Tag Archives: NF

“SHAMEFUL: Midland man defends mock KKK lynching as a ‘bit of fun'” (updated)

*Article below from The Birmingham Mail (The mail is not naming who they are talking about here so 3CAFA to the rescue .. it’s Darren Clifft from Walsall)

“Shocking fake hanging carried out as band played Johnny Rebel hits while 70 strong crowd gave Nazi salutes.


A Midland Ku Klux Klan admirer has defended his mock golliwog hanging stunt as “just a bit of fun”.

The man, who the Sunday Mercury has decided not to name, said: “I didn’t realise I was doing anything wrong.”

And he stressed that “it wasn’t planned” and that he was “egged on”.

The 23 year-old, from Walsall, was pictured holding a noose around the neck of a black doll at a music gig in Swansea last month. He later posted a video of the incident on Youtube.

His actions have been condemned by a Labour MP.

But the man told the Sunday Mercury: “The gig was absolutely brilliant. One of the best nights of my life. As I was hanging the golliwog the band was playing American Country and Western music and Johnny Rebel hits.

“It was all in jest and I don’t regret a minute of it and would so the same again.

“The mistake I made was to put a video of the ‘lynching’ up on YouTube.

“I didn’t realise I was doing anything wrong. I wasn’t inciting anyone to go out and lynch black people because it’s against the law.”

He added: “I admire the Klan and its Christian values and believe in racial segregation.

“The UK is only for white indigenous folk and everyone of colour should be settled in one small area out the way or better still deported back to their place of origin.”

Labour MP for Perry Barr Khalid Mahmood said the man’s actions were “reprehensible”.

“Police need to carry out a thorough investigation because individuals like this have the potential to cause serious damage in our communities through word and deed.

“He appears to show no remorse.

“His behaviour is just not acceptable in this day and age.”

The shocking images were captured at an event organised by Blood and Honour, a “white power” music ­network.

It took place after a “White Pride World Wide” march in the Welsh city.

The man told the Sunday Mercury that he had not planned to mock up the hanging of the golliwog.

He said: “The lynching wasn’t planned, but somebody from the Welsh National Front had bought along this stuffed golliwog he’d made to the gig.

“Everyone egged me on to re-enact what used to happen in the deep south of America to bad black people who had done something wrong.

“Innocent black people were never lynched and people forget that bad white people were also lynched by mobs too.

“The blacks were targeted for the better good of society there at the time.”

Johnny Rebel is a controversial American Country and Western singer whose songs, with incendiary titles like “Stay away from Dixie” and “Move them N*****s North”, were popular in the Deep South in the 1960s and 70s.

His lyrics were often supportive of the Ku Klux Klan and included derogatory references to black people.

Nearly 3,500 African Americans and 1,300 whites were lynched in the United Sates between 1882 and 1968.” Ends.

Darren Cifft in and out of uniform

Darren Clifft in and out of uniform

update 31.07.13:

Willenhall man remanded in custody over accused racial hatred

Opposing the “March for England” 2013

A few pictures and a video showing the huge and varied opposition shown to fascist scum who were pretending to march under the banner of St George in Brighton today. Links to independent reports from the day at the foot of the post.

A lot of people don't like fascism

A lot of people don’t like fascism

Fascists on the left anti-fascists on the right

Fascists on the left anti-fascists on the right

Loud and clear

Loud and clear







More coverage here (Indymedia UK)

English Fascists Took Their First Beating of the Summer in Brighton This Weekend (Vice)

MfE battered and humiliated on the streets of Brighton (EDLNews)

Mobs and Coppers (SchNEWS)

March for england 2013 (Indymedia UK)

Brighton 24th April 2013 – Something For Everyone!!! (Anti-Fascist Network)

March for England Marches Nowhere! (Maletesta’s blog)

Picture gallery (AFA Ireland)

Welsh Antifa Showing NF The Door

From The Anti-Fascist Network

Reports and pictures confirm the National Front have pulled in about 60 extreme fascists to the heavily policed white pride rally. The police chopper is up for this? Pathetic!

Antifascists gathered with the UAF have around 300-400 participants. It appears that a few militant antifascist groups roaming Swansea have been stopped by police and forced to join the UAF demo or sit in the cells for the day.

