nazi-era ‘Independent State of Croatia’, a defunct political entity responsible for horrific crimes:

After seizing power, the Ustaša authorities erected numerous concentration camps in Croatia between 1941 and 1945. These camps were used to isolate and murder Jews, Serbs, Roma (also known as Gypsies), and other non-Catholic minorities, as well as Croatian political and religious opponents of the regime. The largest of these centers was the Jasenovac complex, a string of five camps on the bank of the Sava River, about 60 miles south of Zagreb. It is presently estimated that the Ustaša regime murdered between 77,000 and 99,000 people in Jasenovac between 1941 and 1945.

As detailed by Mark Aarons in Sanctuary! Nazi Fugitives in Australia (William Heinemann Australia, 1989) and War Criminals Welcome: Australia, A Sanctuary for Fugitive War Criminals Since 1945 (Black Inc., 2001), the Ustaše carried on its activities in exile, concluding his review (War Criminals Welcome, p.441) as follows:

The continuity between the mass killers of World War II and the younger generation of Ustaše supporters was illustrated when Serbian dictator Slobodan Milošević [1941–2006] launched the Bosnian and Croatian wars in the early 1990s. Indeed, many Australian Ustaše militants welcomed this opportunity to settle scores with the Serbs and help build a new fascist Croatian state. The younger generation showed that it, too, could display fanatical support for Ustaše principles … [T]here is strong evidence that some of these younger militants travelled to Croatia in the 1990s and joined paramilitary units that carried out war crimes against both Serbs and Bosnian Muslims. Like their fathers and grandfathers before them, they appear to have found sanctuary from investigation, let alone justice, following their return to Australia. This is, of course, the legacy bequeathed by successive Australian governments — both Labor and Liberal — in admitting and then protecting Croatian Nazis against the best advice of the Director General of Security, W.B. Simpson, who in 1944 predicted with remarkable foresight events which would unfold over the next fifty years.

For a more recent account of Ustasha activities in Australia, see : In Australia, Some Croats Openly Celebrate Fascism, Seb Starcevic, Balkan Insight, September 10, 2019 (‘As Croatia struggles with fascist nostalgia and historical revisionism, thousands of miles away in Australia, the Croatian community openly celebrates its Ustasa links’). For an overview of Croatian ultra-nationalism during the Cold War, see : Croatian Radical Separatism and Diaspora Terrorism During the Cold War, Mate Nikola Tokić, Purdue University Press, 2020 (‘In Australia alone, Croatian separatists carried out no less than sixty-five significant acts of violence in one ten-year period. Diaspora Croats developed one of the most far-reaching terrorist networks of the Cold War and, in total, committed on average one act of terror every five weeks worldwide between 1962 and 1980.’). Finally, note that the forthcoming volume Histories of Fascism and Anti-Fascism in Australia, Evan Smith, Jayne Persian and Vashti Jane Fox (eds.) (Routledge, 2022) includes a chapter by Drew Cottle and Angela Keys on ‘Fascism in Exile: Ustasha-Linked Organisations in Australia’.

See also : Nazi collaborator monuments in Australia, Lev Golinkin, Forward, January 27, 2021 | Melbourne Croatia/Knights ultras still being d*ckheads (February 22, 2015) | Croatian fascism in Australia (January 20, 2010) | “Scum” issue statement on 2007 ISD gig at Melbourne Croatia (November 7, 2007) | ‘One, Two, Three — Ustasha Are We!’ in Rooted in Secrecy: The Clandestine Element in Australian Politics, Joan Coxsedge, Ken Coldicutt and Gerry Harrant, Committee for the Abolition of Political Police, 1982.

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Yeah Nah Pasaran! #134 w Raja of The Humanism Project on Hindutva : September 29, 2022

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah Pasaran! on 3CR we talk to Raja of The Humanism Project [Twitter]. The Humanism Project is an Australian-based not-for-profit social justice advocacy group. We spoke to Raja about Hindu nationalism and its impacts upon the Indian diaspora, including in Australia.

• Next Friday evening, October 7, The Humanism Project and Green Left are holding a film screening and discussion ‘to mark two years of unjust incarceration of 18 students and activists in India who were charged with terrorism for protesting against changes to the citizenship law that threatened to disenfranchise Indian Muslims’. Please see Global Solidarity with Defenders of Indian Constitution for more infos.

