Tag Archives: Infidels

Anti-fascists on the streets in 2014

Anti-fascists are getting organised to oppose the far-right on the streets in 2014.

On Saturday January 18th the East Anglian ‘Patriots’ are holding a demonstration in Lincoln. The East Anglian Patriots are yet another faction to the right of the EDL. Yes that’s right – to the right. Apparently the EDL which its founder left because it was infested with Nazis isn’t right-wing enough for them.

Last time the East Anglian ‘Patriots’ had a demo in Lincoln, back in June, they were opposed by a resolute crowd of locals, showing they were not welcome.

Last time the East Anglian ‘Patriots’ had a demo in Lincoln, back in June, they were opposed by a resolute crowd of locals, showing they were not welcome.

Although all the EDL splinter groups are relatively small they are all friends with each other, so with every East Anglian Patriots demo we can expect the usual ragbag of fascists – the Infidels, the South East Alliance, March for England, the English Volunteer Force etc etc. Speakers at their rally include Paul Pitt, AKA Prodromou (last seen at a rally for the openly Nazi Greek Golden Dawn – very patriotic!) and John ‘Snowy’ Shaw who recently proclaimed: “I am a radical bigoted intolerant extremist and proud of it”. A charming bunch!


Luckily Lincolnites are getting organised to oppose the racist rabble. Lincoln Against Racism and Fascism have called a counter demonstration.

As well as the EDL-wannabe alphabet soup of the NWI, EAP, MFE, SEA, EVF etc. the EDL proper have also announced 3 national demos for 2014.

On February 1st they will be in Slough for no obvious reason apart from Slough has a large Asian population. Berkshire Anti-Fascists have made a national anti-fascist call-out to oppose them.


On Mar 22nd the EDL have said they will be demonstrating in Worcester and in Sheffield sometime in May. Sheffield Anti-Fascist Network have already started organising to oppose them. They will be holding a public meeting in February as a preliminary. Email sheffieldafn@riseup.net for updates.

The EDL being surrounded and outnumbered on a previous visit to Sheffield

The EDL being surrounded and outnumbered on a previous visit to Sheffield

Support these counter-mobilisations to the far-right in 2014. Get to them if you can. Spread the word. Put the dates in your diary and start making plans. Let’s make this the year the far-right are finished as a force on the streets of the UK!

-More to follow soon on the planned EDL demo in Worcester on March 22nd-

Right-wing thugs locked up after Liverpool city centre attack

Liverpool echo 26 September

“Trouble spread to Bold Street bar after gang set upon anti-fascists heading to a fundraising gig

Far-right thugs attack in Bold Street
Far-right thugs attack in Bold Street

Seven right-wing thugs who attacked a Liverpool City Centre anti-fascist meeting were jailed after admitting charges of violent disorder.

The men, who were either members of or associated with groups including the National Front,  the English Defence Force or North West Infidels punched and kicked people heading for a fundraising gig at the News From Nowhere Bookshop on July 6 last year.

CCTV footage shown to Liverpool Crown Court showed the men, led by 25-year-old Liam Pinkham, running across Bold Street and attacking a smaller group walking past the Cafe Tabac bar and restaurant.

Liam Pinkham

Liam Pinkham

The attackers, some of whom were wearing masks, punched and kicked their victims who were pursued into the Tabac where the violence continued, sending tables and chairs flying.

Anya Horwood, prosecuting, said: “It would appear that the motivation for this violent disorder was polarised political opinions and personal enmity. The attacking group shared right-wing beliefs and the victims anti-fascist.”Witnesses described seeing the group hanging around outside the nearby Sainsbury’s store and thought they were about to raid it before they went to the Tabac and started “beating people.”

Those inside described three “punks” outnumbered two to one being beaten to the floor and one suffering a golf ball sized lump to his head.

Liam Pinkham, who was at the front of the attack having crossed the road to remonstrate with a man he had previous dealings with, was found a short time later cowering on top of a multi-story car park with another attacker Stephen Dumont, then aged just 16.

Stephen Dumont

Stephen Dumont

Matthew Coates, 22, was found on Roscoe Street with a mask and St George’s flag in his pocket and said: “OK you’ve got me” while Shane Calvert, 31, was found near Lime Street out of breath with bloody knuckles.

