The Open Window

A brief insight through the looking glass and into my head. Do come in, but please wipe your feet first. I literally just mopped this floor.

(Cis female, She/her pronouns)

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10:45 AM
August 2nd, 2022


new comic alert! Here’s the first two pages of “Pantry” 🍎

This story centers around the first weeks of the adoption of Frodo, and how Bilbo and Thorin deal with the boy! It’s very family-centric, fluffy, it has some elements of drama, and romance. It’s 39 pages long, so I’ll try my best to upload two pages twice a week on here and my other socials!

🍰 Page: 1, 2

🍅 Visit my Patreon for more comics and illustrations! 🍅

10:43 AM
August 2nd, 2022


Goat Simulator (2014) dev. Coffee Stain Studios

Untitled Goose Game (2019) dev. House House

Stray (2022) dev. BlueTwelve Studio

1:04 PM
August 1st, 2022





star trek explores these strange seemingly inconsequential extremes because it wants you to consider the possibility that your concept of ethics doesnt and could never possibly account for every scenario. It wants you to consider the ethical ramifications of just wiping out the little nanites taking over your ships computer even though eventually this will kill you all becuase

-What if they’re alive?

-What if they’re sentient?

-What if they don’t realize they’re hurting us?

-What if what hurts us is what they need to live?

-What if we can communicate with them?

Star Trek takes the situation of, “these computer bugs are eating our ship and in an hour we’ll all be dead and we COULD just wipe them out utterly but…what if they’re like us?” because the ramifications effect what risks we ourselves are willing to take in the name of pacifism and understanding. it says that even the smallest most immenently dangerous creature deserves as much of a chance to live peacefully as we can possibly give it through understanding.

without examining ourselves this way, through these made up seemingly inane situations, we will never be able to understand ourselves and what we’re truly capable of, what levels of understanding can be achieved. without the ability to place ourselves in a difficult situation and reach beyond our first instinct of fight or flight and self-preservation, we will never be evolve as a global community

(via quasarkisses)

1:03 PM
August 1st, 2022



(via vampireocean)

11:30 AM
August 1st, 2022


11:27 AM
August 1st, 2022


11:26 AM
August 1st, 2022


we have all been really focused on nandor this season and his changed behavior toward guillermo and his feelings etc because we already know that guillermo has been in love with nandor for years, but i’ve seen some people kinda imply that guillermo is genuinely over nandor and over wanting to be a vampire and i just do not think that is the case whatsoever.

i think guillermo is in self preservation mode now. i think in s3 he really fully realized that he is deeply in love with nandor, and perhaps in their time apart he convinced himself that nandor would never feel the same, esp after he met this mystery boyfriend. (who, btw, is essentially non existent in the plot so far. they’ve made no effort to make us care about freddie almost half way through the season which has to be a deliberate writing choice. we know the djinn more than we know guillermo’s bf!) i mean, why didn’t nandor come and find him? 

i find it interesting that they haven’t addressed the fact that nandor was going to turn guillermo at the end of their trip around the world. last episode they mentioned the fight, but not that part of it and i really think it has to be because they’re saving that for something momentous. nandor thinks that if he turns guillermo, he won’t stay. but guillermo stopped staying for that a long time ago - he stayed because he loves nandor. and this fact is why guillermo is slowly pulling away. it’s not that guillermo doesn’t want the things he has wanted for 13 years, it’s not that he doesn’t love nandor anymore. he’s just protecting himself for once - as he should!

i say this because if you pay attention to the scene where nandor asks guillermo to be his best man, you see palpable disappointment from guillermo that that is what he said and not anything about their trip or their plans. and then you see him make peace with it. like he loves nandor and he wants to be a vampire, but he’s tired of waiting and getting his heart broken.

i know there is this idea that nandor “doesn’t deserve” guillermo and i think that’s boring because this is a show about vampires. all the relationships are morally corrupt to some extent! that’s the FUN of it. but i DO think that it is absolutely essential for nandor to realize the depth of his feelings and to pine for guillermo for a while, because nandor always want things to come easily for him and loving someone the way nandor wants love is hard work. remember laszlo telling colin that it took him and nadja CENTURIES to get where they are? and nandor wants that. he wants that degree of companionship for his eternity, and i think he wants it with guillermo but he afraid at the same time. which is a Delicious plot!

i’m excited to see how this unfolds. to see nandor realize/accept his own feelings and then maybe confess them and see guillermo’s reaction. i honestly expect guillermo to be angry at first. like i’ve been here for 13 years and NOW you want me? and then that evolving into nandor having to work through his fear of guillermo leaving him, whether it being from nandor losing his importance if guillermo is also a vampire, or him finding someone else or by death! no matter what, guillermo could leave him and i think that’s another big realization he needs to have.

this is all just for them to even out their dynamic, and since nandor has been “above” guillermo for so long, they have to have him grovel and suffer on the floor for a while before they can be together as true equals.

also, this is just like absolute pooorn for people who have been in unrequited love for years. who doesn’t want the person they have wanted and thought would never want them back just down atrocious for them for a while?? it’s what he deserves.

11:00 AM
August 1st, 2022




10:59 AM
August 1st, 2022


Nichelle Nichols has passed away. 

Martin Luther King once convinced her to continue on as Uhura when she was about to quit. He told her how she was a role model for so many people and had to stay on. He rightfully recognized her as a trailblazer and the inspiration she continued to be. 

(Second picture is Nichols participating in a recruitment program for NASA in late 70s/early 80′s, aimed at women and people of color. The third picture is Nichols onboard the stratospheric observatory for infrafred astronomy in 2017, as one of the first non essential personell to be able to do so) 

11:29 PM
July 31st, 2022



RIP Bernard Cribbins (1928-2022) 😢❤