
A wounded soldier is pelted with grenades from a drone, but he simply throws them away by latecomer11 in nextfuckinglevel

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Look, I understand that my analogies are not perfectly applicable, but if we're going to be strict about them, then you have to admit that what is going on here is quite a bit more personal than an aircraft straffing the side of a warship. There is an operator behind that camera, capable of seeing what we're seeing and making a choice. I see a wounded unarmed man staring at the wall in a ditch. We don't see any evidence that his comrades are anywhere near by or even still alive.

A wounded soldier is pelted with grenades from a drone, but he simply throws them away by latecomer11 in nextfuckinglevel

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog 0 points1 point  (0 children)

All I can say is, if I had shot a wounded enemy combatant after his weapon was no longer in reach in Afghanistan, and it was caught on video, I would have been court martialed. I don't know if the Geneva Conventions lays out exactly what constitutes "intent to surrender" in all cases, but in the United States this would absolutely be treated like a war crime. He is not fleeing (until it drops the first grenade) or fighting he is cowering in the fetal position inside an irrigation ditch. Literally staring at the wall lol.

As for the police analogy, people here can still have weapons (knives/other firearms) on them after throwing away their primary weapon. But generally speaking once you throw away the weapon that's already in your hands, cops are less likely to shoot you in the face and more likely to approach and detain you, because you have signaled your intent. And that's my main point with the analogy, it doesn't really make sense for someone to throw away the weapon in their hands if their intent is to continue fighting, even if they do technically have access to other weapons.

A wounded soldier is pelted with grenades from a drone, but he simply throws them away by latecomer11 in nextfuckinglevel

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Man this shit is fucking wild. Some people watch the video, and they see like, a crazed maniac sprinting towards a Ukrainian villiage with an explosive vest. I watch the video, and all I see is an unarmed wounded dude staring at the wall while he cowers in an irrigation ditch...

Is this the new black/gold dress??

A wounded soldier is pelted with grenades from a drone, but he simply throws them away by latecomer11 in nextfuckinglevel

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog 0 points1 point  (0 children)

indicate clearly that you want to surrender.

Yes, dropping your weapon in a combat zone, while you are being shot at, is a very clear indication that you want to surrender. It indicates that you are done fighting/resisting and will submit to the will of the people that still have their weapons in their hands.

That's why police are all "DROP YOUR WEAPON". It's their non-cheesy way of screaming, "SURRENDER".

Absolutely by DaFunkJunkie in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Everytime a news show re-posts a "Truth" from Trump I change the channel. If enough ppl do this 

Bro if you don't have a Nielson box, you don't have to do this. They track ratings with Nielson boxes. Literally no one cares what you're watching, the networks can't track you through your TV.

First known count of human clitoral nerve fibers: pleasure-producing human clitoris has more than 10,000 nerve fibers by Frougnasse in science

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That's actually a good point I hadn't considered. Male scientists may be worried about how they may be perceived for studying or funding the study of female genitalia. I imagine male gynecologists have to concern themselves with a similar stigma.

Nuclear weapons must not be used over Ukraine, China’s president says in clear response to Russia by CreepzFPS in worldnews

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog -8 points-7 points  (0 children)

Well sure, a different context is going to create different circumstances for getting the genie back into the bottle. That doesn't change the historical fact that makes it a really dumb analogy in this instance.

Nuclear weapons must not be used over Ukraine, China’s president says in clear response to Russia by CreepzFPS in worldnews

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That toothpaste shot out of the tube when scientists discovered nuclear fission, long before the weapons were actually built and used.

U.S. privately asks Ukraine to show Russia it’s open to negotiation by Total_Customer_6627 in worldnews

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog -1 points0 points  (0 children)

But we don't have the production to do that for months or years on end.

But that's largely my point. The future is becoming more uncertain. Russia is the resurgent menace now but they will not be tomorrows problem. Tomorrows problem is Autocratic China and the US will not be able to handle that problem if we are the only superpower pushing the interests of liberal democracy.

If Europe wasn't confident in the USs ability to provide those weapons quickly in an emergency, they would be spending resources on domestic infrastructure to ensure that they could handle such an emergency themselves.

A united Europe working as a military equal to the US, or at least with the infrastructure to quickly become a military equal in an emergency (meaning not just material goods but a political course for effective collective military operations), could probably together be a counterweight to tomorrows China. But even of that I am uncertain.

U.S. privately asks Ukraine to show Russia it’s open to negotiation by Total_Customer_6627 in worldnews

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog 1 point2 points  (0 children)

however Europe if they actually unite are very capable of defending themselves

I completely agree, however the key is "if they actually unite". The problem is that they will never have the incentive to do so as long as the US provides for their collective security.

History has shown us that federations only unite when facing an external crisis. The colonies had to unite to stave off British influence. Germany only united under Prussia once Napoleon III declared war. Italy only united when Austria tried to crush the revolution in Tyrol.

As long as Europe feels safe, they will never unite. Security is the unionists greatest tool, but that tool is being offered by someone else for much cheaper. And there are too many fires across the globe for the US to put out alone. If we want Europe as a genuine and equal partner on the world stage in the interests of liberal democracy (something we will NEED in the future), we must cut Europe loose to let her grow.