Matthew Coates

Matthew Coates

Pinkham, of Whetstone Lane, Birkenhead; Dumont, 18, of Rosewood Close, Netherley; Coates, of Albert Road, Southport; Michael Kearns, of Dovecote Avenue, Dovecote and Nathan Smith, 21, of North Road, St Helens, all pleaded guilty to violent disorder – though Smith failed to turn up to the hearing and a warrant was issued for his arrest.Two men from Blackburn Peter Hawley, of Ailsa Road, and Shane Calvert, 31, of Shetland Avenue, admitted the same charge.

Peter Hawley

Peter Hawley

Some of the men admitted being members of the English Defence League whereas others denied membership though they offered “frank” political opinions.

Shane Calvert

Shane Calvert

Judge Robert Trevor-Jones, said: “All of you were either members of, or have associations with, groups which happen to hold right-wing views or positions whether it be the National Front, English Defence Force or North West Infidels. “It is that common factor which brought you all together on Bold Street that evening because you had been made aware there was to be some form of anti-fascist meeting.

“It is quite clear you all went there to Bold Street with the view to disrupting or preventing that meeting taking place even if you did not intend direct violence beforehand.

“Of course in such circumstances involving two groups holding diametrically opposed views there is a clear risk of confrontation as was shown by the CCTV in court.

Michael Kearns

Michael Kearns

“Although the violence was short lived it was in full view of passers-by, initially out on the street, and it spread into a nearby cafe causing chairs and tables to be overturned and glasses to be smashed. Calvert, Pinkham, Kearns and Smith were in the thick of it.”

He jailed Pinkham, who had previously threatened to burn down News From Nowhere while making abusive comments about Anne Frank, for 17 months.

Dumont was sent to a young offenders institution for a total of nine months after he was also found guilty at trial of public order offences after shouting racist taunts through a megaphone at a mosque in Ashton Under Lyne, Greater Manchester.

Coates was locked up for ten months; Michael Kearns, 39, for 14 months; Peter Hawley, 53, for 13 months, and Shane Calvert was  given14 months behind bars.

As they were led to the cells their supporters, who packed the public gallery, shouted: “No justice” and applauded them.”
Video of the attack on anti-fascists

NWI Fascists issued this warning shortly after the sentencing


See also

Final far-right thug (Nathan Smith) jailed for beating up anti-fascist demonstrators

EDL – Attack Dogs of the State and Enemies of the Working Class

Origins of the EDL

1011994_293190610826058_1211824587_nThe English defence league was formed in 2009 to counter a tiny ultra-islamist group ‘Al-Muhajiroun’ who protested the return of British soldiers from Afghanistan.

The flashpoint came when Al-Muhajiroun burnt a poppy at a demonstration which fed the flames of hatred and caused the far right to react. It was also the perfect excuse for the far right to point the finger at all muslims from that moment on although concealed for a time under the guise of only being against ‘muslim extremism’.

Research suggests that many involved in the EDL originate from the criminal fraternity and the criminal fraternity is in turn attracted to the EDL. The so-called Luton based ‘leader’ of the EDL ‘Stephen Yaxley-Lennon’, an individual who uses multiple aliases, has convictions for drug dealing, fraud, breaching bail conditions and violence.

176587_1Amongst supporters it is common to find rather a lot of paedophiles, rapists, hardcore racists, nazis, violent thugs, petty criminals and even the odd murderer, most having their convictions documented in local newspapers and by anti-fascist organisations, others still at large hiding en masse within the ranks of the EDL. Since this article was written the number of EDL related convictions continues to rise.

In the first years from 2009 the EDL concentrated mainly on demonstrating against muslim extremist groups, then slowly moved their sights towards immigrants before finally focusing on left wing groups and basically anyone else that opposes them, because of these revalations, the EDL has been termed a fascist organisation.

On the racism front alone the EDL have built up the confidence to shout “send the black cunts home” over megaphones in city centres.

EDL and Austerity

The English Defence League are playing a significant part in diverting attention away from the banking collapse caused by bankers greed .. the failing capitalist system .. and of course the much despised and hated right wing Conservative party who elected themselves into office back in 2010. The Tories being the party that have implemented brutal austerity measures against the working class and under privileged as way of making us pay for the greed of the rich who caused the banking collapse in the first place.

master's biddingThe EDL’s main objective has been to demonise immigrants/ muslims and lay the financial blame solely at their door thus diverting attention away from the crimes of the bankers, the rich and the stranglehold austerity measures that they have imposed as a consequence.

