September 28, 2022

Former President Donald Trump launched a morning rant about the unexplained leaks affecting the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, which bring natural gas from Russia to Europe via the Baltic Sea. Sabotage can't be ruled out, and Moscow is being scrutinized as the culprit.

Even though we fired Trump, he wants to lead a group to mediate talks between Ukraine and Russia. I know; I'm laughing, too, because Trump is the guy that tried to extort Ukraine to get dirt on his rival, Joe Biden. Trump took to his failing platform Truth Social to propose the idea.

Everyone is talking about the hurricane, but what about me?

Everyone is talking about the big hurricane barreling into Florida, as they should be, but perhaps a far more important event in the longer term was the announcement that the Nord Stream I & II Pipelines out of Russia (which I brought to the World's attention as President when I explained how crippling reliance on it could be for Germany and other parts of Europe. Everybody laughed at the time, but they are not laughing anymore!) has been SABOTAGED. This could lead to major escalation, or War!

And now, he thinks he's an advice columnist:

U.S. "Leadership" should remain "cool, calm, and dry" on the SABOTAGE of the Nord Stream Pipelines. This is a big event that should not entail a big solution, at least not yet. The Russia/Ukraine catastrophe should NEVER have happened, and would definitely not have happened if I were President. Do not make matters worse with the pipeline blowup. Be strategic, be smart (brilliant!), get a negotiated deal done NOW. Both sides need and want it. The entire World is at stake. I will head up group???

US national security advisor, Jake Sullivan, tweeted:

Unsurprisingly, Fox News's Tucker Carlson Tucker Carlson suggested that President Biden is responsible for the suspected acts of sabotage on the Nord Stream pipeline.

I think that Trump is missing Vlad a little bit. I have no doubt in my mind that if Trump were in the White House, he would have handed over Ukraine to Russia in a New York minute. Ukraine is kicking Russia's ass, and they don't need the twice impeached one-term President's advice. And he should be more concerned that he is under investigation for espionage.

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