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Today I Fucked Up


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3 days ago
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Posted by17 hours ago
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GoldTable SlapCoin GiftWait What?

For my last 4semesters of uni i was shoplifting at a supermarket chain here in germany. I felt bad for doing so, thats why i always wrote up what i stole in my google keep app. last sunday i spent the whole day putting it all together in a huge excel file and thought to myself that, now that i have a good paying job (since august) - i can pay it back! i even stayed at the little apartment im in so i can put the money aside faster than if i had moved. so today i went to an atm and got the cash i needed to (only 971 euros, i was surprised how low the amount was) and went to the supermarket where i stole from with it. i told a woman who was putting stuff up the shelves' if i could see the manager, she asked why and i said i had shoplifted. she got me into this room and asked me to wait and that he'll be here. when he got here i told him about everything, with the printed out excel and the money. he told me that he didnt realise that it was me who was stealing it, they have caught some shoplifters but still saw the inventory not adding up. he was thankful and asked me to wait. i waited for like half an hour, kind of anxiously but also relieved. he came back with 2 policemen who repeated my story and asked me if it was true. i was a bit hesitent but the manager said that the conversation had been recorded. i said yes and basically they made me sign all these forms acknowledging what i did. now im looking towards jailtime and losing my job.


shoplifted for 2years due to money problems, told the store about it today, looking to lose my new job i got due to my degree and facing jailtime aswell

Posted by6 hours ago

TIFU by getting scammed for $2k

So I'm a truck driver and last night I got scammed for $2000 dollars. It happened at the Terribles Gas Station right before Las Vegas. I parked there to go to sleep and shut down for the night, I went down from my truck to walk around and stretch my legs. As I was walking around, a black SUV pulled up next to me and a Rich looking Middle Eastern guy rolled down his window in a panic, he looked desperate and his wife was in the backseat crying with her 2 kids. He was asking for help because his wife's purse got stolen in Vegas and it had all their things in it like money and their passports. I saw how distraught this guy was acting so I took $30 from my wallet and I was going to give it to him.

He pleaded with me that he needed more because he was heading to San Fransisco, so he offered his Necklace and Gold ring. I refused and told him to just take the $30 so I could just go back to my truck and rest. He kept begging me and offering his jewelry, I started to feel bad for the guy so I went to my truck and got $100. I was going to give this guy $130 FOR FREE, I told him I don't want his jewelry I just wanted to help him and his family.

He said he cannot take it for free and offered his jewelry still but said he would need more money. This is when I should've just walked away.... Call me foolish and niave but I just wanted this guy to go away so I could rest, so I figured that if I just gave him like $300 I wouldn't feel guilty taking the jewelry and he could have enough money to make it to San Fransisco. He kept pleading and begging and adding more jewelry and before I knew it I was giving this guy $750. Then his wife starts crying more and saying that they needed money for new passports and how it's $300 per person and that there's 4 of them. The guy offered the last bit of jewelry he had which was a Rolex watch that he said costed tens of thousands of dollars.

This is where I believe my greed got a hold of me because this guy is telling me hes a rich guy from Dubai and he doesn't care how much the jewelry costs, he's just desperate for cash so they can make it to San Fransisco and then back to Dubai. I don't know much about jewelry so I thought if I gave this guy $1200 for his Rolex Watch (that I assumed was real because he's Mr big shot from Dubai) I could sell the jewelry and get my money back at the very least. So in total I gave this guy $1950 for 2 Gold Necklaces, 1 Gold Ring, and a Rolex watch. I was skeptical of course but like I said I think my greed was clouding my judgement.

Once I gave him the money he began thanking me so much and prayed to his God, etc etc.... He hopped back in his SUV and drove off. I watched him drive off all the way till he went to the free way. I realized something tho.... This fucking guy took the freeway entrance going back to Vegas. That's when my stomach turned and I knew instantly that I just got lied to. His whole story was about how he needed money to go to San Fransisco.

I walked back to my truck and laid down trying to process what just happened. I was staring at the jewelry and then I looked up how to tell if a 18k Gold necklace is fake. Thats when I saw a News Video on YouTube about people get scammed on the road by Middle Eastern guys offering their jewelry. The news described exactly what I just went through and that the jewelry these scammers use is obviously fake.

