about us

Adzuna is the straight-shooting job search engine that helps you zero in on the right role

What is Adzuna?

Adzuna website screenshot

Job hunting on a bad website is like wearing oven gloves while searching the floor for a contact lens: massively infuriating and completely insane.

The online job market is cluttered and spammy, so using the best tool is a no brainer.

Adzuna is a smarter, more transparent job search engine that helps you dodge the thousands of irrelevant jobs so you can zero in on the right role faster.

What makes us different?

We give you access to every job but don't give anyone else access to your data
We cut through the noise so you can zero in on the right roles
Unique tools and salary stats help you pinpoint that killer role for the right pay

Why do we do it?

Andrew Hunter, the co-founder of Adzuna, browsing the web

We know that looking for a job is a rollercoaster ride.

As a team, we love using the awesome power of technology to help match people to better, more fulfilling jobs and keep America working. Most job sites treat you as though you’re the product, messing you around and selling your data along the way. We find that unacceptable.

Searching for that killer job is hard work. A job is a big part of who you are and it matters that you can find the right role sooner and feel good about the process. It’s a little bit broken, so we’re fixing it.

Our story

Like many good stories, this starts with two friends.

Adzuna founders Andrew Hunter and Doug Monro met working at Gumtree in 2005.

From launch in the UK in 2011, we now have tens of millions of visitors a month and are busy conquering the world from our offices in West London, Indianapolis and Sydney, helping millions of people find better, more fulfilling jobs.

We’ve spent a decade developing smarter, more transparent job search so you can zero in on the right role faster.

If you're interested in joining, please visit our careers page.

What does "Adzuna" mean?

"Zuna" means "abundance" in a number of African languages.

We aim to be the most abundant job ads site on the web, and to bring you the best ads sooner than anyone else

Hence the name Ad-zuna.

Where are our offices?

We're based in Indianapolis, IN.

We also have offices in London, England and sunny Sydney, Australia.

Drop us a line and come say hi!