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IMHO: It feels like you’re dancing around with your writing and the informality sounds a little too clever. The music comparison works but gets repetitive.

Score hidden · 1 hour ago

My husband is 5'10" and both of his best friends are over 6' tall. Surely this guy has noticed that he can't be 6'3" by now? Such a weird thing for him to hold on to.

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Yeah, I agree. Sounds like he lied about it and was caught. I’m 6’1 and have close friends that are 6’0, 5’11, and 6’2. It’s very easy to tell the difference between our heights even though it’s only 1-2 inches. It’s all about eye level when conversing and there’s no way he didn’t notice the difference between himself and someone 6’0+.

I personally find you attractive, but more so in the pics where you’re out and about, having a good time. You look better without bangs, too.

Man, just remembering all those situations is enough to point out something being wrong inside, not outside. Can you seriously not rate your own looks at least somewhat objectively?

For myself, I tend to also remember the experiences where I felt like a failure with heightened detail, like someone telling me they hate me, or a girl telling others they think I’m gay, or someone mocking my voice. It’s all related to having low confidence, self-esteem, and caring too much what others think.

You can post on r/amiugly or r/rateme for an opinion, but if you were actually ugly, I don’t think you’d of had as many chances as you have.

So so sorry for your loss. It has a devastating impact that no one can prepare you for.

I was 18 and he was there one night, gone the next morning. I used soft drugs and self-loathing and shame and guilt as sources of avoidance. This all caused my brain to cope by forgetting. At almost 30, I forget so much about my father. If I had one piece of advice to give someone I hadn’t practiced myself, it would be to start writing about him. Even if it’s just jotting memories down, both good and bad times you’ve had together. You don’t need a narrative arch or format. Freewriting your feelings will help too.

Original Poster1 point · 1 day ago

Thanks! Any suggestion for some more structured literature? Cheers!

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I really like The Copywriter’s Handbook by Robert W. Bly. It has a step-by-step process for almost everything taught and it’s easy to digest.

The problem I’m finding with a lot of books on copy is that they’re outdated and teach the foundation of successful advertising—which is great for a newbie—but don’t extend into the digital world. Little to no mention of social media, emailing, or online ads.

2 points · 1 day ago

Completely Echo This.

I keep a copy of that book around me at all times. Regardless of what you may read, and what books people here may tell you to get, I think that that is the one book that every copywriter needs. Just go ahead and drop the 20 bucks, and add it to your arsenal. I use it so much, that I bought both the physical copy, as well as a copy for my Kindle.

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It’s really been the most intricately detailed craft book I’ve read in a long time.

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-I curl up inside when someone touches my face, even a SO.

-The alcohol was bad enough, I’m not going to worsen my impending breakout by getting a large Mac n cheese at 2:45 in the morning.

-my skincare routine is as ritualistic as a bedtime prayer.

-Do you see this breakout? No, I really don’t want to leave the house.

-Proactiv commercials=changing the channel

-Yes, it looks worse to me than to you.

-I know more about my skin than you do about yours, therefore, yes, I’ve tried washing it every night and drinking more water. That was literally the first thing I tried, Karen.

-I see your eyes wandering.

I could go on, but it’s getting negative lol

High school was when I cared the least because a lot of people also had it.

Cake day
June 26, 2017
Trophy Case (1)
One-Year Club