I feel like an idiot and can't believe how niave I was to fall for this scam. I never thought I would fall for something like this especially since I watch scam call videos like Kitboga on YouTube.

TL;DR : I offered $30 to a family that I thought was in need of some gas money to make it home. $30 quickly turn into $130, then $300, then $750, and then a whopping $2000 for a fake Rolex watch and more fake jewelry.

Posted by9 hours ago

Ok so basically I’m a ball of stress. Even though school just started a few weeks ago, I already feel ground down and stressed out. I’ve been really, really busy working, planning my wedding, and trying to graduate in the spring. I moved back to my parents’ house to save money last year. After living on my own, it’s depressing to be back here even though my family really isn’t THAT bad, and they even pay for some of my tuition.

And I’ve been trying but can’t even focus on my school stuff… I’ve really been struggling with one class in particular that I need so i can graduate with my double psych / sociology major. Let’s call it “Family Sociology.” I like the professor even though she’s really tough, but for some reason I’ve just been having a lot of trouble retaining the concepts and applying them. I’ve spent the past 2 weeks irrationally dreading the first major assignment, which was a 3-page essay about our own families and applying the concepts of the class to them. Meanwhile I literally only went home to sleep because I was so busy with work, finalizing the details for the venue for the wedding, seeing my fiancé, and school. I spent more time worrying about the essay than actually writing it, and suddenly it was due the next day and I had LITERALLY NOTHING. to make matters worse, I had a BAD DAY that day.

We had to go look at wedding venues during the day, and my mom was annoying as fuck as usual, the kitchen was a total mess because my dad never fucking cleans anything, and I feel like my sister is just trying to constantly start drama with my bridesmaids. Work was stressful and I barely got a lunch break. That night the clock was ticking and I just couldn't get any thoughts together to write.

So, I did something I’m not totally proud of and that I’ve never done before.

I paid a ghostwriter from a website to write an essay for the class. I gave them the instructions. They messaged me on the site and said that they needed some details about my family to write it. They said to give them as much info as I was comfortable with.

I did a lot of venting, maybe more venting than giving guidance. I told them that my dad is a passive spineless jackass who still manages to be a misogynist. I told them that my sister had a personality disorder and was probably an addict. I told them my mother is a toxic narcissist determined to ruin my wedding. Finally the writer was like, wow, that sounds really tough, I can take it from here.

And then I felt a lot better and went to bed.

Obviously, the site has stuff about how you're only supposed to use the paper as a guide, and I was thinking, ok…I'll just have them write it, seeing an example would help a lot, and then I'll kind of rewrite it to make it sound like my own essay. But by the next morning my sister was already stirring up shit, and my laptop was dead, and I was running late for work.

I borrowed my sister’s laptop and just turned in the document as I got it from the ghostwriter. Not a good idea obviously, I didn't even check if it had errors in it or if it really followed the guidelines, I did not even read it. But fuck it. At that point it was either a shortcut or just nothing at all.

I won’t lie and say it ate at me. I felt a bit bad, but I made a big effort to study more on my lunch breaks, and some of the content started to make more sense.

Posted by1 day ago

I Bought My 8yo Niece Granny Panties

This happened on Sunday.

My sister has just moved back to Ohio from Texas. This was the first birthday party and it meant a lot more than just a party for an 8yo. It's the first time we've celebrated with them, she's 8yo, it's a big deal!

I have 4 kids who are 10, 9, 8, 7. When we walked into the dollar store, intending only to buy a bunch of cheap makeup, my 7yo suggested we get her a bra as a joke - along with the real presents. The others agreed that this would be hilarious but decided 3xl granny panties would be even better. I agreed and said we should get her some other gags as well e.g. beef Jerry, lightbulbs, dish gloves etc.

We get a large bag that says "Happy Birthday!" and a small canvas "Princess Bag". I spend $74 at the dollar store on all kinds of makeup, brushes, a few gag gifts, bag of balloons, some tissue paper, a $.99 pink table cloth and the two bags.