• On the concept of Hinduphobia and hate speech, see this Twitter thread by the ‘Alliance Against Islamophobia’ | Islamophobia in the digital age: a study of anti-Muslim tweets, Umar Butler, Islamic Council of Victoria, August 10, 2022 | See also : Dangerous Speech: A Practical Guide, The Dangerous Speech Project, April 19, 2021 | Accusation in a Mirror, Kenneth L. Marcus, Loyola University Chicago Law Journal, Vol.43, No.2, Winter 2012 | Accusations in a Mirror: How the Radical Right Blames Rising Political Violence on the Left, Cassie Miller, Southern Poverty Law Centre, June 11, 2019.

• On Hindutva, the Indian school curricula, and the promotion of the Manu Smriti and Varna or caste system, see : VCK Leader Criticises CBSE Class 6 Book Displaying ‘Varna System’, Asks SC, ST Not Part of Hinduism?, Archana R., News18, September 22, 2022 | Modern Civil Law Systems and Manu Smriti, Vijai Kumar Singhal, Hindu Council of Australia, August 3, 2021.

• On Hindutva in Australia, see : Indian diaspora vilified and threatened by Hindutva hate groups, Amit Bharti, Australasian Muslim Times, July 22, 2022 | Tensions boil over in Sydney’s Indian community as farmers’ protests in Delhi continue, Kathleen Calderwood, ABC, March 16, 2021.

See/hear also : Yeah Nah Pasaran! #016 w Eviane Leidig on the far-right, India & The West : April 30, 2020 | Yeah Nah Pasaran! #005 w Shuddhabrata Sengupta on BJP, CAA, Delhi & fascism in India : February 13, 2020 | What is Hindu nationalism and how does it relate to trouble in Leicester?, Hannah Ellis-Petersen, The Guardian, September 21, 2022 | On the Difference Between Hinduism and Hindutva, Arvind Sharma, Education About Asia, Association of Asian Studies, Vol.25, No.1 (Spring 2020).

4.30pm, Thursday, September 29, 2022 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• This episode will be available as a podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms after broadcast.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, History, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

slackbastard 1 def Dennis Huts 0

About a month ago (August 28), I was informed by Facebook that my page had once again been un-published. Yesterday, it was restored.

As indicated above, responsibility/credit for the deletion was assumed by Dennis Huts, a Perth-based member of the defunct ‘United Patriots Front’ (UPF); the UPF’s own presence on ‘Jewbook’ was terminated in mid-2017 (at which point it had accumulated well over 120,000 likes and follows to spread racist and fascist propaganda to).

Further, as The Intercept reported on October 21 last year, the UPF was one of over 4,000 entities that Facebook later designated ‘Dangerous Individuals and Organizations’ (DIO); inclusion on the blacklist means references to DIO are censored and users risk being penalised as a result.

In which context, I suppose it’s worth noting that, despite being a member of a DIO, Huts was and, presumably, remains free to harness Facebook to have content critical of fascist activism removed from it.

Finally, ‘Australian Meditations 51’ is Stefan Eracelous, a Melbourne-based neo-Nazi whose most recent brush with fame was allegedly extorting $651 from The Irish Times Pub; the ’51’ is a reference to the number of Muslims the Christchurch killer murdered, an act which neo-Nazis celebrate and memeify. Earlier this year, Eracelous was also responsible for an Invasion Day stunt in which he and a handful of his neo-Nazi comrades burned the Aboriginal flag:

The video was poorly filmed and produced, reeking of a desperate effort to gain publicity and followers for a new extremist group.

Yet it began to gain traction with mainstream news outlets, largely because it singled out Greens senator Lidia Thorpe, who is also Indigenous. The senator’s name, alongside a vicious racist slur, was written on a sign behind the men. Soon, terror experts were warning of the potential for the video to incite attacks or further harassment of Thorpe, a development the anonymous neo-Nazi propagandist who uploaded the video greeted with glee in subsequent online postings.

Note that Thorpe’s intransigent anti-colonialism has most recently found expression by way of her refusal to accord the ‘National Day of Mourning for Her Majesty The Queen’ sufficient respecc (see : Don’t ask me to give the Queen a minute’s silence, ask me for the truth about British colonialism, The Guardian, September 14, 2022), and she remains a regular target of neo-Nazi and racist ire.

