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Privacy Notice

This policy sets out how we use and protect Personal Information we collect about you when you use this website. “Personal Data” is any information that identifies you or that can be linked to you. You are not under any statutory or contractual obligation to provide us with Personal Data.

Who we are

Adzuna is the trading name of Adzuna Ltd, a privately-owned UK company.

What Personal Data we may hold and process about you

Personal Data you provide Adzuna
We may hold any information you provide to us including your e-mail address, user account details, information you provide to us in ValueMyCV and information contained in your CV. We may also store details of your job applications, job searching preferences and behaviour.

Personal Data from third-party websites
Adzuna may also be provided with information when you sign up or apply for jobs with third-party websites. This information may relate to activity measurement (for example through the use of a tracking pixel) or where the third-party has obtained your consent to send you job email alerts and contracts Adzuna to do this on their behalf. Your relationship with any third-party website is governed purely by your agreement with them.

The purposes of the processing

Our use of Personal Data may include some or all of the following:

  • Sending you important information which we believe you would reasonably expect. This may include for example changes to our Terms and Conditions or other important product or service news
  • Carrying out your request to submit a job application
  • Delivering to you any job email alerts you have requested from us
  • Personalising your job search experience. For example, we may use your work or search history to help show you the most relevant jobs
  • Where you have explicitly consented to it, contacting you about relevant jobs based on your CV and/or other Personal Data in accordance with your preferences
  • Identifying and resolving any complaints or requests for data access or correction
  • Managing our infrastructure and business operations and complying with internal policies and procedures
  • With your consent, we use automated decision-making and artificial intelligence (AI) methods to provide you with insight about Personal Data contained within your CV
  • To provide targeted, personalised, or location-based content, services, and advertising from us and third parties

The lawful basis for the processing

In certain cases, such as the delivery of job alerts by email or contacting you about relevant jobs based on your CV, Adzuna relies on your explicit (opt-in) consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time by going to your account settings or by unsubscribing from related email communication.

Legitimate Interest
Adzuna will process your Personal Data where there is a legitimate interest. This may include, for example, emailing you about changes to our products or Terms & Conditions.

Performance of a contract
Adzuna may hold contracts with third parties where Adzuna is acting as a Data Processor. In these cases Adzuna may have a contractual obligation to use your Personal Data in a way that you have consented to with the third party. For example, Adzuna may deliver job email alerts to you under contract from a third party.

Compliance with a legal obligation
Legal obligations can arise where it is necessary for Adzuna to process Personal Data. For example, Adzuna may be required to retain records for certain periods of time in order to comply with local legal requirements.

Recipients of Personal Data

Third party service providers
Adzuna may use third-party service providers for operations and to help us protect our users. Examples of such providers include but are not limited to MailChimp, Google and Amazon Web Services. In these cases we may need to share your Personal Data with them. These third parties act as Data Processors for Adzuna and can only process Personal Data for the purpose stated in our contract with them. They must also comply with all applicable data protection laws.

If you apply for a job directly through Adzuna then we may send your Personal Data to the Advertiser (for example an end employer or a Post an Ad Advertiser). Advertisers agree to comply with our Terms & Conditions and all of their responsibilities under applicable data protection laws.

International transfer of Personal Data

Some Personal Data we hold is transferred internationally to third parties to jurisdictions outside of the EEA, including the United States. In this situation we ensure that the processing of the data is safeguarded either through the inclusion of standard data protection clauses in our contract with the third parties, or through certification of the third party under an approved certification scheme as provided for in the GDPR, for example the EU-US Privacy Shield.

Storage of your Personal Data

If you do not use Adzuna or interact with our services for a significant period of time, we will delete some or all of your Personal Data from our site. Our criteria for deletion is determined according to the frequency of interactions observed and the nature of the Personal Data.

Your rights to manage your Personal Data

Rights of Access, Data Portability and Rectification
The majority of your Personal Data can be viewed on Adzuna’s website when you are signed in to your account. Here you can also edit and rectify any errors. You also have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of your Personal Data please write to us at the address given below or use our online contact form.

Right to erasure
You can erase your Personal Data at any time. If you receive email alerts, you can delete these within your account or from the link within the emails. If you have an account with a password you can individually delete any CV(s) you may have uploaded by going to the MyAdzuna section of your account. You can also delete your entire Adzuna account here.

Right to Object or Restrict Processing
If you wish to make a formal request to object to, or restrict, processing of your Personal Data then you can use our online contact form. Please provide us with the email address associated with your account. We may subsequently need to ask for copies of identification such as passport or driving licence.

How we safeguard your data

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect.


A cookie is a small file which is saved on your computer by a website. Cookies are typically used on your subsequent visits to a website and they enable it to remember information about your preferences. Generally, cookies do not contain personally identifiable information. Included within the definition of cookies are Locally Stored Objects ("Flash Cookies"), and HTML5 Local Storage. More information about cookies, including how to delete and control them, can be found Adzuna uses the following types of cookie:

  • Cookies set by us: we use these to improve your user experience, for example by saving your recent searches so you can access them again easily or by saving your password to automatically log you into your Adzuna account
  • Third party cookies and technologies: these primarily enable us to track the performance of our website which helps us improve the service we provide (for example through Google Analytics which collects anonymous statistical data about pages visited). We may also share information about you with intermediaries, which allows third parties to show you personalised advertising. These intermediaries and products may include but are not limited to: Google (AdWords, Customer Match), Facebook (Custom Audiences), and Outbrain.

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. If you decline cookies, you may lose functionality or features of the Adzuna website.

Other websites

Our website contains links to other websites. This privacy notice only applies to this website so when you link to another website then their privacy notice will apply.

Changes to our privacy notice

We keep our privacy notice under regular review and we will place any updates on this webpage. This privacy notice was last updated on 21st of April 2021.

How to contact us

You can get in touch with us via our online contact form, or alternatively you can write to us at our registered office: Adzuna Limited, 40 Vanston Pl, Fulham, London SW6 1AX.

If you have any questions about this policy you can email: dataprotectionofficer @ (remove spaces when sending email) or write to the Data Protection Officer at the address above. If you do not think we are handling your Personal Data adequately, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office. Further information, including contact details, are available at