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Posted by15 hours ago
Helpful2WholesomeEvil Cackle

The new girl in class smiled at me as she sat down at the desk across the aisle. Her grin was a little crooked, revealing dark, red-stained teeth, as if she’d just been drinking fruit punch.

I'll admit, she seemed a bit weird right from the start. She wandered in halfway through the semester, causing the teachers in my high school a lot of grief. During every lesson she was confused, as if whatever school she had been to previously was not up to snuff.

Regardless of that, Hilda attended class every day and sat right beside me. We shared glances back and forth across the aisle and I got the impression she liked me.

Then one day she passed me a note asking what I thought of her. Being a sixteen year old boy with few romantic prospects, I passed it back with a picture of a cartoon wolf howling at the moon and she burst out laughing.

After that we were inseparable. She started coming over to my house after school and I introduced her to my parents. We went to the movies together and watched TV in my basement. We made out on the couch down in the darkness of my den, listening carefully for my mom’s creeping footsteps coming down the stairs.

We dated for a few weeks before I began getting a little freaked out by some of her quirks. She hid it pretty well at first, but after a while things started to add up. It wasn’t any one big problem, just lots of little things.

She collected my hair. That was weird. She gathered up bunches of it from my brush and I caught her stuffing it into her pockets one day. When I confronted her about it she just denied it.

The other strange thing was that I was never allowed to go over to her house. She said her parents were very religious and would never let her have a guy over. But when I dropped her off at night I would see strange flashes of red and green light glowing through the windows from inside. And once I could have sworn I saw someone levitating - hovering several feet off the floor and screaming at the top of their lungs, looking terrified. But when I looked back the person was gone, as if I had just imagined it.

Oh, and she wore strange jewelry as well - upside-down crosses and pentagrams. Weird, druidic symbols made into necklaces and rings. I asked her if she was into Wicca, but she just looked confused and told me she prefered comfortable furniture.

It wasn’t just those things that made me break up with her. My friend Greg told me this other girl Sarah had a thing for me, and I always thought she was smoking hot.

Posted by14 hours ago

Grandma was dead three days before they found her.

It wasn’t the stench of the corpse that tipped anyone off. Her house doesn’t sit too close to the others in the neighborhood.

It was Mister Charlie, her pet parakeet that sounded the alarm.

A jogger was taking a shortcut through an alleyway to reach the park just beyond her fence line when she paused to tie her shoe and heard a faint cry for help.

To think something so insignificant could cause ripples for weeks to come.

I wasn’t there when the EMT took her out, but from what I heard most of the body had succumbed to decay. The skin had started to melt away from the bone due to lack of embalming. The family chose to do a closed casket ceremony. And I was designated as babysitter for the bird.

Mister Charlie looked like he hadn’t eaten in days when I retrieved him. His feathers were ruffled and dirty, his talons encased with poop and food. He was likely stressed over the loss of his owner, I thought.

My mom told me that Mister Charlie was my grandmother’s favorite pet in all the years she’d been here. Supposedly he could say over 300 words and phrases.

“How long do I have to keep him? I don’t mind but my landlord might,” I told mom.

“At least until Sunday please, I have to make arrangements with the funeral home and the lawyer regarding her will.”

Posted by3 hours ago
Posted by2 hours ago


I led the two of us outside. "Here's the plan, okay?" I said, letting go of her. "You remember where the old house is, right?"

"Barely." she replied, obviously still shaken.

"Okay, look, I want you to follow me in your car, okay? We'll go, grab Dad and get the hell out of there, okay, and we'll call the police or somebody to come out to the place. Anything goes too far sideways before then, at least we'll have a backup vehicle." She still just stood there, looking both frightened and confused. I couldn't blame her -- like I said, I was JUST AS confused. But I couldn't just sit there, knowing what happened to Uncle Don might happen to Dad as well.

I hopped in my car and turned the engine over. Just before peeling out of there, I rolled down my window and called out to Lana to keep in touch with me over the phone. I then hit the road, going at least 85 miles an hour or more. It was another ten or so minutes before Lana texted me that she was following behind me. It was around 4:30 when I was pulling into the driveway of the old family home once again. Lana arrived just five minutes after.