More news will follow, there may be a few local fascists hanging around later. Out of towner scumbags (98%?) will be making their way back home by train and car after the police bus them to a safe distance and out of the reach of Antifa’s. If you have a National Front member in your town you may want to collect them from the station to make sure they get home ok!

Here’s a picture of a redwatch photographer looking lonely (tweeted by EDL News):

I'm so ronery!

From the Swansea Antifa facebook group

“Today Swansea spoke loud!

The White Pride skum came along, 40 of them, they didn’t get their march and stayed for a hour before being bussed out, for everyone of them there were 5 across the way, chanting and jeering and letting them know, their hatred isn’t welcome in the pretty shitty city.

Meanwhile several groups of Antifa made their presence felt, in and out, as the police came out in force waving around half a dozen “sections”. No Antifa arrests tho some time spent being detained for having the dangerous weapon they call a flag.

Much respect and love to all the people who came together from across Swansea whether you were in the police pen or dressed in black staying mobile, you all did a an amazing job, even more respect to comrades from across the UK who came down! Many thanks!

— Please remember if you choose to upload photos from your day to blur/block out faces or put the Saffy logo over them, never ever tag people on facebook, this is important for personal security and the safety of ongoing activists —

¡No Pasarán!”

Update 11/03/13:  NF & KKK lynched black people in effigy in Swansea (Indymedia)


From The Westcountry Mutineer


ANOTHER ANTI-FASCIST STORY for this week: turns out that the South Wales National Front (yes, they apparently still exist!) and the Plymouth division of the English Defence League have both announced plans to demonstrate their hatred against everything that isn’t white and British. In Swansea, on the 9th of March, the South Wales N.F. are hosting an imaginatively-titled ‘White Pride’ day to celebrate how fucked up and out-of-touch with the people they claim to support they really are.

Meanwhile, on the 13th of April, the already-dwindling E.D.L. will be dragging out their fake Stone Island fashionwear and sloping brows to potential mosque which will replace the Dance Academy, which has been closed now for six years.

The E.D.L., for their part, are enjoying a painful, humiliating nosedive in support, with new splinter factions and minor civil wars dogging them at every turn; theiir Cambridge outing a few weeks was a wash-out, trudging out a shower* of 30 E.D.iots and the festivities involved muchas entertaining infighting; since July, the disorganisation has multiplied into the English Volunteer Force, and previously the Northwest Infidels and also the Combined Ex-Forces. And lets not forget the Judean People’s Front.

226945582_b711ca2e77_mThe National Front are themselves a living fossil, forgoing the decency if disappearing into the annals of history, desperately clamping onto any modern-day rightwing hate expression, in a lame attempt to recruit new blood, and not die the inevitable death they so richly deserve; but we can say the same for Blood And Honour, a Nazi fetishist music promoter.

Nowadays, they manage to squeeze out showers even smallest than their E.D.L. contemporaries, with turnouts of five blokes and a reluctant dog not uncommon (A.L.F. take note).  It’s fair to assume that their ambitions for Swansea this month is a clumsy bid to siphon off members of disillusioned Welsh Defence Force.

All that being said, it’s important to not just ignore these poor excuses for humanity, or relegate them to being a pure laughing matter; though they are pretty funny. They are violent nutters and can still pose a physical threat to communities, which why it is important to make sure that when we do oppose the, and oppose them we shall, that we don’t resort to the same old liberal/U.A.F. tactics of hosting demonstrations as far away from them in the towns and cities as possible, or ignore them and hope against hope that they’ll go away.

It’s through direct action and physical confronting the bastards, as well as systematically dismantling their bullshit arguments, that they’ll be kept off the streets – after all, no one likes a repeated kicking.


Shower* (v): to wash oneself by partial or full immersion in a continuous spray of water; (n) a device for personal hygiene, moving water through a nozzle with minuscule holes; a short period of rain; a collective of fascists or racists [ i.e. “a shower of fash”]

Facebook event for the counter-mobilisation (Plymouth)

Facebook event for the counter-mobilisation (Swansea)

Manchester Monkey Business!

From Maletesta’s blog

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! The cheeky wee monkeys of the EDL staged a chimps tea-party in Manchester and behaved exactly the way their audience expects: they got drunk, got rowdy and made a mess whilst achieving nothing. At 11am a bunch of EDL turned up at Victoria Station and immediately started fighting with each other which set the tempo of the day, i.e., a protracted drunken brawl.

