About 3CAFA

3 Counties Anti-Fascist Alliance is a network of anti-fascists based in Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire. We exist to confront fascist activity and organisation wherever it may occur within our region.

We utilise a wide range of tactics and believe it is important to confront fascism physically as well as ideologically. From information gathering and leafleting through to pickets and direct action, we will use whatever tactics are best suited to oppose fascism at any given time.

Unlike other ‘anti-fascist’ groups we are non-hierarchical and believe in grassroots organisation. We will not work with any state-affiliated groups. We are not associated with Searchlight/Hope not Hate or Unite Against Fascism in any way.

You can view our founding statement here, which looks at our aims and principles in greater detail.

2 responses to “About 3CAFA

  • Novos grupos anarquistas na Grã-Bretanha « Anarcopunk.org ::: Notícias

    […] A Aliança Anti-fascista de Three Counties é uma nova iniciativa nos arredores de Gloucestershire, Herefordshire e Worcestershire. Eles existem para confrontar a atividade e organização fascista aonde quer que ocorra na região, utilizando uma ampla diversidade tática, incluindo o recolhimento de informações e panfletagem através de piquetes e ação direta, o que quer que seja mais apropriado para se opor ao fascismo a qualquer hora. Ao contrário de outros grupos “anti-fascistas”, eles são não-hierárquicos e acreditam em uma organização popular, e não trabalha nem trabalhará com qualquer grupo filiado ao Estado. Não estão de nenhuma forma associados com Searchlight/Hope not Hate (Esperança, não Ódio) ou Unite Against Fascism (Unidos Contra o Fascismo). Se você tem algo a dizer, contate-os através do e-mail: 3cafa@riseup.net ou visite o site: https://3cafa.wordpress.com/about/. […]

  • Getting Active » Freedom Press - The Home of Freedom Books and Freedom Newspaper

    […] Three Counties Anti-Fascist Alliance is a new initiative in the Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire area. They exist to confront fascist activity and organisation wherever it may occur within the region, utilising a wide range of tactics including information gathering and leafleting through to pickets and direct action, whatever’s best suited to oppose fascism at any given time. Unlike other ‘anti-fascist’ groups they are non-hierarchical and believe in grassroots organisation and will not work with any state-affiliated groups. They are not associated with Searchlight/Hope not Hate or Unite Against Fascism in any way. If you have anything to say, contact them via email: 3cafa@riseup.net or visit Website: https://3cafa.wordpress.com/about/ […]

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