the Overton Window has defenestrated itself

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Trying to formulate a coherent pinned post again…

(1) Anybody is allowed to ship or not ship anything, for any reason. No explanations required.

(2) Clear, accurate tags and warnings keep everybody safe. Bans on specific content labels don’t keep people from creating or posting the content, only from warning others it’s there before they trip over it.

(3) I don’t care if you call yourself proship, anti, anti-anti, or whatever your righteous motivation is – if you ever find yourself making threats of death or harm toward any nonfictional being for any reason related to shipping or fandom, you are acting reprehensibly and need to stop.

Pinned Post i'm not even the one with common sense around here that's leia's job but dear god the things we have to state these days that should be common sense just stop with the moral crusading for five seconds okay?

Everything is like “QUEER history” and “List of QUEER young adult books” or “Top 10 QUEER movies” and queer this and queer that and for the love of god please just say LGBT.


And faster to pronounce if you are talking instead of writing.



It’s not more inclusive, and if your excuse of using a slur as a blanket term is “it’s faster to say”, GENUINELY what is wrong with you


It’s called economía del lenguaje.


But queer is more inclusive


“That’s SO gay”, “Oh my god, you’re not a LESBIAN, are you?”

Your words are slurs, too. Why do you get your words, but I don’t get mine? What makes you so special?

I’m here, I’m queer, go fuck yourself.


queer is not a slur, stop drinking the TERF koolaid



every time one of you fools spout about ‘queer is a slur’ a terf laughs because their fucking plan to make that word ‘taboo’ is fucking working you dipshit.



I did not get my degree in queer literature for you all to keep pulling this bullshit.


baby gays,,,, i beg of you to learn your queer history and stop listening to terf bullshit

every single one of our labels has been used as a slur against us.

terfs and -phobes are always going to try and hurt us with what we identify as. but the fact remains these are OUR labels and always have been.

we’re here, we’re queer, get used to it.


I don’t know if this is just because I’m not American but I’ve never heard queer used as a slur. Ever. Meanwhile gay was the insult in the 2000s here. Everything you didn’t like was ‘soo gay’. Queer wasn’t even a word most of us knew back then.

It just baffled me that people would think an identifier is automatically a slur just because someone uses it to mock someone. If we did that gay would be a slur. Stupid would be a slur. Autistic would be a slur.

The reason people are upset about the word queer is that it’s a unifying term. You can say you’re queer and all people will know is that you’re part of the community. But you can’t say you’re LGBT, you have to say you’re gay or trans or ace. They don’t want you to be ambiguously queer. They want you to say which kind of queer you are so they can decide whether you’re undesirable.


yeah in the 90s and early 2000s kids would call each other “gay” as an insult. But no one ties themselves in knots over whether “gay” is a slur. So yeah, please ffs learn your history.


hashtag reading i'm gonna queue this post like 4 times

They want you to say which kind of queer you are so they can decide whether you’re undesirable.


jumping back up the reblog chain a ways, that screenshot that says “no one who isn’t gay, lesbian, bi, or trans can reclaim [queer] anyway”? That, that right there, is the lie. The story that LGBT is exactly equivalent to queer – a trick to make you swallow the underlying assumption that nobody outside those descriptors belongs in the community.

I’m intersex. I’m aromantic. Those are the only two queer identities I have that aren’t fluid in some way. Sometimes I’m asexual, sometimes I’m allosexual. Sometimes I’m cis, sometimes trans, sometimes both or neither (genderfluidity is a hell of a head trip, okay). Sometimes I’m gay, sometimes bi, sometimes straight. Sometimes I’m cis and straight at the same time, which is a whole *different* sort of a head trip.

Do I belong in the “LGBT” community when I’m cishet? Exclusionist logic says no. Do I belong when I’m trans and gay? What about when I’m trans and straight for my lesbian partner?

People are complicated. But queer is a simple enough word to allow room for everybody. That’s why exclusionists want to erase it, and also why it’s the word of choice for academia and for those of us who don’t fit in a single box.


Well. Fuck.

So money was already tight and I’d delayed some bills, not to mention put a couple hundred in groceries on my credit card so I could eat till payday under the (reasonable, at the time) impression that I could pay it off again by the due date.

Then I had a three-day migraine which completely prevented me from looking at screens. I work in customer service *text chat*. That knocked my upcoming end-of-the-month paycheck from “can get sort of caught up” down to “this won’t even cover the rent”.

Then I ordered a laundry pickup, because I hadn’t had any clean bras all month (not having the physical ability to do my own laundry) and it was demoralizing. It’s thirty bucks for fifteen pounds, I did the math and figured I could afford it. I don’t have a way to weigh my laundry before sending it out, but I didn’t think I owned more than about fifteen, maybe twenty pounds of laundry.

It came out to *thirty-six pounds*. Which the laundry service just auto-drafted the charge for (as is their right).

