Friday, January 20, 2023




Howdy folks! Very excited to announce this one that's been in the works for some time now - the initial release from HEAVEN'S GATE! Read on for more information and please note that this is a pre-order that'll be shipping on or around 2/24/23. GET SOME:

Emerging from the swamps of “the other Bay Area”, Tampa, Florida’s Heaven's Gate debut with their first release, a self titled 12" released via Beach Impediment Records. Heaven’s Gate consists of  Tony Foresta (Municipal Waste) on vocals, Mike Goo (Warthog) on guitar, Jeff Howe (Reversal of Man) on bass, and Paul Mazurkiewicz (Cannibal Corpse) on drums. Consisting of five tracks that merge an amalgam of hardcore, punk and extreme metal's most aggressive elements, this initial offering from HEAVEN'S GATE showcases a range of colliding styles that are to be expected from these veterans of varied approaches to heavy music. Recorded across 2022 by Jeramie Kling and Taylor Nordberg, mixed by Will Killingsworth and mastered by Joel Grind, this one sided 12" with a marvelously etched b-side adorned with the band's logo is set to drop Friday February 24th, 2023. Each record comes in a full color jacket featuring the intricate artwork of Alexander Heir (Death/Traitors, L.O.T.I.O.N.) and is available on limited translucent purple vinyl (out of 200 copies) and yellow vinyl (out of 300 copies) along with the standard black vinyl variant. Also available on CD in Japan from Break the Records!

As always, you can buy here and stream / download / buy here

Be sure to follow the band on Instagram and Bandcamp to keep an eye out for upcoming shows! Fingers crossed, we will have some advance copies of this slab ready for at least one of their gigs in the coming weeks.

MUCH, MUCH, MUCH MORE TO COME THIS YEAR! I'll let y'all know more on that once these ship next month. In the meantime, please take care of yourselves! Talk soon!


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

12/27/22 - New releases from VIDRO and INDRE KRIG OUT NOW!!



Howdy and happy HOLLA DAZE in the event you even celebrate such things. Only a few days left in the year so I figured we'd unleash the North American pressings of two of my favorite SCANDI SLAMMERS that came out this year before 2023 rears it's inevitably ugly head. So let's go, shall we?


And here we have it, the North American pressing of VIDRO's brilliant 2nd 12" titled "GLÖD." Featuring an amalgamation of members that span the globe from Brazil to the USA to their sonic and geographical home of Stockholm, Sweden, VIDRO have been churning out quality hardcore punk in recorded and live settings for five years now with no apparent signs of letting up anytime soon. Previously released on Germany's Kink Records near the outset of 2022, this North American pressing serves both as a means to alert the uninitiated of what they've been missing along with providing a taste of what is to come. Each record comes in a jacket with a large poster, featuring design work and art by VIDRO guitarist Lucas Lima. 

There are 100 copies on RED VINYL for mailorder while they last.

European friends! Please order this record from KINK RECORDS in Germany as they are handling the pressing of this one on your land mass.


Released earlier in the year on the magnificent Adult Crash Records out of Copenhagen, Denmark, Beach Impediment is pleased to handle the North American pressing of an absolute, bonafide international hardcore punk ripper... the "DESTROYER" EP from INDRE KRIG! Six tracks of razor sharp musicianship with truly memorable hooks and riffs to match it, this platter keeps up the reputation K-Town has garnered for generating quality punk music over the course of multiple decades now. Each record comes in a pocket sleeve embellished with particularly striking art by the living legend we call Nicky Rat. 

There are 100 copies on RED VINYL for mailorder while they last.

European friends! Please order this record from ADULT CRASH in Denmark as they are handling the pressing of this one on your land mass.

Will these stellar bands be coming over to North America in 2023?! Stay tuned to find out :)

Got a slight smattering of distro items too. It's no surprise I'm a distro coward this day and age due to so many that do it so much better and a general lack of spare time, but shit, man, every now and then I gotta snag some stuff. Like the reissue of Public Acid's debut 12" release "EASY WEAPONS" on the stellar LVEUM label. I would say to be sure to snag a copy of the CONDEMNATION EP with it if ya hadn't already buuuut that one is officially out of print as of the other day when I mailed the last copy off to our country's heartland. But hey, expect something new from these lovely folks in 2023.