The EDL were marshalled in the Walkabout pub where it kicked off, with themselves and with plod. One group broke away to ‘take the streets back,’ i.e., went to a different pub then staggered about a bit before being taken back to the march. Our cameraman told us he ‘had just had a run in with some clowns at Brannigans. Camera took a dent but old bill lifted three of them… watch out there are random little gangs in search of soft targets.’

A few hundred counter-demonstrators gathered in Piccadilly Gardens for the usual tedious speechifying so we went for a mooch around. We arrived in Albert Square where the 2 demos were going to rally and found loads of bored cops standing in the sun. Both groups were to be shunted to the quiet end of town where they were positioned opposite each other with nothing but a no man’s land full of riot cops between them to inhibit the customary haranguing. The numbers seemed about even although an aerial shot shows a not great EDL turnout.

The counter- demo was jolly but nowhere near big enough to oppose an EDL ‘national.’ That the UAF held their conference on the same day was absurd: discussing what to do about fascism on the streets whilst several hundred fascists are marching on the streets is pointless. The counter-demo was multi-coloured and lively with union banners, sound-system and a drum group. It was like a party without a bar (but, luckily, toilets!).

Trade union banners, community groups, local politicians and anti-fascists were representing a broad section of the North West. Just who do the EDL represent? The silent majority? How do they know if they are silent? Twerps. We clocked a trampy looking ‘chav scrote’ spotter, with obligatory bad teeth and poor dress sense, who was taking photos with his phone, mainly of policemen’s backs it seemed. What he will do with the ‘Intel’ now is moot given Redwatch’s current problemettes.

Raided: lots to hide on those computers, Kev

Bye Bye Redwatch! Hello Prison!

Shortly after the counter-demo arrived, a large group of anarchists and anti-fascists were shepherded into the square which swelled numbers. One plod told us that there had been ‘an engagement’ earlier between anti-fascists and orangu-patriots. Tiny groups of EDL were either wandering about lost or mingling in the counter-demo offering their usual abuse, devoid of wit or sense, clutching Sainsbo‘s bags of lager. The EDL arrived just before 2 in their usual simian phalanx, wrapped in flags, soaked in lager, penned in and protected by the riot squad.

Anti-fascists had gathered in the south-east corner winding up the EDL until the chimps started rattling their bars and throwing their own poo around. They were an unimpressive herd of scrotes, pissed and angry, and a few missiles were thrown when anti-fascists goaded them then plod moved us out of view. Oddest banner of the day was ‘UAF are totally disturbed to defend peeedos.’ Jings! The counter-demo music totally drowned the EDL’s shouts and speeches out and then they tried to burn a Pakistan flag but failed embarrassingly. They had been chucking smoke bombs about previously.

Shameless: Thank God it's the last episode

EDL Angels: up for the crack!

We were getting some nice info all day via mobile and text, the best being the following. Sheffield hooly mob, the Blades Business Crew, were on their way to a ‘pre-arranged’ with Oldham’s Fine Young Cagoules but stopped off in the MCR. Plod boarded their coach and refused to believe that they were actually off to football as they ‘had no hats, scarves or rattles!’ Crivvens! There were also rumours that 2 factions of the EDL were going to have a sort out but they both bottled it.

It all seemed a bit pointless and plod had stage-managed it well: both sides could hurl abuse out of the earshot of shoppers. There were almost as many sight-seers as cops and plod seemed remarkably relaxed on our side. For the EDL, it was the same routine: get kettled in a pub, start infighting, move to demo site and back again. Some had set off from a Leeds pub at 8am so no doubt were in a bad way by 2. The baboons of the EDL are now a leaderless body but, unlike intentionally leaderless anarchists, they need leader to give instructions on how to eat their bananas correctly.

It was not a remarkable day for the EDL, there was no coup, no coordination, not much publicity and they just looked as clueless and daft as ever. We met friends old and new which was great and thanks to all of them for a cracker of a weekend. And at £2.10 a pint who can complain?


Further reading Game Over for the EDL?

Gearing Up For A New Year Against The Splitters!

Reposted from the Anti-Fascist Network

“As reported by EDL News & Malatesta, the EDL Christmas address this year from Kev Caroll was a complete fucking joke. One of the highlights for anti fascists was when he slagged off all the other break away groups, pissing off a lot of potential supporters and splitting an already fragmented far right.