U.S. privately asks Ukraine to show Russia it’s open to negotiation by Total_Customer_6627 in worldnews

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog -1 points0 points  (0 children)

It is impossible to argue with you guys. The first guy I responded to seems to recognize how much trouble Europe and Ukraine in particular would be in right now without US weapons/deterrence/intel.

I am warning him to adjust his expectations for the future as the American population grows more isolationist.

Then you chime in with what is basically the complete opposite view of the original argument. You argue that there is no danger to Europe and that the US, in fact, is barely a factor in European security at all.

Great, I'm happy you feel that way. You seem to be undervaluing the fact that Ukraine has been getting force-fed in free, state-of-the-art American weapons since 2014, but personally I am used to the fact that Europeans generally enjoy giving America exactly zero credit for anything beneficial it ever does for them. So honestly at this point I figure there is no point arguing with eachother and I should rather take solace in the fact that our views of what Americas role is/should be in Europe generally align in a practical application of them.

U.S. privately asks Ukraine to show Russia it’s open to negotiation by Total_Customer_6627 in worldnews

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog 11 points12 points  (0 children)

MTG just declared "not another penny" goes Ukraine if they take Congress, and she has been running the GOP show lately.

U.S. privately asks Ukraine to show Russia it’s open to negotiation by Total_Customer_6627 in worldnews

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog -1 points0 points  (0 children)

You guys re-elect trump and we’re all fucked.

I have some bad news for Europeans that expect the US to be providing for their security much longer at all. Things are changing out here and they are changing fast.

Europe is either going to take up its own collective defense soon or it is going to find itself dominated eventually by superpowers that are not America.

Nuclear weapons must not be used over Ukraine, China’s president says in clear response to Russia by CreepzFPS in worldnews

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog -10 points-9 points  (0 children)

Its a genie you cant put back in the bottle once one is loosed.

Seems like they got the genie back into the bottle after 1945 just fine.

I have no self control anymore, what the fuck is wrong with me? by thequeasydream in limerence

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Was in a similar situation years ago, limerant longing combined with loneliness and a collapsing family.

I don't have a ton of advice other than, be careful with the drinking. Of all the legal/quasi legal drugs to find yourself dependant on, that's the worst one. It will will make you care less about your problems, but it will make them worse. It will lower your inhibitions, get you to do things that bring relief in the moment (like reaching out) but leave you with pain. It will physically drain you to the point where staying in bed all day doesn't sound so bad after all.

Eventually there may come a time where you no longer feel such a strong urge to act on your limerant impulses. The feelings have faded. You've begun to accept the absence of your father (it will happen, eventually, Ive lost both parents, life does trudge on).

You start to dream about rebuilding your life, because your old problems have faded. But you look down and realize that you have far worse ones now.

You are now obese. Getting out of bed now requires fighting through a hang over and moving an extra 100 pounds around. You feel like shit physically and you're ashamed of the state your in. The only thing that can make you feel better at all, over the next few months, will be a drink. You don't want to do it anymore but the alcohol has already conditioned your mind to knock down those mental barriers on instinct. If you do manage to stop for a while, you may get physically sick. Even if you are successful at getting away, you will be fighting a lifelong struggle to stay away every single time life fucks you over in the future.

If you are anything like me, telling you to get sober won't do anything. I couldn't stay sober because I fucking hated being sober.

Please, if you're going to need a crutch, switch to cannabis. Abusing drugs is always bad news and I would never suggest THC is unaddictive or beneficial. The most benefical place to be is always sober. But IF you ARE going to abuse something... please don't choose alcohol. It's a step down from a slow suicide, I'm not even kidding. THC will scratch that itch without actively making your life worse (assuming the police dont harrass you for taking money from Budweiser).

Saw it... by piperpestly in limerence

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I have gotten very good at cutting loose as soon as I start to realize things aren't reciprocated. It's usually pretty trivial to figure out now that I'm older and can read the subtleties better.

The main trick is, if you're still not sure after spending a moderate amount of time together, it's probably a no. And since it's probably a no, get the fuck over your intense anxiety for a second and communicate your feelings. If you get rejected, never show them your face again and do absolutely everything in your power to pretend they never existed lol. It's easier to do when you haven't already invested years into these bullshit fantasies so act early if your sanity is important to you.

But seriously, don't forget to gamble when you're pretty sure it's a no. I know its hard but its house money at that point. I'm usually good at that, but I chickened out with my most recent LO and just axed it after getting discouraged by something. I'm pretty sure she wasn't into me and I'm usually right. But I'm a limerent so my brain gets to play tricks with my reality when it comes to women... so I've found myself second guessing things. Oh well, too late.

Military gunner pulls sidearm on man driving to close to convoy. by Hobbescrownest in PublicFreakout

[–]NA_DeltaWarDog 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I’m all my 8 years in, I never met anyone who wanted to go overseas. 

Whaaaat? I definitely didn't enlist just for the chance to deploy, but I 100% wanted to deploy once I had enlisted. Almost everyone I knew in the Marines wanted to go to a combat zone at least once, you gained a degree of respect in the culture once you had.