
The Trial (Kafka) analysis by _Aether__ in literature

[–]hovden 1 point2 points  (0 children)

My interpretation is similar to the OP's. This book is clearly discussing metaphysical laws that are outside physical interpretation. Easy to find / google discussions of the Trial focus on the more superficial parody of bureaucracy (which is also fascinating).

Electron Tomography: The Mechanics of Specimen Rotation for 3D Imaging at the Nanoscale by hovden in electronmicroscopy

[–]hovden[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Right on. Not a high-tilt holder, which limits the angular range which projections can be acquired, which in turn limits the quality of the 3D reconstruction. The mechanics of sample rotation using the goniometer are the same.

Electron Tomography: The Mechanics of Specimen Rotation for 3D Imaging at the Nanoscale by hovden in electronmicroscopy

[–]hovden[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Transmission electron microscopes rotate specimens using a complex goniometer that drives geared mechanical motion. High-angle rotation is fundamental to electron tomography; a 3D imaging technique that reveals nanoscale structure in all dimensions. In this video the mechanics of rotational motion inside a high-resolution transmission electron are shown from a vantage not often seen.

3D Nanomaterials Come to Life in Real-time using high-energy electron beams. (New electron tomography method demonstrated for first time) [Nature Comm / Arxiv] by [deleted] in EverythingScience

[–]hovden 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Real time tomography is integrated into tomviz, an open source and cross platform 3D analysis tool that contains intuitive graphical user interfaces (GUI) to enable any scientist to characterize biological and material structure in 3D.

Real-time 3D analysis of nano- and bio- materials during electron tomography experiments [Open-source] [Nature Communications] by hovden in EverythingScience

[–]hovden[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

From Article: We demonstrate real-time tomography with dynamic 3D tomographic visualization to enable rapid interpretation of specimen structure immediately as data is collected on an electron microscope. Using geometrically complex chiral nanoparticles, we show volumetric interpretation can begin in less than 10 minutes and a high-quality tomogram is available within 30 minutes. Real-time tomography is integrated into tomviz, an opensource and cross-platform 3D data analysis tool that contains intuitive graphical user interfaces (GUI), to enable any scientist to characterize biological and material structure in 3D.

Pearls Could Contain the Secret to Stronger Armor (Natural Treasure Contains the Secret) - [Popular Mechanics] by hovden in science

[–]hovden[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Quote: "The study (https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2107477118), focuses on nacre’s structure at the nanoscale level—lengths of a billionth of a meter, even smaller than a wavelength of light. Using an electron microscope, the researchers noticed that inconsistencies in the nacre’s brick-and-mortar structure led to “corrections” in future layers. When an asymmetrical nacreous layer corrupted the pearl’s symmetry, future layers “adjusted” their thicknesses to make the pearl more spherical."

Pearls Could Contain the Secret to Stronger Armor (Natural Treasure Contains the Secret) - Popular Mechanics by [deleted] in EverythingScience

[–]hovden 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Quote: "The study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, focuses on nacre’s structure at the nanoscale level—lengths of a billionth of a meter, even smaller than a wavelength of light. Using an electron microscope, the researchers noticed that inconsistencies in the nacre’s brick-and-mortar structure led to “corrections” in future layers. When an asymmetrical nacreous layer corrupted the pearl’s symmetry, future layers “adjusted” their thicknesses to make the pearl more spherical."

Imaging atomic-scale chemistry from fused multi-modal electron microscopy (a new way to distinguish atoms at angstrom resolution) [NPJ Comp Mat, Open-Access] by hovden in science

[–]hovden[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I can help. In most of the images, the dots (e.g. Fig 3) are atoms. In many materials atoms are periodically arranged, so you see an array of dots. It's remarkable we can resolve and image atoms using electron beams. This manuscript is about identifying which element on the periodic table each dot belongs to.

Two-dimensional charge order stabilized in clean polytype heterostructures—a new route to synthesizing 2D quantum states (Nat. Comm., Jan. 2022) by [deleted] in science

[–]hovden 0 points1 point  (0 children)

From manuscript: "The stabilization of ordered electronic phases with 2D polytype engineering has significant implications for routes to access fragile, exotic correlated electron states."

How pearls achieve nanoscale precision (Entire Pearl Imaged At Nanometer Resolution Reveals Remarkable Periodic Order) by hovden in EverythingScience

[–]hovden[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

From the manuscript: "Regarding layered growth of nanomaterials, of course, external templates are limited and rare. Mesoscale periodicity—defined here as long- range translational order of mesoscopic building blocks—is thus improbable, due to natural variations in the unit sizes, without the aid of some additional countervailing mechanism. The rare instances where nature assembles mesoscale periodicity therefore merit our attention”