Back in Thatcher’s day it was the National Front who thrived on the right wing rhetoric of the Tory party, now in Cameron’s day it is the EDL thriving on the same rhetoric.

Cameron stating that ‘there is none sicker than the EDL’ was a two-bit sound byte that meant nothing. Cameron hates the left and the working class making the EDL very useful because the EDL rail against working class people who fight for their rights and try to intimidate workers into silence on street level.

same_shitIt’s business as usual on the streets for the EDL and business as usual for the Tory party as the left and anyone else who opposes fascism is submerged into constant battle with the EDL. It seems that more effort and energy is put into fighting off the EDL than people can muster to fight austerity.

Already the EDL have cost the taxpayer over £10,000,000 towards policing a mob of drunken, coked up criminals on the streets of England every month or so since 2009. So much for the EDL stating that they are a ‘working class organisation’. They are literally pissing public money down the drain whilst intimidating entire communities whenever it suits them.

The English Defence League and its many offshoots who intimidate the working class on the streets would rather us wave little union jacks whenever a tory mp is in town, a royal gets pregnant or a soldier gets a badge rather than criticize their masters,  the ruling class.

Basically the far right EDL want the working class to ‘shut their mouths’ whilst the Conservative party would rather kill the working class off slowly and “legally” through stranglehold austerity measures that leave little option to some of our class.

A cunning plan indeed, a plan that is working out pretty nicely for the ruling class except for those ‘lefties’ and other critics that constantly attack and confront the ruling class and the subservient nationalist groups that serve them.

EDL achievements

Alan Lodge, Photographer tash@indymedia.orgThe major achievement of the EDL has been to draw every decent person opposed to racism, fascism and hatred into the lenses and notebooks of the police evidence gatherers to be rubber stamped and documented, at the request of the ruling class, no doubt.

Whether these opponents were politically active beforehand or not is irrelevant, they are now on file in their thousands. In this respect there is no question that the the EDL work hand-in-hand with the police and the state.

Violent nationalist EDL thugs ‘casuals united‘ supplied us with what was required in or hour of need, aiding us in finishing this article…

10.09.13 #EDL Hashtag

10.09.13 #EDL Hashtag

The EDL’s Prison wing/ lynchmob mentality

The EDL being structured like a gang, employ bullying tactics that can be found on any prison wing in any prison. Any person that happens to disagree with the EDL is commonly labelled a ‘paedophile’ in public and online and as soon as the finger is pointed at certain individuals, or groups, the rest of the gang go in for the kill, trying to garner public support whilst they are at it.

imagesThis behaviour happens on a daily basis with the EDL, and of course this behaviour is rife in prisons. If this doesn’t work they will say that those that oppose them are ‘anti-British’ or ‘supporters of militant Islam’ as a final last gasp or continue to circulate unfounded rumours plucked out of thin air to keep the pressure on their opponents.

The EDL as ‘scabs’

On a number of occasions the EDL have tried to publicly disrupt anti-cuts events, usually unsuccessfully but still with determination. Members of the public attending these events have  been accused of being ‘paedophiles’ for no other reason than fighting the measures imposed on the working classes by the government and the rich.

1818_816As in prison, labeling an innocent person a ‘paedophile’ would put them in fear for their life, the EDL are using this same tactic out on the street.

We can now see where the EDL are coming from.

As well as attempting to disrupt anti-cuts protests they have also been active in trying to disrupt anti-racist concerts and all kinds of meetings held by the left, on quite a few occasions resorting to violence when the insults and false accusations fail to have the desired effect.

The EDL and custody

wakefield_prison_croppedEDL members are not phased in the slightest by custody or prison. We’ll call prison their ‘home’ as we believe this is where they started and this is actually where they are most at home.

The policeman on the street to them is ‘guv’ or ‘boss’, as the screws in prison are ‘guv’ or ‘boss’ to them.

Over the four years since the EDL came to light there has been a steady and consistent trickle of scores of offenders belonging to their movement coming in and out of prison, the revolving door.

The EDL and ‘Britishness’

As a hate group that points the finger to divert attention from the crimes of the rich it is of no surprise that the EDL do not want to save the British badger or the NHS or any other public services that serve the British people, that would put their masters in the firing line. That is why we do not see any effort to help British people out in any way, shape or form mentioned in their hate filled agenda.

 The EDL are class traitors and used as attack dogs by the state.

