
I'll think about it


she/they | 19 | icon from Rabbit mv by John × Mabel mv by Avogado6 | header by Uta_Karasu

people moving to tumblr from twitter please fucking reblog art likes literally dont do anything except make the artist upset bc they have 2 reblogs and 55 likes


yes this includes fanfiction, gif sets, edits, etc.


theres this one person who reblogs this post like 20 times a day and then sometimes will also reblog it like 200 times at once and also anytime it appears on their dash they apparently will queue it again too and i just want you all to know that you pissed them off real bad and that should be your sign to reblog art actually. for them

being a horror fan that experiences panic inducing paranoia fucking sucks like ill just be like wow i cant wait to go watch scary shadow creature video number 74 and then spend the rest of the night clutching my phone with the flashlight on and playing five nights at freddys 4 in real life

like im aware that watching horror stuff at like 3am is going to make me think that slenderman is in my kitchen but also im a dumb bitch who sees scary video thinks yay i love scary video :) and immediately watches it


Fascinated by what the draws you people to horror content

i like when theres some kind of creature or perhaps a guy


I just had a dream when sleeping on the couch that there was a dating show about different people who all committed their entire lives to living like different Total Drama Island in full cosplay 24/7 and the show was them trying to find love living together in a house Paradise Hotel style. The show was called Autism To The Extreme, it didn’t even mention Total Drama Island in the title


Woke up confused like “did Autism To The Extreme end? Did you switch the channel? Where’d it go?” I was flabbergasted. I thought it was an actual show for several minutes

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