In addition to this, the geniuses at Black Water have given the first couple LP's from PDX kings LONG KNIFE the reissue treatment as well! The long awaited repress of the "CURB STOMP EARTH" LP still ain't here (fingers crossed for sometime on January) but if you slept on these I highly recommend snagging them in the meantime. Yes.

Check the store for some other random and not so random slabs - some fan club funnies, some marked down stuff, yadda yadda. Might even put my dog on there. 

**Oh and JUST A HEADS UP - I will not be shipping anything until the first week of the new year. Thanks for your understanding and patience!**

And with that, I wanna thank y'all for another great year. The pitfalls and annoyances that come with releasing records this late into the 21st century are plentiful so the bands that trust me with their art and the wonderful folks that enjoy the releases more than make up for all that bullshit. Additional shout outs to the stores and distros that keep it going with their tireless work, the folks behind the scenes recording, mixing, mastering, transferring long forgotten reels, etc for these releases and my lovely pressing plant right here in Virginia that makes shit happen for me. Thanks and see you again in about a month or so for a very special pre-order... cheers!


Friday, November 25, 2022

11/25/22 - New Releases: THE CHISEL / MESS Split 7" & GRAVEN IMAGE - STUDIO SESSIONS: '82-'83 12" OUT NOW!!



HEY! Got a couple new ones I'm dropping on y'all the week of the beginning of the obnoxious holiday vortex that'll unfold for the next 6 weeks or so. As abysmal as that might be, these records are both butt kickers despite being 4 decades apart in their creation. With that said, let's get on with it:


In the summer of 1982, an already burgeoning scene in Richmond, VA saw the arrival of some new blood in the form of GRAVEN IMAGE. Taking both inspiration and influence from the hardcore punk explosion that was well underway all over the world, these youngsters who met at a local skate ramp channeled their aggression through the no bullshit hardcore punk that they churned out in their few years of existence. Having shared the stage with a veritable who's who of punk at the time (BAD BRAINS, MINOR THREAT, NECROS, C.O.C., VOID, THE FU's, etc) throughout the Mid-Atlantic, the band's explosive live performance fronted by the powerful and charismatic Dwayne Curd was evidence that they could hold their own when billed with the aforementioned titans of the genre. "THE STUDIO SESSIONS: '82-'83" features the entirety of GI's recorded studio output - first from the "YOUR SKULL IS MY BOWL" session circa fall of 1982 that became the extremely rare and sought after split tape with fellow local juvenile upstarts HONOR ROLE, and lastly from the "KICKED OUT OF THE SCENE" EP session that was recorded in 1983 and released the following year, plus some previously unreleased tracks from each of the studio outings that yielded these 22 tracks of USHC fury! Carefully transferred and restored from the original reels, each record comes with a 12 page booklet chock full of photos, flyers and even some liner notes from guitarist Nick Smilek and drummer Joey Boisineau. For admirers of early American Hardcore and not much else.

There are 100 copies on MAROON VINYL available for mailorder while they last.

EUROPE! Please purchase this one from Mendeku Diskak as they are handling the European pressing of this slab. 


Bloody fucking hell! Two of modern Oi's finest together on a slab, you say?! You bet your ass! THE CHISEL (London, England) and MESS (Guadalajara, Mexico) have teamed up to deliver quite the sonic melee of a split 7" featuring two new ones from each group that showcase the balance of proficient songwriting and brute force that both bands have gained a well deserved reputation for over the past couple years. And as the The Chisel Boys' reiterative chorus resounds through the speakers while you're spinning this platter, you'll know that it's true - you truly ain't seen nothing yet as this is but a taste of what's to come from both of these stalwarts of the genre. Featuring art and layout by the great Nicky Rat, this record is a one time pressing so snag it while ya can or don't! COME ON NOW!!!

There are 300 copies on WHITE VINYL available for mailorder while they last.

As always, both releases can be purchased here and streamed / downloaded / purchased here.