More info on what the EDL wouldn’t want you to see at edlnews and exposingon

Nails found after ‘terror’ explosion near Tipton mosque

Debris and nails were found near a mosque in Tipton following an explosion that was this afternoon being treated as terrorism.
Police at Coneygree Road in Tipton which has been closed
Police at Coneygree Road in Tipton which has been closed
 Police evacuated a large part of the town after a loud bang was heard by residents living near the Kanz-ul-Iman Muslim Welfare Association Central Jamia Mosque in Binfield Street.

Residents said shortly after that they had discovered debris and nails.

Roads closures included Sedgley Road East at Dudley Port, Dudley Port at Tudor Court, Jays Avenue at Tudor Court/Tudor Street, Park Lane East at Slater Street, Crompton Road at Martin Road and Victoria Road at Park Street.

Officers were called to Binfield Street just after 1pm and a cordon was set up immediately.

There are no reports of any injuries, but police have evacuated the area as a precaution.

Sedgley Road East near Binfield Street which has been closed after residents heard a loud bang
Sedgley Road East near Binfield Street which has been closed after residents heard a loud bang

Wasin Kahn, a member of the congregation spoke of how he heard the explosion.

The 23-year-old who lives on Park Lane East in Tipton  said: “I heard a loud bang, at first I didn’t think anything of it.

“The police were called and they evacuated the mosque and some houses at the back. There are around 20 police cars here, we just don’t know what’s going on.

A resident of nearby Crompton Road said she was alerted to the incident when she saw police cars racing past her home, she said: “I was about to go out shopping at around 2pm and saw a number of police cars flying down Victoria Road and I thought ‘what’s going on here?’ “I didn’t think much of it then I got a call from friends asking if I was safe.”

John Brown who works at The MOT Bay on Sedgley Road East said: “I heard a bang and it sounded like a gas canister going off but we’re next to a tyre place and I thought it could have been a tyre that had blown.

“As soon as I saw the police coming down here and the streets being sealed off I knew it was something serious. The police helicopter is hovering above us.”

Commercial manager Mark Watton was just yards away when he heard ‘an almighty bang’.

Mr Watton, aged 49, from Bloxwich, was working on his late mother’s house in Coneygre Road at the time.

“The house is the other side of the railway embankment from the mosque, probably less than 50 years away,” he said.

“I was working at the house and heard this very loud bang. It was just after 1pm. I rushed outside but couldn’t see anything or anyone. I popped out to get some spare parts a few moments later and when I came back, 20 minutes later, the whole area was sealed off by the police.”


Finally ...

..Finally, not being classed as a “hate crime”


More on the continuing wave of racist attacks against mosques here

Death threats made to host after EDL interview

After the broadcast of this morning’s “tommy robinson” interview (above) on the bbc’s sunday politics show interviewer Andrew Neil immediately started receiving death threats via twitter from the little fuhrer’s henchmen.

The express ran an article covering the story, with possibly the finest typo (?) ever .. so true to boot ..

EDL’s response to the arson attack on Muswell Hill community centre June 5th (updated)

"EDL" painted on wall of centre shortly before arson attack

“EDL” painted on wall of community centre shortly before the arson attack which happened at roughly 3:00am on June 5th


510083 510084 510085 510086 510087

Wednesday evening's final post from the neo-nazis 'casuals united'

Wednesday evening’s final facebook post from ‘casuals united’

War memorial in London is desecrated hours after the arson attack with the words "LEE RIGBY KILLERS SHUD HANG"

War memorial in London is desecrated around 4:20am shortly after the Muswell Hill arson attack with the words “LEE RIGBY KILLERS SHUD HANG”

London June 6th 2013

London June 6th 2013 outside the Old Bailey

June 8th: EDL in Lincoln chant “Burn the mosque

June 9th: Suspicious fire at south east London islamic boarding school

June 10th: Four Arrested on Suspicion of Arson over Fire at Darul Uloom Islamic Boarding School

June 17th: Grimsby Mosque attack: Third man arrested

June 20th: Former soldier banned from every mosque in Wales and England over arson attempt

June 20th: Cheltenham man charged with mosque ‘hate crime’

June 20th: Two charged over mosque incidents

June 26thSwastikas sprayed on walls and windows of Redditch mosque during break-in

June 27th: Arrest in explosive device find near Walsall mosque

June 28th: Jailed: men who attacked Poole mosque sentenced to four months in prison