We got out and slowly made our way to the house. My legs shook with every step and I could see hers were no better. My mind was stuck. What was I gonna see? was Dad even gonna be alive? Who the hell was this guy, even -- still never had any kind of answer for that. What was I gonna do?

Reaching the porch, I attempted to look through the windows again. Still blocked off, just like last time. "Dad?" Lana started calling out. "Dad, where are you?" Silence.

I looked back to the door and began knocking. For about ten seconds, there was nothing. It was quiet, still, just like the last time I was there. Then, however, from the other side of the door, I could hear Uncle Don's voice shout "Come on in, been waitin' for ya!"

Lana froze and looked at me. Her face drained of color, turning it from her natural olive tan to stark white. "I-Is that..." I responded by looking at her, horrified myself, and slowly nodding.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before turning the handle and throwing the door open. "Dad!"

Posted by6 hours ago

Due to some circumstances out of my control, I need to live in constant motion. If I remain in one spot for too long, well, unpleasant things tend to happen. To avoid this, I took up a nomad lift style of living out my car or in motels. Being a truck driver is out of the question because I would be requested to have certain routes. I can’t even stick to a certain routine for very long. I think this life may be hard on others, but I found myself perfectly content with always travelling. The only real downside is my bank account suffered.

In order to stay warm and fed, I took jobs most people aren’t even aware of through a Corporation regular folks should never find out about. Some of these jobs were simple. Go to one place and see if anything weird is afoot and report back. The Corporation always needed eyes on the ground and I didn’t need to solve the problem. Just confirm if there is one. I received a request to go speak with a forest ranger in a fire watch station a few days drive from my location. The job’s payment was to cover at least a month of gas so I accepted it right away.

Sometimes I got lucky and could knock a few small jobs off at once, but this time I only had the interview request. I went directly to the listed forest and checked in with the ranger’s station. The ones on duty gave me a side eye wondering why I wanted to talk to one of their rangers on duty. He hadn’t told them about anything strange going on, and people tended to not want to hike all the way to the fire watch tower to give some news. I lied saying I was a distant relative and told them some family issues came up that the ranger needed to hear about in person. I didn’t want to ruin his reputation mentioning my real purpose for being there. They offered for me to talk to him over the radio but I was adamant on walking over. They looked at my polished, yet well-worn shoes and dress shirt. I may live on the road but I dressed like and office worker when I took jobs. Nothing said I needed to dress sloppy just because I didn’t have a real home.

They waved me through asking to sign out whenever I came back. The hike wasn’t pleasant and the heat made me unbutton my shirt a little by the time I could see the tower through the tree tops. My shoes hurt my feet and I cursed myself for being so stubborn on looking formal. I was getting paid for this so I refused to complain to anyone but myself.

I arrived at the base of the tower to see a man pacing waiting for me. They sent him a radio message a head of time saying I would be on my way and he assumed the real reason why anyone would come to see him in the middle of the forest. I raised a hand to greet him when we got closer.

He was taller than myself with a long beard. His eyes dark and sunken in his face and his clothing hanging loosely from his frame as if he lost a lot of weight recently. His hand shook at his side clearly showing he wanted some sort of vice but didn’t have whatever his body craved.

“Are you Barry?” I asked not bothering with a last name.

“That’s me. You’re the one they sent? The uh... You know? The company that deals with this sort of thing? Mr...” He trailed off clearly forgetting my name.

“Adelaide.” I said quickly and got right down to why I arrived. “You said you’ve been seeing things in the woods? What sort of things? Since a few hikers have gone missing The Corporation wanted to gather information to see if they could figure out the cause.” I explained sounding as positive as possible.

Barry gave a distrustful look. He appeared to be the type of person who didn’t believe in anything that lurked in the woods besides hungry bears. That was, until he experienced something strange himself. He acted reluctant to speak about it even after I came all this way. He needed to accept that no matter what he said I wouldn’t dismiss him outright. Finally, the ranger cracked saying what he doubted anyone would take seriously.


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Created Mar 24, 2010


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