The splits are very visible to see with groups of ‘Infidels’ (both North West and North East) saying they will no longer attend the EDL Manchester outing on the second of March.

Some ‘Infidels’ are even suggesting they have their own demo’s the same day, but we can’t imagine they would be able to get anything near the sort of numbers they would need, It will probably turn out to be a flash mob… in a pub… ordering beer… in protest…at something.

Whilst it’s easy to laugh at these public tiffs that seem to be becoming more frequent, It does look like it’s only the leaders & organisers of the splinter groups who seem to get upset as all they want is to be their own little Hitlers.

The average EDL supporters are also in an ‘Infidels’ group (or two) , and also display Casuals United images all over their facebook pages, for these people who are the remaining hardcore of travelling fascists, they will go to the biggest nationalist event of the day, and do not seem too fussy who’s name they march under, as long as they get to shout abuse and piss people off, and if they are really lucky get into a scuffle with the cops/reds/locals.

For example the poster below is doing the rounds on many of the EDL & ‘Infidel’ sites. We already know that March For England (MFE) organiser Dave Smeeton is furious as he has lost all control over this event, and he has asked that EDL stay away, but if this is the biggest nationalist event happening on the 21st April we can almost guarantee it will bring out every lowlife from MFE to the National Front, and every misfit in between, and the same will go for Manchester in March.

Not an MFE Poster

Not an MFE Poster

Luckily work is already underway to meet and greet our travelling fiends, and in a place like Brighton, no matter how many fascists get bused in they will always be outnumbered by a town sick to death of the fascist scumbags targeting them.

In northern towns like Manchester we usually see the EDL either equaled or  just outnumbered by counter protesters, and that is usually following a call out from UAF.

There is still a lot of work to be done to get the majority of locals out, who like any normal person despise fascism, but feel it is ok to leave it for someone else to deal with, or perhaps are put off by politically motivated opponents of the EDL. Either way there’s a lot of work to do, but hey, it’s a new year!

Manchester Demo Facebook Page (worth a laugh)”

Boneheads shipped into Sunderland for anti-mosque demo

The nazis of the National Front/Infidels were confronted today by members of the local community who turned out in strength in St Mark’s Road to show the fascists that their hatred and violence will not be tolerated in the North East.

A small number of boneheads in the north east have a bee in their bonnet regarding the building of a new mosque in the Sunderland area and are using this as a front to try and create racial tension within the local community as well as using the threat of violence if their demands aren’t met. This tactic is known as ‘terrorising’ a community until the community submits to, or backs up the demands of the minority. This is why the fascists threaten to come back again and again in the hope of wearing a community down.

Racists were drafted in from as far afield as Bradford and Edinburgh to bolster numbers according to mainstream news reports. They can be seen hanging around on the grass verge in the video.

Updates: 13 arrests as the fash got violent and threw things at people which is standard when they don’t get their own way. Report from the Anti-Fascist Network here and a Mainstream report here

30th OctoberMillfield mosque opponents call for peace

Community Resistance


(Update 01.03.13) 13 Charged Over Violent Clashes At Millfield Mosque Demonstration

English Defence League and Scottish Defence League supporters

English Defence League and Scottish Defence League supporters

Police have charged 13 people after a demonstration at the site of a new mosque in Sunderland turned violent, as far-right groups including the EDL clashed with local Muslims and anti-fascists.

Around 200 people attended the pre-planned demonstration on St Mark’s Road in Millfield on Saturday, October 6, 2012, where a former council transport depot is being converted into a mosque for up to 150 Pakistani Muslims.

The English Defence League, Scottish Defence League and Sunderland Anti-Fascist Coalition were among the protesters.

Police have now charged 13 people with public order offences, one person has been given a caution and one person has been issued with a fixed penalty notice.

All those who have been charged are banned from attending any demonstrations in Sunderland or entering St Mark’s Road or Chester Road.

Chief Superintendent Kay Blyth from Sunderland Area Command, said: “We were disappointed a protest that was planned as peaceful resulted in a minority of people involved in disorder.

“This had a huge impact on local residents and since then we have been working closely with the local community and partner agencies to respond to community concerns and make people feel safer.

“Protests have taken place since then and have passed peacefully, however this does not mean we are complacent and we continue to monitor the situation and ensure we have an appropriate police presence in the area for any future protests.”