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Yeah Nah Pasaran! #133 w Joe Mulhall on Drums In The Distance: Journeys Into the Global Far Right : September 22, 2022

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah Pasaran! on 3CR we talk to Joe Mulhall [Twitter]. Joe is Director of Research at Hope not hate and the author of Drums in the Distance: Journeys into the Global Far Right (Icon Books, 2021):

A terrifying and timely look at the spread of far-right movements across the globe.

Joe Mulhall knows what it’s like to stare fascism in the face. For a decade, often undercover at significant personal risk, he has investigated hate groups.

He infiltrated a US white supremacist militia, set up a fake Ku Klux Klan branch, has been on countless street marches with violent far-right groups across Europe, and got inside some of the most important ‘alt-right’ meetings ever held. Brazil, India and the US are still in thrall to authoritarian populism, and far-right views have become steadily normalised in mainstream politics. Mulhall’s dramatic experiences on the front line of anti-fascist activism, coupled with his academic research, clearly explain the roots of both elected and non-elected far-right movements across the globe. Above all, he concludes, the far right should not be dehumanised – they are normal people, but with dangerous beliefs that can be defeated.

See/hear also : Yeah Nah Pasaran! #063 w Joe Mulhall of Hope Not Hate : April 8, 2021.

4.30pm, Thursday, September 22, 2022 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• A longer version of this episode will be available as a podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms after broadcast.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Death, History, Media, State / Politics, Student movement, Television, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Yeah Nah Pasaran! #132 w Samantha Kutner on Proud Boys & January 6 : September 15, 2022

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah Pasaran! on 3CR we talk to Sam Kutner [Twitter]. Sam is a Fellow at The Accelerationism Research Consortium, the host of The Glitterpill Podcast and a Proud Boys Whisperer.

We first spoke to Sam about the Boys back in July 2020; in this episode we look at what the Boys have been up to since then, and especially their role in the failed insurrection of January 6, 2021.

See also : Press Release: Our Contribution to the January 6th Select Committee, Khalifer Ilher, July 12, 2022 | A note on the Proud Boys in Australia (February 4, 2021).

4.30pm, Thursday, September 15, 2022 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• This episode will be available as a podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms after broadcast.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Death, History, Media, Sex & Sexuality, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Yeah Nah Pasaran! #131 w Terri E. Givens on The Roots of Racism : September 8, 2022

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah Pasaran! on 3CR we talk to Terri E. Givens [Twitter]. Terri is a Professor of Political Science at McGill University and the author of The Roots of Racism: The Politics of White Supremacy in the US and Europe (Bristol University Press, 2022):

Racism has deep roots in both the United States and Europe. This important book examines the past, present, and future of racist ideas and politics. It describes how policies have developed over a long history of European and White American dominance of political institutions that maintain White supremacy.

Givens examines the connections between immigration policy and racism that have contributed to the rise of anti-immigrant, radical-right parties in Europe, the rise of Trumpism in the US, and the Brexit vote in the UK. This book provides a vital springboard for people, organizations, and politicians who want to dismantle structural racism and discrimination.

See also : From violence to empathy and change, Terri E. Givens, Transforming Society, January 25, 2022.

4.30pm, Thursday, September 8, 2022 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• This episode will be available as a podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms after broadcast.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

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antifa notes (september 4, 2022) : No Bar For Nazis +++

A few weeks ago, a group of nazis walked into a bar.

TL;DR: a bartender spat in one of their beers and told them to leave; reportedly (as a result of a social media campaign by the nazis and their friends), the pub’s management subsequently sacked this worker (and one other), issued an apology to the nazis and their leader, Tom Sewell, and paid one of them, Stefan Eracleous, $651 for the privilege (the ’51’ being a reference to the 51 Muslims slaughtered by a neo-Nazi in Christchurch in March, 2019).

This coming weekend (Saturday, September 10), a benefit gig has been organised by the James Connolly Association Australia and the Community Union Defence League. At the request of the sacked workers, monies raised will be donated to a queer charity nominated by them. For more information, please see : Irish times pub: workers solidarity fundraiser.

See also : Fundraiser in support of bartender who spat in neo-Nazi’s beer raising money for queer charities, news dot com dot au, September 1, 2022 (‘The Melbourne bartender who spat in a neo-Nazi’s beer and lost his job has won support from the community with an event the white supremacists will hate.’).