June 30thMuslim graves at Christchurch Cemetery, Newport, desecrated by racist vandals

July 1st: Police seek racists who left pig heads in Bradford Muslim family garden

July 3rd Racist graffiti is left on mosque (Cradley Heath)

July 10th Grimsby man ‘lost everything’ over mosque comment

July 10th Footballer jailed over anti-Muslim tweets in wake of Drummer Lee Rigby’s murder

July 10th Kirkcaldy muslim centre targeted in hate crime

July 12th Nails found after ‘terror’ explosion near Tipton mosque

Keep up to date with these stories and more at EDL Criminals – Exposed

Anti-fascists gather around the UK to oppose EDL/BNP/Infidels

Fascists hiding behind the murder of Lee Rigby gathered in a number of locations throughout the UK today in an attempt to stir up racial hatred amongst communities and fight with the *’commies’ (*anyone that disagrees with them) whilst pretending to lay wreaths for the murdered soldier.

Fascists were thin on the ground in a lot of areas by all accounts.

Antifascists had the numbers.

Anti-fascists in Leeds today

Anti-fascists out in Leeds

Antifascists marching through Parliament Sq, London today

Anti-fascists marching through Parliament Sq, London

Anti-Fascists in Sheffield today

Anti-Fascists out in Sheffield

BNP guy from Croydon got himself beaten up

BNP muppet from Croydon got into difficulties in London

Poor turnout of BNP scum in London today

Poor turnout of BNP scum in London

Infidels trapped inside police pen Manchester today (vid-click to view)

Golden dawn fans the ‘Infidels‘ inside pen in Manchester (vid-click pic to view)

Manchester: Anti-Fascists (right) neo-nazi Infidels (left)

Manchester: Anti-Fascists (right) neo-nazi Infidels (left)

The far right just can't help dropping themselves in it, every time

The far right just can’t help dropping themselves in it, every time

London: BNP top - Anti-Fascists bottom

London: BNP top pic – Anti-Fascists bottom pic

London: Anti-badger-cull folks burning effigy. Anti-fascists joining badger-killer chant

London: “Anti-badger-cull folks burning effigy. Anti-fascists joining badger-killer chant”

Cochester: Anti-Fascists (left) Fascists (right)

Colchester: Anti-Fascists (left) Fascists (right)

Small antifascist presence in Bristol today, EDL never turned up at the cenotaph

Small antifascist presence in Bristol, EDL never turned up at the cenotaph @ 1pm


Anti-Fascist presence in Northampton today

Anti-Fascist presence in Northampton


Belfast today: Anti-Fascists against the ulster defence league

Belfast: Anti-Fascists out against the ulster defence league

Police snatch squads protecting BNP, arresting Anti-Fascists in London

Police snatch squads protecting BNP scum, arresting Anti-Fascists in London (58 A-F arrested)

London: Anti-Badger cull protesters unite with Anti-Fascists against the BNP

London: Anti-Badger cull protesters unite with Anti-Fascists against the BNP

Above: EDL’s (cough) “Dignified silence” for Lee Rigby in Sheffield

Edinburgh: Scottish defence league/ EDL pull nazi salutes in "honour" of Lee Rigby

Edinburgh: Scottish defence league/ EDL pull nazi salutes in “honour” of Lee Rigby

Colchester: EDL perform nazi salutes infront of the war memorial in "honour" of Lee Rigby

Colchester: EDL perform nazi salutes infront of the war memorial in “honour” of Lee Rigby

The Cardiff four. One looks strikingly like Welsh nazi Luke Pippen, with freshly shaved head. Why would a nazi be honouring Lee Rigby? if we're correct.

The Cardiff four out to (cough) ‘lay a wreath’. One of the (cough) ‘mourners’ looks strikingly like well known Welsh nazi Luke Pippen, with freshly shaven head. Why would a bonafide nazi be “honouring” Lee Rigby? Pippen blatantly supports those that sent british soldiers to their graves during ww2.

Brighton's war memorial today, seems Anti-Fascists got there first!

Brighton’s war memorial, seems Anti-Fascists got there first!

SICKO! EDL Uses The Murder of Woolwich Victim For Thier Own Gain.