The full list of charges is as follows: Darren Stokoe, 21, of Norman Avenue, in Sunderland, has been charged with causing fear or provocation of violence and will appear at Sunderland Magistrates Court on March 18.

Anthony Farrer, 37, of Cleveland Road, Sunderland, has been charged with disorderly conduct and will appear at Sunderland Magistrates Court on March 18.

Police separate the demonstrators on St Mark's Road

Police separate the demonstrators on St Mark’s Road

Stephen Brown, 32, of Palmerston Road, Sunderland, has been charged with causing fear or provocation of violence and will appear at Sunderland Magistrates Court on March 18.

Mohammed Hoque, 19, Hendon Valley Road, has been charged with causing fear or provocation of violence and will appear at Sunderland Magistrates Court on March 19.

An 18-year-old male youth has been given a caution for causing fear or provocation of violence.

Gary Bigger, 41, of Clarke Street in Kilmarnock, Scotland, has been charged with causing racial or religious aggravated harassment, alarm or distress and will appear at Sunderland Magistrates Court on March 18.

William Smith, 44, of McLurian Crescent, Renfewshire, has been charged with causing fear or provocation of violence and will appear at Sunderland Magistrates Court on March 18.

Warren Faulkener, 41, of Webb Avenue, Seaham, has been charged with causing fear or provocation of violence and possessing a controlled drug and will appear at Sunderland Magistrates Court on March 21.

Shaun Bunting, 34, of Fenhall Green, Durham, has been charged with disorderly conduct and will appear at Sunderland Magistrates Court on March 18.

Dean Spence, 23, of Yew Close, Spennymoor, has been charged with disorderly conduct and will appear at Sunderland Magistrates Court on March 18.

Ronald Wood, 39, of Lonnen Drive, Gateshead has been charged with causing racial or religious aggravated harassment, alarm or distress and will appear at Sunderland Magistrates Court on March 18.

A 17-year-old male youth has been charged with causing racial or religious aggravated harassment, alarm or distress and will appear at Sunderland Magistrates Court on March 21.

Simon Biggs, 47, of Todd’s Nook, Newcastle has been charged with causing fear or provocation of violence and will appear at Sunderland Magistrates Court on March 18.

Lewis Spence, 26, of Orchard View, in Durham, has been charged with causing fear or provocation of violence and will appear at Sunderland Magistrates Court on March 28.


(Update 18.03.13) Men In Court Over Violent Clashes At Millfield Mosque Demonstration In Sunderland

See link at foot of article for video

See link at foot of article for video

Six men have admitted causing disorder at a far-right demonstration at the site of a new mosque in Sunderland.

Around 200 people attended the pre-planned demonstration on St Mark’s Road in Millfield on Saturday, October 6 2012, where a former council transport depot is being converted into a mosque for up to 150 Pakistani Muslims.

The English Defence League, Scottish Defence League and Sunderland Anti-Fascist Coalition were among the protesters. A group of Muslims and locals also attended in a counter-demo.

Numerous arrests were made and 13 people in total charged with a range of public order offences.

At Sunderland Magistrates’ Court on March 18 2013 six of those charged pleaded guilty to the charges.

Ronald Wood, 39, of Lonnen Drive, Gateshead, admitted causing racial or religious aggravated harassment, alarm or distress, but said he was “not a racist”. He was fined £215.

Shaun Bunting, 34, of Fenhall Green, County Durham, admitted disorderly conduct and was fined £238.

Dean Spence, 23, of Yew Close, Spennymoor, pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and was fined £178.

Anthony Farrer, 37, of Cleveland Road, Sunderland, admitted disorderly conduct and was given a six-month discharge and ordered to pay £100 costs.

Darren Stokoe, 21, of Norman Avenue, in Sunderland, admitted causing fear or provocation of violence. He will be sentenced on April 9.

Stephen Brown, 32, of Palmerston Road, Sunderland, admitted causing fear or provocation of violence and that the offence was racially aggravated. He will be sentenced at a later date after the Probation Service accesses him.


(Update 21.03.13) Camera Shy Far Right Leader In Court Over Millfield Mosque Demonstration

rom TV cameras

Faulkner trying to hide from TV cameras

Warren Faulkner, who leads a splinter group of the English Defence League, will be tried by a jury after he denied causing fear or provocation of violence at Sunderland Magistrates’ Court on Thursday March 21 2013.