So the point is – I’m fucked. There are bills I can’t delay coming out on Saturday that are well over what I have left in my bank account. My credit card is already full and it’s going to have a bunch of interest added. If I take as many extra hours this week as my work will allow, I can just about cover the rent, but *nothing* else… not the electric or internet service I need to keep my at-home workstation running, not the food and meds to keep *me* running, zilch.

Minimum, to avoid immediate overdraft, I have to have at least $30 more than I’ve got in my bank account by Saturday. Longer term, I have food for maybe a week if I’m careful, and after that I’d need at least $200 to tide me over to mid November’s paycheck (which I am optimistically assuming will be a full paycheck for now :P). If I can’t get the extra hours to cover the rent I’ll also need about $100 (estimated) there, and I need to get a new psychiatrist to fill my meds and also actually afford my meds, that’s at least another $60…

Optimally, it’d be really nice to also raise the money to get my bills up to date, which would be uh… oh shit I have an ophthalmologist copay coming up, in addition to the actual bills… call it like $150? Living is fucking expensive.

So that all shakes out to something around $400 minimum to get me through the next month or so, and another $150 to stop having to keep pushing shit out further. My PayPal is ethanrabbits at gmail, my Ko-fi is right here, and – god, I don’t know what I’ll do if y'all can’t help out. I wish we lived in friggin Animal Crossing or something so I could at least go hit rocks. I’ve got nothing.

begging post god fucking dammit i just wanted to be clean and have clean clothes thirty-six pounds of laundry i swear to god HOW

as we all know, red dragons breathe right-channel audio, white dragons breathe left-channel audio, and yellow dragons breathe video.


sorry I HAD to draw this


when the ruby and silver heads speak, those nearby hear whispers in their ears, and when the gold head speaks, its victims see visions. I guess? yeah


don’t apologize, this rules!

Thanks so much, and I hope your players enjoy RCAamat or whatever you end up calling it!





baconcupcake asked:

How does reading a word by its shape work? Do you ever get confused by words shaped similarly?

gallusrostromegalus answered:

Ok, so the way this was explained to me is that I read English the way japanese people read kanji, where the character stands for an entire concept rather than a series of sounds that make up a word.  Or like reading one of Carrie Fisher’s emoji texts, I guess?

It’s a “This collection of lines has this meaning” thing, rather than a “These shapes mean these sounds which mean this concept thing”  if that makes sense?

I rarely have problems READING things.  Honestly you can sub in words with keysmash nonsense (e.g. spofdghf)  to an astonishing degree before meaning is lost for me, as long as I have a bit of context.  I have no idea how to actually pronounce ‘epistemology’ but I can write about the meaning of what makes knowledge knowledge for ages.

I have more difficulty when it comes to writing things.  I can remember WHICH lines and shapes were in a word, but forget what damn order they went in.  I also had a habit of flipping letters vertically- b/p and d/q for instance.  So when I hand-write, I tend to capitalize them, even in the middle of words.  


Since people are going “OOH ME TOO” and “WAIT THIS IS A THING?”:

Yes!  It’s called Pictorial Reading and it’s fairly common but wildly under-diagnosed, esp in “gifted” students.  I got lucky in that My dad was a reading specialist and noticed I was reading funny early on and taught me some coping strategies for writing and pronunciation.

I read this way naturally and it’s really only a “disorder” in that technically english is a phonetic language and that US schools teach it phonetically.  so it’s really Public Ed’s problem, not mine.

It’s great for reading huge amounts of text really fast with high comprehension and it’s really cool that other people have taught themselves to do it!

this sounds KIND of like how i read but? i get really easily snagged by misspellings and it's super unusual for me to forget exactly where the lines go one letter out of place on a whole page of text will drag my eye to it so i'm not sure if i do this or something completely different i'm also really good at phonics so idek man

New writing rule: Checkov’s friend

If you introduce a named character with a relationship to a protagonist, their character arc must be resolved in a way that feels reasonable and satisfying

Which is to say: they can’t just dissappear when they’re no longer a convenient plot device


Thor’s Mum rule – If you’re going to kill a character who’s carried any part of the plot, take a bit to reimagine the plot as if she were the main character, and the story ends when she dies.  If it’s unsatisfying, rewrite either her plot points, or her death, to make both more meaningful.

Which is to say – don’t treat side characters as ammo with which to hurt your main guy.  ESPECIALLY if they’re women.


I’m reblogging because this second part is the best explanation of how I distinguish between fridged characters and other characters who just die.

And yes, it is intrinsically a bit subjective and that’s okay.


Example: Neal Stephenson has an extremely bad habit of dropping female characters right after their sex scenes with the Main Dudes. Not necessarily killing them, they just don’t have any more page time. Speaks *volumes* about what he sees as their narrative purpose