Reposted from Anti-Fascist Network

Last night in a calm, considered and educated manor the EDL thought about its response to the brutal public murder, and botched beheading of a man going about his business in Woolwich, London….Not really, as you might expect from a group of reactionary right wing morons they set about making the most of the situation and used the murder as an excuse to dress up like terrorists and run around with plod. They got pissed, the celebrations got out of hand, and they ended up smashing up a pub before fighting with police. Vice magazine took some good photo’s of the pricks here – Vice pics.

London EDL, Bexley Div - Celebrating the fact they think there's a chance for a bit of racism.

London EDL, Bexley Div – Celebrating the fact they think there’s a 
chance for a bit of racism.

The EDL is really going to milk this horrible incident, giving the two murderers exactly what they wanted; divided communities. As has been said many times, the British far right (EDL etc) and lunatic religious extremists are two sides of the same coin. The religious extremists can’t get any support for their insane ideas from 99.9% of British Muslims, so they carry out a brutal murder and the EDL responds just as the extremists would like, they attack the innocent – ruining lives and communities, and trying to divide us in a way that the religious fanatics could never have done on their own. It’s lucky for the rest of us that the Muslim community is in general very thoughtful, and reacts to the threats with a dignity that the EDL followers will never know.

There have already been incidents of attacks against innocent Muslim communities – in Essex a masked man walked into a mosque brandishing knives, in Kent a mosque was vandalised and in Bolton cars outside a mosque have been done over. One shitsack ‘patriot’ has been spreading lies on twitter that ordinary Muslims in Oldham were celebrating in the streets!?! This lie was then spread by CxF and EDL until GM Police had to take to twitter to say it was a load of old cobblers. On BBC Radio Five a caller of Indian decent, with kids in the army, talked of how she did not feel safe with the EDL running around blaming all brown people.

Other EDL divisions throughout the country who have been surrendered for some time are springing into life again to capitalise on the horrific murder. No doubt the Newcastle EDL organisers are rubbing their hands in glee, hoping that this death will boost their numbers at Saturdays protest. The EDL has called for a demo for bank holiday Monday outside Downing Street – presumably as the two murderers were sent on an all expenses paid cruise rather than being shot, uh? Time for London to unite and show the haters where to go! All Antifascists will be remaining vigilant over the coming weeks – to again try to stop the rot the far right brings to our streets, and using the upsurge in EDL facebook activity to gather intelligence on organised racism.

YAY "we got what we wanted" Sick fascists, yesterday evening.

YAY “we got what we wanted” Sick fascists, yesterday evening.

Below is a statement from an AFN  affiliated group, speaking on behalf of the Anti-Fascist Network.

The Anti-Fascist Network deplores the murder of a young man in Woolwich yesterday and our condolences go out to his family and friends. We also deplore the use of this incident by the far right to stir up Islamophobia once again.

 By calling a ‘terrorist alert’ the government has shamelessly sought political capital from what was clearly an isolated act of brutality by a couple of lone psychopaths claiming to be Muslims. There are maniacs in every community and grouping, not least the far right. The loss of a life in such horrific circumstances is always a tragedy for those involved, just as it was when fascists killed Altab Ali or when the police killed Blair Peach.
Meanwhile the Muslim community has conducted itself with dignity, and a huge number of individual Muslims have spontaneously taken to social media to disassociate themselves from any kind of sectarian violence.
Unlike the EDL, now virtually a spent force, who have chosen to use this man’s death to go on a recruiting drive and encourage attacks on minorities. The Internet is now buzzing with ‘patriots’, nationalists and fascists eager to exploit the situation – please don’t encourage them by carelessly repeating their drivel.
We will all need to be vigilant, and work with our communities against any rise in fascist activity.
We reproduce below a statement from the Muslim Council of Great Britain:
“This is a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam and we condemn this unreservedly.

 Our thoughts are with the victim and his family.We understand the victim is a serving member of the Armed Forces. Muslims have long served in this country’s Armed Forces, proudly and with honour.

This attack on a member of the Armed Forces is dishonourable, and no cause justifies this murder. This action will no doubt heighten tensions on the streets of the United Kingdom.

We call on all our communities, Muslim and non-Muslim, to come together in solidarity to ensure the forces of hatred do not prevail.”

 – Muslim Council of Great Britain

There’s another blog post worth checking here: Andy Carrington

Photo’s in this article are taken by extremely good looking, talented photographers, who work with Vice Magazine , used without permission (sorry).