We put all of the good stuff in the Princess bag and laid it at the bottom of the big bag. We stuffed the table cloth onto the princess bag to create a false bottom. We layered each gag gift between colorful tissue paper. The kids and I had a Blast putting this together, laughing the whole time. We got her a TON of makeup, it's what she's into and her mom said it was okay.

We arrive at the party only to realize we'd miss the gift opening portion. Due to a soccer game that couldn't be missed, we left before any of it happened. The kids weren't devastated but it was easy to tell they were disappointed. I didn't want to be a special case and have my niece open our gift apart from everyone else's so I had my sister and her husband promise to video.

Low and behold, after driving 40mins to the soccer game, we finished just in time to drive 40mins back and join the gift opening. The kids insisted we make the drive so we did.

At this point in the day, I'm wishing I hadn't said anything about it. I mean, I no longer needed a video. I was a little frustrated by the drive but this reaction was going to be worth it. Tons of laughs from kids and adults, I'd give the kids all the credit and everyone would commend them.

Well, as you know by now, it didnt go as planned.

Posted by1 day ago

Yesterday at lunch, my friend and I, (I will call her Anna)were kind of joking around, we were in a good mood and it was all light-hearted. Then, without thinking, I said, "Your mom's a hoe". I was quite surprised I said that as it came out of my mouth so suddenly, and I am never that type of person unless I feel comfortable around someone.

Her reaction? Well, it wasn't that bad in person as she kinda laughed it off a bit, but she kinda looked awkward. I thought that things were fine, just a little slip-up joke that nobody understood.

At home, I was tending to my usual duties, when a received a text from Anna. She said that she was confused and she didn't know how to react--she also mentioned that it wasn't a nice thing to say. I was quite shocked that I received this text, and I did not even expect a negative response from her. Anna's use of internet slang is quite trendy, and she sounded like any other gen-z who goes on TikTok, so I thought that she would be familiar with the "your mom" jokes. I understand that from her perspective, it is my fault, but from my perspective, it's all misunderstanding.

This morning, she was in my English class, and our seats are placed right next to each other. I explained that the statement was not intentional, and that it was not supposed to be genuine. She gave a neutral response: Ok.

We stopped talking for the rest of the day and I am here racking my brain out because I don't know if she still want to be friends. I would give her time to think, but it's giving me a hard time and I can't focus on my schoolwork or have a good night's sleep.

I am in need of advice to mend our friendship.

TL;DR I made a "your mom" joke and my friend won't talk to me anymore. What do I do?

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I did apologize through text yesterday, however she left me on read.

Posted by6 hours ago

TIFU Hey I'm really new to this reddit but I really do want to give my story this happend a while ago (me 19M Sister 22F) so I was sitting at my moms house with my sister, when my sister started annoying my mom (note my mother is very sick) so after a while of my sister none stop arguing and picking fights with our mother. She got really mad like really pissed, My mother wanted to get physical with my sister they where about to go fight.... So me 19m thinking shit I have to do something I jumped between them After that I got into a argument with my mother (this happend 6 months ago) I told my mom to stay calm but she was very angry she told me that I'm annoying etc as where I got mad and I told her I always pay for your groceries you should be thankful.. I know I made a mistake there and then because we got kicked out, I do have my own house so does my sister) so I went home and went to sleep (I always used to eat at my moms place)

BUT after the beef there hasn't been any contact not with my mom or my dad because my dad always side's with my mom, everytime I go grocery shopping I see them sometimes but they just ignore me

It hurts to the core to see your sick mother ignore you... I know I made my mistakes but I really don't know what to do anymore I tried texting my dad on WhatsApp but I only get the blue read check...

And it just hurts to not see them or know how they are

I hold a big place for them in my heart

Idk why I'm posting this maybe I want to get it off my shoulders maybe I'm looking for someone to give me a small piece of advice that can safe me alot of headspace, but it just hurts to see your own folks ignore you..... Thank you for reading!

update : 3 october i became 20 years old
it feels so weird not celebrating it with my mom or dad :(

TL;DR so in short
there was beef between my mom and my sister


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