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Karen Maley

Chalmers needs to tread carefully on Reserve Bank changes

Packing more professional economists and monetary policy experts onto the Reserve Bank board will only lead to more confusion and mixed messages.

Karen MaleyColumnist

The world, as Treasurer Jim Chalmers has correctly observed, “is a dangerous and difficult place right now”, with many of the world’s major economies headed for recession.

So, it’s a fair bet that Chalmers is now regretting his decision to appoint three independent experts – Canadian central banker Carolyn Wilkins, Australian National University economics professor Renee Fry-McKibbin and former Treasury official Gordon de Brouwer – to conduct a comprehensive review of the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ review of the Reserve Bank might deliver more than he bargained for. Alex Ellinghausen

It seemed like a harmless enough idea 18 months ago: Why not force one of the country’s most important institutions to undergo a compulsory performance review?

The problem is, as Chalmers is now realising, is that when you appoint a committee to conduct a review, it feels obligated to come up with a list of recommendations for change.

Even when their recommendations make matters worse.


Judging from the Issues Paper which it released last month, it’s clear that the committee is honing in on the issue of whether the Reserve Bank board should feature more monetary policy experts and professional economists.

The RBA’s board consists of nine members – the governor and deputy governor, the head of Treasury, and six other members handpicked by the Treasurer, who mostly hail from the business sector.

Now, critics of the Reserve Bank often argue that its board structure needs to be changed to more closely replicate the US Federal Reserve model, which boasts more professional economists and monetary policy experts, and where there’s more transparency as to their views, including how they voted on rate rises.

This, they contend, would lead to a livelier contest of ideas at board meetings, with experts challenging the narrow orthodoxy of central bankers.

The only problem is, it’s not clear that the Fed model is that much better. Fed policies, after all, were largely to blame for the global financial crisis.

More recently, the Fed was far too slow to realise that the US had a major inflation problem, with the result that it is now raising interest rates aggressively – and roiling global markets in the process – to try to tame rampant price rises.


And after last week’s major meltdown in the UK bond market, few would claim that the Bank of England should be held up as an example for Martin Place.

That’s not to say that the Reserve Bank, and its boss Philip Lowe, have put in a perfect performance.

RBA governor Philip Lowe admits the bank made an “embarrassing” error on interest rates.   Renee Nowytarger

Lowe has admitted that the bank’s guidance – that interest rates were unlikely to rise until at least 2024 – was an “embarrassing” error, and it “should have done better”.

What’s more, although packing the Reserve Bank board with economists might liven up the monthly meetings, that doesn’t necessarily mean that its decisions will be any better.

At the end of the day, if the head of the RBA has a strong view on a certain matter, their view will almost certainly prevail.


This is not only because of the respect they command because of their position, but the board itself would undoubtedly realise that it would be extremely awkward to force senior central bankers to implement a monetary policy they opposed.

What is certain, however, is that stacking the board with more professional economists and monetary policy experts will lead to more confusion and mixed messages.

At present, only the governor and deputy governor are authorised to speak for the bank, other board members are meant to maintain a stony silence.

But once professional economists and monetary experts join the board, it will be well-nigh impossible to stop them from spouting their views – just as happens in the United States.

And while that would be a welcome development for financial journalists, it would inevitably result in market confusion as investors react to contradictory messages from board members.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that the RBA wouldn’t benefit from some more creative thinking from Canberra in terms of board appointments.

There’s no doubt that the board’s discussions would benefit from the input from a unionist, and possibly also a representative from the social services sector.

But Chalmers probably didn’t need a committee to tell him that.

Karen Maley writes on banking and finance, specialising in financial services, private equity and investment banking. Karen is based in Sydney. Connect with Karen on Twitter. Email Karen at

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