Calling For South London Anti-Fascist Response to EDL in Woolwich

Welsh Antifa Showing NF The Door

From The Anti-Fascist Network

Reports and pictures confirm the National Front have pulled in about 60 extreme fascists to the heavily policed white pride rally. The police chopper is up for this? Pathetic!

Antifascists gathered with the UAF have around 300-400 participants. It appears that a few militant antifascist groups roaming Swansea have been stopped by police and forced to join the UAF demo or sit in the cells for the day.

More news will follow, there may be a few local fascists hanging around later. Out of towner scumbags (98%?) will be making their way back home by train and car after the police bus them to a safe distance and out of the reach of Antifa’s. If you have a National Front member in your town you may want to collect them from the station to make sure they get home ok!

Here’s a picture of a redwatch photographer looking lonely (tweeted by EDL News):

I'm so ronery!

From the Swansea Antifa facebook group

“Today Swansea spoke loud!

The White Pride skum came along, 40 of them, they didn’t get their march and stayed for a hour before being bussed out, for everyone of them there were 5 across the way, chanting and jeering and letting them know, their hatred isn’t welcome in the pretty shitty city.

Meanwhile several groups of Antifa made their presence felt, in and out, as the police came out in force waving around half a dozen “sections”. No Antifa arrests tho some time spent being detained for having the dangerous weapon they call a flag.

Much respect and love to all the people who came together from across Swansea whether you were in the police pen or dressed in black staying mobile, you all did a an amazing job, even more respect to comrades from across the UK who came down! Many thanks!

— Please remember if you choose to upload photos from your day to blur/block out faces or put the Saffy logo over them, never ever tag people on facebook, this is important for personal security and the safety of ongoing activists —

¡No Pasarán!”

Update 11/03/13:  NF & KKK lynched black people in effigy in Swansea (Indymedia)


From The Westcountry Mutineer


ANOTHER ANTI-FASCIST STORY for this week: turns out that the South Wales National Front (yes, they apparently still exist!) and the Plymouth division of the English Defence League have both announced plans to demonstrate their hatred against everything that isn’t white and British. In Swansea, on the 9th of March, the South Wales N.F. are hosting an imaginatively-titled ‘White Pride’ day to celebrate how fucked up and out-of-touch with the people they claim to support they really are.

Meanwhile, on the 13th of April, the already-dwindling E.D.L. will be dragging out their fake Stone Island fashionwear and sloping brows to potential mosque which will replace the Dance Academy, which has been closed now for six years.

The E.D.L., for their part, are enjoying a painful, humiliating nosedive in support, with new splinter factions and minor civil wars dogging them at every turn; theiir Cambridge outing a few weeks was a wash-out, trudging out a shower* of 30 E.D.iots and the festivities involved muchas entertaining infighting; since July, the disorganisation has multiplied into the English Volunteer Force, and previously the Northwest Infidels and also the Combined Ex-Forces. And lets not forget the Judean People’s Front.

226945582_b711ca2e77_mThe National Front are themselves a living fossil, forgoing the decency if disappearing into the annals of history, desperately clamping onto any modern-day rightwing hate expression, in a lame attempt to recruit new blood, and not die the inevitable death they so richly deserve; but we can say the same for Blood And Honour, a Nazi fetishist music promoter.

Nowadays, they manage to squeeze out showers even smallest than their E.D.L. contemporaries, with turnouts of five blokes and a reluctant dog not uncommon (A.L.F. take note).  It’s fair to assume that their ambitions for Swansea this month is a clumsy bid to siphon off members of disillusioned Welsh Defence Force.

All that being said, it’s important to not just ignore these poor excuses for humanity, or relegate them to being a pure laughing matter; though they are pretty funny. They are violent nutters and can still pose a physical threat to communities, which why it is important to make sure that when we do oppose the, and oppose them we shall, that we don’t resort to the same old liberal/U.A.F. tactics of hosting demonstrations as far away from them in the towns and cities as possible, or ignore them and hope against hope that they’ll go away.

It’s through direct action and physical confronting the bastards, as well as systematically dismantling their bullshit arguments, that they’ll be kept off the streets – after all, no one likes a repeated kicking.


Shower* (v): to wash oneself by partial or full immersion in a continuous spray of water; (n) a device for personal hygiene, moving water through a nozzle with minuscule holes; a short period of rain; a collective of fascists or racists [ i.e. “a shower of fash”]

Facebook event for the counter-mobilisation (Plymouth)

Facebook event for the counter-mobilisation (Swansea)

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