There ain't much else to report at the moment! FINGERS CROSSED we will have the INDRE KRIG 7" and VIDRO 12" ready to roll next month alongside the highly anticipated repress of the LONG KNIFE - CURB STOMP EARTH LP. Stay tuned...



Tuesday, September 13, 2022


Greetings! I'm excited to deliver the news that the long awaited 3rd LP from PDX hardcore punks LONG KNIFE is finally available to the masses! If you were lucky enough to snag a record release copy at their hometown gig with RIXE last month or stumbled across the recording on the band's very own Bandcamp page then you're well aware of wallop packed in this platter. Let's get right down to it:


"The third chapter in the decade long existence of one of the most depraved Portland hardcore bands ever. If you know, you know, as LONG KNIFE has channeled and perfected the POISON IDEA sound, though if you pay attention to their catalog, you can see how they have evolved into their own beast over the years, making the PI comparisons trite. Every song on this record offers something different, whether it’s keyboards, horns (yep), what sounds to be operatic gang vocals, or just straight up hardcore bangers. This LP still maintains the intensity, insanity, and aggression these maniacs are known for, though there seems to be a bit more melody thrown in under the chaos this time. The riffs, solos, bass licks and Colin’s vocals/lyrics are just as awesome as ever. And of course, the lyrics are just as cynical, disturbing, and well written as we’ve come to expect. There is no slowing down for these guys and the Earth is ready to be curb stomped again and again with LONG KNIFE’s fucked up pummeling songs for these fucked up times. Each record comes in a deluxe package - thick jacket, printed inner sleeve and a huge poster plus stunning cover art by Alina Radetsky."

There are 100 copies on TURQOUISE VINYL with special screened sleeves available for mailorder while they last. You can purchase it here and purchase / stream / download it here.

It's also worth mentioning that this is a split release with BLACKWATER RECORDS who has their own variant of the record for all of you completists out there. Holler at Keet if orange is a far more palatable color for ya! Word on the street is he might even have a few more of the record release version kicking around on his site as well...

Loads of distro updates! Here's a little glimpse of what we're working with:

TOTALITAR - 1998-2002 12"

+ E V E N M O R E ! ! ! Take a deep dive via the Big Cartel link above.

That does it for now on the new release front! Up next, before the year is out I am hoping to have these two out that are currently in production:

THE CHISEL / MESS - Split 7" (US press)

Stay tuned for an exact release date as these items come into existence! Hopefully that'll be soon, pressing plants willing...

After that (and hopefully before 2022 is out, we shall see), expect domestic pressings of two recently released Scandinavian rippers - Sweden's VIDRO - GLOD 12" and Denmark's INDRE KRIG - DESTROYER EP. More on that as it develops along with more archival releases (some I've already announced and some I haven't), more modern releases, etc etc etc. 

As always, thanks for your time and I hope all is well for you and yours. Enjoy the tunes and take care!


Friday, July 22, 2022



Howdy gang! We got a new one on deck - the debut 12" from NYC's Phantasia, available NOW for order! More on all that below. We were hoping to have some more slabs ready for ya but there are various projects in various stages of limbo that I will not bore ya with. With that said, expect some more before the year is out, yeah? On to the matter at hand!


Pastels by candlelight, a spilled bottle, cigarettes burnt to the filter, the outline of a face being tanned by a flickering neon light, the vinyl debut from NYC's Phantasia is hard to get out of your head. A polytropos of black lace tinged beachfront kitsch melted together with the clever gloom of prime-era American indie, all topped by the wavering and haunting vocals of what could be likened to a baritone Siouxie Sioux. Elements of death rock, pure pop, punk, and rock and roll are all here fighting for space amongst lilting synths, reverb-soaked guitars, and muscular drumming. Recorded and mixed by Sasha Stroud, this captures both the spirit of their influences — the Feelies, Alaska y Dinarama, Bruce Springsteen, and Pylon — but holds nothing back in terms of what these songs are capable of sounding like in the 21st century. Each record comes in a jacket adorned with art by Phantasia's own Dylan Cameron.

