

The whole “make a monster version of a regular animal by prefixing its name with a scary word” bit doesn’t really work with birds because bird names are just Like That. Tell me I’m going up against a blood horse and I’ll grant that this would probably scare me, but a blood raven, well, that’s just a guy. I am 100% prepared to believe there’s an actual bird species by that name.

Intercontinental Ballistic Mallard

(via distinguishedstudentunknown)


heads up to firefox users using the “I don’t care about cookies” extension: if you haven’t seen the popup yet (it came up quite late for me) the dev sold out and it now belongs to Avast - the spyware bundled onto laptops everywhere which uses browser extensions to aggressively collect and sell user browsing data! delete it now.

(via distinguishedstudentunknown)


depathologizing your own responses to things means no longer worrying about which symptom matches which diagnosis matches which branded treatment model and instead practicing gentle non-judgmental curiosity about what you’re going through from the perspective of someone who wants to fulfill one of the most basic and primal needs for you which is the sensation of being seen and heard

(via h00tyh1)

words for things

Anonymous asked:

p*nis anon. i don’t think you understand that p*nises can be incredibly triggering to some people because of r*pe or s*xual ass*ult. if you can’t be trusted not to post about violent body parts, how can women trust that you yourself won’t be violent to us?

spacelazarwolf Answer:

this may actually be the funniest anon i’ve ever gotten. “violent body parts” u mean me violently getting my guts rearranged by a hot guy on a thursday afternoon??

here’s a fun challenge: cis women stop projecting your trauma onto queer people. if “p*nises” are truly such a massive trigger to you that you shriek and faint and seize at the mere mention of one, then filter the word and don’t interact with people who have, want, or enjoy getting railed by penises.

and stop fucking painting gay men as predatory or violent for simply being into dick. it’s an age-old homophobic argument that y’all are falling hook line and sinker for. no amount of trauma — which many people who aren’t cis women also have, by the way, including myself — will excuse this type of homophobic behavior. grow up.


also this is part of a bigger conversation about the line between acknowledging that triggers are valid and acknowledging that people’s bodies and existence should not be censored simply because they have a dick, are disabled, have a facial or body difference, are fat, are thin, etc.

your triggers aren’t your fault, but they are your responsibility. this kind of behavior people exhibit online, of demanding that anyone they feel uncomfortable with must be censored, is why fat people get asked to leave eating disorder recovery spaces, and why people with facial scarring or differences are terrified of leaving their house, or why disabled people get constantly harassed in public. if you truly are so upset by someone’s body that you can’t stand to look at them……..then don’t. don’t look at them. walk away. remove yourself from that situation. but people with bodies that are demonized by society do not have an obligation to censor our existences for your comfort or even for your triggers.

also people need to understand the difference between “this upsets me” and “this triggers me” bc some of y’all are using trigger when you mean “i don’t like it >:(“


Quick PSA,

You can fight for a woman’s right to wear a hijab and also fight for another woman’s right to NOT wear one if she doesn’t want to - and you’d still be fighting for the same thing, a woman’s right to choose.

You’re still fighting for her freedom.

(via v-ahavta)


Neurotypicals will be like “I know you have a disability that affects your ability to stay organized, manage your time properly, socialize, or control what you’re able to think about or focus on, but that’s not an excuse to have trouble staying organized, managing your time properly, socializing, or controlling what you need to think about or focus on.” And then demand that they aren’t ableist. I’m tired.

(via jefflion)


I truly hate the word “unalive.” There are so many other euphemisms that fictional Italian mobsters worked so hard to provide you with and you just ignore them.

(via bramblepatch)





crying screaming begging tumblr to add a mutuals only notification filter

for that matter a way to sort by original & unoriginal posts would be nice too. get on it staff

hi its me real tumblr staff and im here to let you know that we are listening to our userbase and ready to make some meaningful changes around here. so, we are happy to announce that for our next update we will be spreading out all the reblog and like buttons again and “notes” will now be shortened to “n.”. these changes will be rolled out to random users over a time span of about 4 months. thank you so much for your support

thank you tumblr staff

(via mountainbirb)


“It might seem strange that Trump would pander to a crowd that has already formed an actual cult around him. Sure, psychologically speaking, Trump will never turn down an opportunity to bask in the warmth of people who love him. But why repeatedly hold them closer at a time when his main electoral obstacle is appealing to people beyond his diehards? It’s because this isn’t about winning by democratic means. It seems likely that Trump recognizes that QAnon followers represent his best bet at forming a militant vanguard for his ever-increasingly authoritarian political movement. Dozens of QAnon believers have already committed acts or attempted acts of vigilante (and domestic) violence. They were key players in the Jan. 6 insurrection. And they’re at the center of a new kind of politically infused spirituality that blends proto-fascist thinking, conspiracy theory and Evangelical Christianity. As University of Pennsylvania scholar and MSNBC columnist Anthea Butler describes it, these followers “imagine themselves part of the ‘end times’ and saving the nation.” They’re primed to do whatever it takes to restore Trump to power, out of a belief that it’s essential for civilization and humanity.”

Trump’s QAnon-friendly rally shows how he’s fostering extremism


“As Trump’s Youngstown rally made clear, he has come ever closer to fully embracing the antisemitic QAnon conspiracy theory and its claim that the world is run by a secret cabal of Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, “globalists” and other “elites” who gain power by kidnapping, torturing and killing children. Within this deranged and befouled fantasy universe, a coming “storm” will destroy all such evil, meaning that Trump or some other Christian fascist overlord will preside over an orgy of violence that will “cleanse” society. After that, the QAnon faithful and other “real Americans” will be left to rule.”

Donald Trump’s QAnon cult rally: If you thought the fever was breaking, think again


i feel like most people don’t realize that disability benefits in the us depend almost entirely on how long a person was healthy before becoming disabled, and how wealthy they already were. like if you become disabled as an older person who previously had a decent paying job you can recieve literally four times as much money every month as the maximum amount that someone who has been disabled since childhood will. this is seen as legally justified because people who’ve worked longer and earned more money have “paid into the system” for longer and in greater amounts and are thus seen as more deserving of assistance.

This is also true in Norway.


like. yeah avoiding dark themes in literature or films is totally working out so well for you. the lack of compassion and lack of understanding of difficult subjects is really making you a better person than the people who actually acknowledge nuance. 👍

(via 5ummit)

fandom 🫖

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