He also pleaded not guilty to possessing cocaine, a Class A drug.

Around 200 people attended the pre-planned demonstration on St Mark’s Road in Millfield on Saturday, October 6 2012, where a former council transport depot is being converted into a mosque for up to 150 Pakistani Muslims.

The English Defence League and Scottish Defence League were among the protesters. There was a counter-demo including people from the Sunderland Anti-Fascist Coalition and a group of local Muslims.

Numerous arrests were made and 13 people in total charged with a range of public order offences.

Faulkner will next appear at Sunderland Magistrates’ Court on May 16.

Seven people have pleaded guilty to charges relating to the disorder.


(Update 10.07.13) Mosque protester caught with cocaine in Sunderland

AN anti-mosque protester avoided jail after he was found to be carrying cocaine following a street demonstration.

Warren Faulkner also offered to “sort out” his differences with a police officer when they clashed during the protest in Millfield, Sunderland.

Newcastle Crown Court was told Faulkner was among a group demonstrating about plans to build a mosque in St Marks Road.

The 42-year-old, of Webb Avenue, Westlea, Seaham, was then spotted by an officer in a back lane shouting “come on, come on, bring it on”.

The court heard Faulkner tried to trip up the officer, who was separating the right-wing demonstrators from the anti-fascist group. As he was being detained, Webb told the officer: “I will give you my phone number, and we can sort this out without your uniform on”.

Prosecutor Michael Bunch said: “Following this, a small packet of cocaine was found in his trouser pocket, with a street value of £34.”

Faulkner, who had pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to possession of a controlled substance with intent to supply, and a public order offence, claimed he was only carrying the drug after someone asked him to keep it for them.

Vic Laffey, defending, said Faulkner had lost his job as a result of being brought before the court.

He said: “This was a straightforward agreement with the friend to keep the drugs, with no suggestion at all that he would make money or a profit from them. He intended to give the drugs back.”

Judge Simon Hickey QC sentenced Faulkner to six months in prison, suspended for 12 months. He also ordered him to do 100 hours’ unpaid work and abide by a supervision order.

Judge Hickey said: “You were there to deliberately antagonise the other group, and you offered to sort it out with him if he removed his uniform.”

The court was told Faulkner had 22 convictions, his last back in 2002.


The remaining dregs of the EDL turned out in Walsall today

Dwindling numbers of racist boneheads belonging to the EDL (“Britain’s biggest street movement” according to themselves) turned out in Walsall in the west midlands today to shout racist abuse at the local Asian population and throw bricks and stuff at the cops.

Many projectiles missed causing injuries to their own side. More injuries were incurred when the boneheads tried to fight their way through a line of cops to get at members of the local community.

Mainstream report from the Birmingham mail here

Report from vice.com “The EDL Got Covered in Their Own Blood Again

Casualty of friendly fire apparently

A contingent from the counter demo

And off they limped

The remnants of the EDL & the ‘Master Race’ in northern day trips

Antifascists were out in force on the streets of Sunderland today (August 11th) outnumbering the nazi boneheads of the National Front three to one. The NF fascists were out to protest against a proposed mosque in the area. Another failed attempt to create community tension.

The deluded nazis, dwindling in numbers, claimed that the NF had “won the day” (?) on the Sky Tyne-and-Wear news page, only a bonafide bonehead would come to that conclusion, and only an underhand scumbag would lie about the circumstances. The NF now propose to waste everyones time including their own once a month protesting on the green.

Also ..

The EDL made complete cocks of themselves at their Blackpool fancy dress party (August 5th)

“Where’s the fucking film crew? it’s freezin..”

Also .. gee they’re busy ..

Roughly around 80-100 knuckledragging racists that missed the evolutionary ‘jump’ turned up on August 4th surprisingly in Keighley, West Yorkshire. Why? No one knows.

National Front Solihull ‘flash’ demo

Updated: Found one photo of sixteen boneheads standing outside an empty shop in Solihull this afternoon, apparently it was a ‘flash’ demo according to their facebook page.

If they stayed any longer than to have their picture taken is anyone’s guess.

As well as flashing in Solihull this afternoon the master race also made a ten bonehead appearance in Cheadle, Staffordshire to protest a cafe that sells pizzas, kebabs, burgers and curries.

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