Theme by Go-crazy.


Max, 27, french enby/pan/ace/poly/white/neuroa, etc.

They/Them, Xi/Xir and He/Him

I (try to) write Fallout fanfictions and sometime (once in a full moon) I draw some stuff. Yay.

Writing Tag
Ask Away !

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“the old world dream
“When Preston needs to take a break and Piper needs to just dance it out.


gaining weight is good and being fat is good and nourishing your body is good and resting is good. fat bodies and disabled bodies and queer bodies and all marginalized bodies are good and deserve to be celebrated. your body does not have to be relegated to the sphere of neutrality or tolerance or acceptance. the world is *better* because your body is in it. the world is better because you are in it.

(via homokommari)



finally managed to get the flats done for this….the wall is the only part finished

“time to finally get around on those “mutations” i wanted to incorporate
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obsidian: we’ll promise the player gold bars at the end of the DLC, and by the time they get there, they’ll realize unfathomable material wealth is a useless, cursed prize that was never attainable in the first place & if you seek it you will hurt people and lose your mind to arrive at a dead end

bethesda: we’ll promise the player gold bars every time they do a brotherhood daily mission, because golden bars are shiny, and they go caching, and people will like the game more because we gave them gold. something something gold-backed currency mumble mumble politics uhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok ship it



I’m curious–how do you guys go about creating your OCs?


(via deacons-wig)