Speaking of nazis who attended the bar in early August, in addition to Stefan Eracleous, Jimeone Roberts (earlier convicted of spreading nazi propaganda in Caulfield in an act described by Magistrate David Starvaggi as ‘one of the most disgusting, vile, repugnant acts of antisemitism and racial behaviour that I have ever seen’) and Ricky Turner, last week serial pest Neil Erikson had his appeal against a conviction for disturbing a religious gathering denied, and on Thursday was sentenced to 40 days’ jail.

In 2022, ‘Chief Judge Kidd found Erikson had shown no insight into his offending and the punishment needed elements of general deterrence for him and public denunciation’, while in 2014, after being found guilty of stalking a local Melbourne rabbi and sentenced to a 12-month community correction order, Magistrate Donna Bakos said she had no doubt Erikson’s calls were motivated by prejudice and found he had little remorse for his crime. In NSW, Erikson has an outstanding warrant for allegedly disturbing another Christian service in Gosford in 2018, and a month after the Christchurch massacre, in April 2019, he disrupted a Muslim prayer service in Federation Square. Sentenced to 28 days’ jail in May 2021 (Far-right extremist lodges appeal against jail term just hours after being taken into custody, Sarah Farnsworth, ABC, May 11, 2021), I’m unsure what became of his appeal.

See also : Melbourne extremist Neil Erikson jailed for church abuse, news dot com dot au, September 1, 2022 | ‘Unelectable’: Victorian Liberals seek to dump Mormon candidate, Paul Sakkal, The Age, January 10, 2022.


Cameron Brodie-Hall, a graduate of Iron March, ‘has applied for home detention bail in the Adelaide Magistrates Court to live with his parents after being charged with possessing extremist material in April 2021. He is yet to enter a plea to the charges’ (Accused supporter of Adelaide neo-Nazi movement Cameron Brodie-Hall applies for home detention bail, Meagan Dillon, ABC, August 30, 2022).

Also on August 30, 2022, the Victorian Parliament’s Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee published its Report, ‘Inquiry into extremism in Victoria’.

See : Inquiry into far-right extremism in Victoria makes 12 recommendations to counter spread, ABC | Far-right groups targeting young people, inquiry finds, David Escourt, The Age | Far right’s access to guns a ‘significant concern’ and national register needed, Victorian inquiry warns, Adeshola Ore, The Guardian (August 30, 2022).

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Yeah Nah Pasaran! #130 w Lydia Khalil on The Rise of the Extreme Right : September 1, 2022

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah Pasaran! on 3CR we talk to Lydia Khalil [Twitter]. Lydia is inter alia a Research Fellow at the Lowy Institute, an Associate Research Fellow at Deakin University and the author of a new book, Rise of the Extreme Right: The New Global Extremism and the Threat to Democracy (Penguin, 2022):

… what exactly is right-wing extremism and how is its potential for violence growing? Why is it a global problem? How does it threaten democracy and what should we do about it? Rise of the Extreme Right will answer these questions while situating Australia within the global threat landscape.

See/hear also : Lydia Khalil @ GNET | Why is right-wing extremism on the rise?, ABC Religion & Ethics Report, August 24, 2022 | Great Replacement was here long before social media, Jamie Seidel, Cosmos, May 27, 2022 | The terror arrests you missed, 7am (The Saturday Paper), May 21, 2021.

4.30pm, Thursday, September 1, 2022 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• This episode will be available as a podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms after broadcast.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in Anti-fascism, History, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Yeah Nah Pasaran! #129 w Tom Tanuki on freedumb/conspiracy/borders : August 25, 2022

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah Pasaran! on 3CR we talk to Tom Tanuki [Twitter]. Inter alia, Tom is ‘a writer, satirist, foghorn and pest’. We spoke to him about a recent case of alleged child kidnapping and the influence of fringe conspiracies on the anti-lockdown movement (see : Sov cit child abduction ring?, August 17, 2022) and a little about Avi Yemini’s adventures in Aotearoa; Tom’s latest for Independent Australia is Neo-Nazi pub incident more complex than it seems (August 13, 2022).

4.30pm, Thursday, August 25, 2022 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• This episode will be available as a podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms after broadcast.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, History, Media, Sex & Sexuality, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , | Leave a comment