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Central banks trapped in their own Ponzi scheme

Macquarie’s Viktor Shvets says global markets are addicted to low rates and high liquidity, giving governors no choice but to pivot despite high inflation.

For the first time in a long time, could Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe be ahead of the curve?

In his most recent public appearances, Lowe has stressed that “at some point, it will be appropriate to slow the rate of increase in interest rates”.

Macquarie Group strategist Viktor Shvets says normalisation of rates is not possible or desirable.  David Rowe

Until a week ago, that seemed like a throwaway line – a way for Lowe to give business, households and investors a little light at the end of the tunnel.

But suddenly, with global bond markets spluttering, with rumours of calamities spreading like wildfire, and with Lowe’s counterparts in Britain, Japan and China intervening in markets, the idea that central banks should take their foot off the rate-hike pedal is gaining momentum.

Even in the United States, where the US dollar and the bond markets are still gyrating wildly from the one-two punch delivered by Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell – first his hawkish speech at Jackson Hole in August, then the Fed’s 0.75 per cent rate rise in September – there are signs of a shift in attitude.


Late last week, Fed vice-chairman Lael Brainard and Fed of San Francisco president Mary Daly separately reaffirmed their commitment to fighting inflation with higher rates, but expressed some caution about how fast the increases need to be.

Lowe will probably raise Australia’s official rates by 0.5 of a percentage point on Tuesday, adding to the sharpest ever tightening cycle. But will he reiterate his warning of the rock and the hard place that central banks, and particularly the Fed, now find themselves caught between?

On one hand, there is runaway inflation, which continues to rise at a core level (excluding energy and food), and is potentially embedding worrying changes to longer-term inflation expectations and must be fought with higher interest rates.

On the other hand, is the mounting evidence that the speed at which rates have risen is damaging the plumbing of the global financial system – bonds, currencies and liquidity.

Bank of America credit strategists Oleg Melentyev and Eric Yu have argued that measures of credit stress have jumped to a “borderline critical zone”, and the Fed must slow down to “allow the economy to fully adjust to all the extreme tightening already implemented, but still working its way through the financial system’s plumbing”.

For many investors, the mere suggestion that central banks could soon pivot back to buying bonds and printing money, to fix a problem caused by 15 years of buying bonds and printing money, is offensive.


They justifiably see 2022 as the dose of reality that markets and economies needed after too long spent in fiscal and monetary la-la land.

Or, as Bank of America strategy guru Michael Hartnett says: “The inflation shock that caused a rates shock, which now threatens recession shock and credit event … reflects painful regime change, as bullish deflationary era of peace, globalisation, fiscal discipline, quantitative easing, zero rates, low taxes [and] inequality gives way to inflationary era of war, nationalism, fiscal panic, quantitative tightening, high rates, high taxes [and] inclusion.”

There’s clearly something very attractive – intellectually and, dare we say, morally – about the idea that what we are seeing now on global markets is the bill for 15 years of financial repression and excess coming due, and this is simply a return to a more “normal” world, where capital has cost and risk is actually priced.

The pain is not pleasant, but it is necessary.

But highly respected Macquarie strategist Viktor Shvets has a very different view.

He argues that such a “normalisation is neither probable nor perhaps even desirable” because economies are so indebted that to suddenly “starve the beast of liquidity with a determined but futile attempt to raise the cost of capital” would be to risk the sort of carnage that “usually involved a massive economic and social dislocation, and were preceded and/or followed by revolutions and wars”.


Make no mistake, Shvets is not arguing that the regime of low rates and abundant liquidity is a good thing.

“It has become clear over the last decade that if we persist with a predominant reliance on excessively loose monetary policies, the outcomes will get much worse, and eventually, societies could potentially collapse,” he says.

“We have been advocating for a gradual switch from monetary into a mix of monetary and fiscal, as well as redistributive policies. But there is a grave danger in this transition. As we have been highlighting, the change needs to be carefully calibrated and spaced out.”

Why? Because of what Shvets variously describes as the pyramid, or Ponzi scheme, that central banks have helped create through their policy choices.

Over the past three decades, money supply has grown at between two and three times the rate of GDP. This has helped promote the financialisation of all corners of financial markets, contributing to a whopping increase in global debt levels, which stand between 3.5 times GDP and 10 times GDP, depending on whether you want to include the value of financial assets, the value of derivatives, and the value of unfunded liabilities, such as pensions.

This leverage creates vulnerabilities across economies.


Global government debt is estimated about $US90 trillion ($140 trillion), or 100 per cent of GDP, up from between 30 per cent and 40 per cent of GDP in the 1990s.

Emerging markets, particularly China, have seen debt levels explode. Any change in the cost of capital will have major ramifications.

It’s a similar story in the $US10 trillion private equity sector and the new $US3 trillion digital assets market, both of which have seen aggressive use of leverage.

In the corporate sector, Shvets says the number of co-called zombie companies (non-financial corporates which failed to cover interest costs for at least three years) as a percentage of the total listed market is estimated to have increased from about 10 per cent 20 years ago, to about 20 per cent in the US, and from about 5 per cent to 10 per cent in Asia.

In the household sector, the destruction of wealth as higher rates push down house prices and equity prices (well under way in Australia) would be the biggest worry.

Shvets’ summary is simple: “It is very hard to unwind Ponzi schemes ... there is no getting away from the tight rules of our monetary economy [ample liquidity and low rates], and hence, there can be no normalisation.”


The Bank of England’s intervention in gilt markets last week is one example, as are the efforts by the Bank of Japan to intervene to protect its currency, and the European Central Bank’s vow to prevent dysfunction in the bond market there as the spread between Italian bond and German bunds widens.

“Over the next three to six months, central banks will be testing the limits, and hence, volatilities are likely to rise further,” he says.

“However, at the end of the day, policymakers will pull back from the precipice, and we continue to expect a change in the tone of communication strategy by the end of 2022 or early 2023, and then followed by reduction in rates and the end of any pretence of quantitative tightening through 2023 and into early 2024.”

Five indicators of easing

Shvets says investors should watch five indicators for signs that central banks are shifting from hawkish to dovish:

  • Indices of financial conditions (which have tightened substantially recently)
  • Pressure in high-yield debt markets (where spreads have increased sharply)
  • Any signs of contagion from high-yield and high-grade debt markets;
  • Problems with the plumbing of the banking system (which already seem to be appearing in some bond markets)
  • Cross-asset class volatilities (where problems in one asset class spread to others).

Shvets says while financial conditions are tightening and spreads are widening, there are no signs of the stress experienced in either the GFC or the peak of the COVID-19 panic in early 2020.

Here, he appears to agree with Hartnett, who says central banks aren’t yet ready to panic in the sort of co-ordinated way that would deliver a rally in global equity markets.

But while a rally caused by a Fed pivot – or even the hope of a Fed pivot – is possible, Shvets warns it’s likely to be short-lived because of the tightrope central banks must walk.

“The dilemma is that we cannot shut down the old model before the new one is established, otherwise economic outcomes could be extreme,” he says.

“In our view, this is the recipe for high volatility and much greater oscillation of outcomes, with strong recoveries replaced by equally sharp contractions, bull with bear markets, inflation with deflation.”

James Thomson is a Chanticleer columnist based in Melbourne. He was the Companies editor and editor of BRW Magazine. Connect with James on Twitter. Email James at

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