Monthly Archives: August 2012

“Man jailed for racist attack on Cheltenham mosque”

A man has been jailed after leaving a pigs head tied to the gates of Cheltenham Mosque and daubing racist graffiti, in an apparent ‘revenge attack’ against Muslims after seeing members of the extremist ‘Muslims Against Crusades’ burn poppies on remembrance day.

Simon Parkes

The incident happened on November 13th 2010, when him and an unknown accomplice arrived late at night, hooded and masked up. They left the pigs head tied to the gate, and painted ‘Rag Heads Out’ on a wall.

Simon Parkes, 45, of Crown Close, Bishop’s Cleeve, was charged with racially or religiously aggravated criminal damage and a public order offence on July 14, 2012. On August 9 he pleaded guilty at Cheltenham Magistrates and yesterday he was been sentenced to four months at Gloucester Crown Court.

– Whilst 3 Counties Anti-Fascists fully condemn the racist actions of Simon Parkes and his indiscriminate targeting of Muslims, we would also like to point out that we fully oppose the hate-filled ideology behind ‘Muslims Against Crusades.’ We believe that they and groups such as the EDL and BNP are different sides of the same coin – both standing in the way of working class unity , freedom and equality.

Possible racist graffiti in Herefordshire

In the last couple of months swastikas and anti-Polish graffiti has appeared on a number of road signs across Herefordshire. West Mercia Plod said there is no racist motive and put it down to ‘pranksters.’ The fact that a number of swastikas have also appeared and the clear anti-Polish sentiment makes us think differently.

3 Counties Anti-Fascists are appealing for any information relating to the graffiti; so if you know who’s responsible or spot any more, then please get in touch.

When hate slogans appear and stay in place for a long time it gives the impression that nobody in the area cares. This makes racists feel more confident and foreigners more isolated. When they get removed quickly the opposite message is sent out.

If you spot any racist or fascist graffiti anywhere in the Three Counties, take a picture, remove it if you can, and send us an email at giving the date and location so we can add it to our database.

The remnants of the EDL & the ‘Master Race’ in northern day trips

Antifascists were out in force on the streets of Sunderland today (August 11th) outnumbering the nazi boneheads of the National Front three to one. The NF fascists were out to protest against a proposed mosque in the area. Another failed attempt to create community tension.

The deluded nazis, dwindling in numbers, claimed that the NF had “won the day” (?) on the Sky Tyne-and-Wear news page, only a bonafide bonehead would come to that conclusion, and only an underhand scumbag would lie about the circumstances. The NF now propose to waste everyones time including their own once a month protesting on the green.

Also ..

The EDL made complete cocks of themselves at their Blackpool fancy dress party (August 5th)

“Where’s the fucking film crew? it’s freezin..”

Also .. gee they’re busy ..

Roughly around 80-100 knuckledragging racists that missed the evolutionary ‘jump’ turned up on August 4th surprisingly in Keighley, West Yorkshire. Why? No one knows.

“City star Lee Smith pays cost for race rant”

A FORMER Worcester City footballer who posted a racist tweet against immigrants on Remembrance Day has been ordered to pay £600 in fines and costs.

Lee Smith, aged 28, used foul language in the tweet, which called for illegal immigrants to be killed.

The tweet, which referred to the war-based online game Call of Duty, was spotted by a journalist who reported it to police and Smith was arrested.

After he was charged for the offence Smith’s contract was not renewed at Worcester and he has since been unable to find another football club to sign him, magistrates in Cheltenham were told yesterday.

Smith denied posting a racially aggravated, threatening, abusive or insulting tweet which was likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress.

But he was convicted and fined £100 plus £500 costs.

His assertion that he had meant to send two tweets but got them mixed up into one which gave an impression of racism was dismissed by the bench.

In his offensive tweet, on November 11 last year, midfielder Smith, of Arreton Road, Gloucester, said he respected all the heroes of 11/11/11 “but all the illegal foreign ***** should **** off out of out of the country.or Call of Duty could become a reality – kill um”.

Derek Ryder, prosecuting, said: “His use of words including ‘kill um’ showed his hostility towards illegal immigrants.

“And foreigners has been taken as a reference to a racial group in previous cases.”

Smith told police he was not used to using Twitter and thought he had just been talking to friends.

He said he just wanted to give respect to the heroes in the armed services for what they had done, and he did not think it was right that illegal immigrants should be taking jobs from people in this country.

“Call of Duty was nothing to do with that,” he told police. “It was a reference to going online and playing the game with friends later. I meant it to be a different thing. I was not making a reference to killing illegal immigrants and it was not meant to be in the same message.

“I don’t want them to be harmed in any way.

“I’m not very good at Twitter because I have not been doing it very long.”

He said he made the tweet on his phone but had since lost it. Lisa Ellis, defending, said Smith would not be giving evidence.

“Mr Smith had no reason to believe that any person would be caused distress by the tweet,” she said.

“He is not familiar with the site and is not a regular user.”

Finding him guilty, chairman of the bench Mike Stayte said: “The words demonstrated hostility and were abusive and insulting and the reference to Call of Duty was a real threat.” Smith was ordered to pay a fine of £100, victim surcharge of £15 and costs of £500.


National Front Solihull ‘flash’ demo

Updated: Found one photo of sixteen boneheads standing outside an empty shop in Solihull this afternoon, apparently it was a ‘flash’ demo according to their facebook page.

If they stayed any longer than to have their picture taken is anyone’s guess.

As well as flashing in Solihull this afternoon the master race also made a ten bonehead appearance in Cheadle, Staffordshire to protest a cafe that sells pizzas, kebabs, burgers and curries.

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