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The one asset class that has dodged rising rates

The world’s strongest-ever monetary tightening, including six successive rate rises by the Reserve Bank of Australia, is shaking asset markets to their foundations. But there is one glaring exception.

The world’s strongest-ever monetary tightening, including six successive rate rises by the Reserve Bank of Australia, is shaking asset markets to their foundations. But there is one glaring exception.

Alternative assets, most notably private equity, venture capital and infrastructure, have been immune to the gyrations found in equity and debt capital markets. This defies logic and raises doubts about the prices for entering and exiting superannuation funds.

RBA governor Philip Lowe’s rate increases are hardly affecting the alternative asset market. David Rowe

Global equity markets have fallen 23.6 per cent or about $US23 trillion ($35 trillion) in value this year and fixed-interest markets have fallen 14.6 per cent or about $US11.2 trillion, according to data compiled by JP Morgan.

But Cambridge Associates, the valuation company used by the bulk of the world’s private equity managers, says the value of unlisted investments by PE managers has only fallen in value by 5 per cent in the first half of the year.

JP Morgan says when you “de-smooth” global PE valuations, there has been an 18.6 per cent plunge in values this year, or $US1.3 trillion. JP Morgan arrives at this collapse in values using regression methodology that uses market-based indices such as the LPX50 index for private equity.


The $US955 billion difference between the values agreed by Cambridge Associates and the market-based indices used by JP Morgan tell you a lot about the scale of the valuation racket perpetrated by PE managers and their investors.

It is a similar story in real estate and private debt. The difference between the value of property in the books and the market value is $722 billion, according to JP Morgan.

In infrastructure, there has been minimal movement in the value of prominent assets in Australia, held by large super funds despite the significant change in discount rates used to arrive at net present values.

The 2.5 percentage point rise in the official cash rate in Australia over the past six months to 2.6 per cent, has fed through to a 150 basis point blowout in 10-year bond yields. This changes the discount rate and must change the value of infrastructure assets.

In the secretive PE world, the managers have been unable to offload assets into the equity market because, with one or two exceptions such as Porsche, the initial public offerings market is dead as a doornail.


Edward Stanley, equity strategist at Morgan Stanley, says the longer this dearth lasts, the more it risks slowing payouts to PE investors that are often reinvested into new PE fundraisings.

“Moreover, given the more opaque nature of private markets that tends to result in smoother returns owing to a lack of more frequent marking to market, which can at times be an advantage, investors are also finding themselves overweight private equity in their portfolios relative to publicly listed equities.

“This in turn may make investors more reluctant to commit new capital or force them to sell stakes via secondary markets.”

A novel way to preserve valuations

But PE managers in Europe have turned to a novel way to preserve valuations – sell assets to each other.

According to a report in the Financial Times last week, Mikkel Svenstrup, chief investment officer at ATP, Denmark’s largest pension fund, expressed concern about the increasingly common practice of private equity groups selling companies to each other, including to newer funds controlled by the same buyout firm.


He echoed an earlier comment in the FT by Amundi Asset Management’s chief investment officer Vincent Mortier who said: “Some parts of private equity look like a pyramid scheme in a way ... You know you can sell to another private equity firm for 20 or 30 times earnings ... It’s a circular thing.”

PE and venture capital managers and their investors, including Australian super funds, are clearly reluctant to confront the reality that when the US Federal Reserve board this year pricked the listed technology bubble, it also pricked the private asset bubble.

VC valuations using revenue to enterprise value have a long way to come down to have any resemblance to the reality prevailing in public markets, according to data prepared by Pitchbook and Morgan Stanley Research.

The data shows that across the VC world, the median EV/sales valuation on completed deals peaked at 14 times in late 2021. This has since fallen to 14 times but is still 40 per cent higher than the long-run average.

This is in sharp contrast to the rapid decline in valuations in public markets.

It would seem PE and VC managers and their investors are clinging on to the valuations that prevailed in the golden years when interest rates were near zero and quantitative easing was in full swing.


This was the perfect environment for raising PE/VC funds which are typically the riskiest assets in the investment spectrum.

As rates have risen and QE has been withdrawn, the amount of money available globally for PE/VC has pulled back materially as investment firms anticipate risk assets coming off.

Rising rates have reduced the ability for leverage in the marketplaces which affects what general partners can pay for assets.

Super fund allocations keep rising

The irony is in Australian super fund allocations to unlisted assets keep rising for two reasons. The decline in publicly traded assets lifts the proportion in unlisted assets that have not been marked to market.

Also, Chanticleer suspects, super funds are hooked on the apparent ease with which they can control valuations to a much greater degree than the public markets.


One industry consultant says they have heard some super funds refer to this phenomenon as “earnings smoothing”.

One high-profile reality check for valuations in the unlisted market is Canva. We know from the plunge in the value of the Australian software company from $US40 billion to $US25.6 billion that VC markets have had some sort of reckoning about overheated valuations. But a fund manager tells Chanticleer that Canva stock is available in the secondary market at a valuation of $US20 billion.

It is doubtful that owners of Canva will want to swallow this 23 per cent reduction in value on top of the 35 per cent fall that has already occurred. But that would be facing reality.

Tony Boyd is the Chanticleer columnist. He has more than 35 years' experience as a finance journalist. Connect with Tony on Twitter. Email Tony at

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