Words by Jonah "Birdass" Falco.

There are 100 copies on PURPLE VINYL for mailorder only available here and here while they last.

UK FRIENDS - the living legends at STATIC SHOCK have multiple copies of this record including a good grip of them on purple vinyl, go snag since that postage cost will be way less barbaric than the one coming from me!

EURO FRIENDS - In other across the pond news, the fine folks at Germany's SOUNDS OF SUBTERRANEA also have copies for those not looking to break the bank. More to come on this front!

Loads and loads of distros, stores and other record selling entities have copies en route as we speak, so keep an eye or two peeled for that.

Despite my vows to stop doing a distro there's a little bit of activity here and there as of late... we got the long awaited Gentleman Jesse single from Third Man Records that serves as a companion piece to the "Lose Everything" LP that B.I.R. released back in November of last year, the first slab from legendary local label Zero Degree records in nearly 40 years - the L'AMOUR / BEEX split 12", some vintage French Oi via the D.E.M. Demo 7", some classic Midwestern American hardcore punk in the form of the Violent Apathy 7" from Radio Raheem and No Idols, some varied fan clubbery and whenever the USPS allows it I will have some hot slabs from PDX's finest Black Water, so check back in at a later date should ya need some Syndrome 81, Rigorous Institution, or any of that.  

In the coming months, if the various set backs holding stuff back at the moment subside we'll FINALLY let loose some hits like the LONG KNIFE - CURB STOMP EARTH LP (a split release with the aforementioned Black Water), the GRAVEN IMAGE - STUDIO SESSIONS '82-'83 12", the US press of THE CHISEL / MESS Split 7" and hopefully the RED CROSS - NO MESSAGE 12". There might be a few others as well but your guess is as good as mine the way shit is these days! 

Stay tuned! Please be well in the meantime.

-Mark / B.I.R.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

3/15/22 - New releases from MERCENARY and PEACE DECAY OUT NOW!!


Yo, I hope y'all have been well! Here's the first offerings from the Beach Impediment Label for the year 2022. Let's do it:


While this is titled “Demos Collection,” it’s actually a discography–the collected works of one of the most ferocious hardcore groups to come out of the Southeast in the last decade. Mercenary’s noisy, heavy riffing blends Scandinavian and Japanese influences, and the drums blaze a frantic d-beat. It’s the vocals, though, that propel their recordings into the stratosphere. Vocalist Michael “Ruby” Rubenstein was at his most unchained in Mercenary, and his performance here has been likened to a “Neanderthal’s battle cry.” While modern science has concluded that Neanderthals were complex primates capable of art and symbolic thought, they were probably terrifying to face in a struggle for survival. While they had some enticing opportunities, the band never committed anything to vinyl save a comp track. They broke up in 2015, leaving behind two tapes and achieving legendary status for their pummeling live performances in Atlanta.

In 2021, Ruby passed away unexpectedly, a devastating loss for friends, punks, and music dorks around the world. This album is not only a brutal slab of tuneage, it’s also an important artifact representing Ruby’s life and his love of music. The tracks on this LP have been remixed and remastered to better capture the band’s intensity, and the album comes with a foldout insert and a photo of Ruby in action along with stark cover art by Joe Della. If Mercenary flew under your radar the first time, you missed out. Snag this once and future bonzer now. Proceeds from the sales of this record will go to a mural in memory of Ruby as well as the Atlanta Harm Reduction Coalition. Limited to a one time pressing of 500 copies.

100 copies on SEA GLASS VINYL for mailorder while they last!


Here we have it, the debut release from the Austin, TX hardcore punk powerhouse known as PEACE DECAY. "Death is Only..." features six tracks of the blazing and pummeling hardcore ferocity you'd expect from a group consisting of current and former members of VAASKA, SEVERED HEAD OF STATE, GUERRA FINAL and many more acts the great nation of Texas has bequeathed to us, the hardcore faithful, over the past few decades or so. Mastered by Jack Control at Enormous Door, each record comes in a full color matte jacket adorned with cover art by vocalist Enok Vazquez and also features a stunning 11" x 17" collage by Barcelona visual artist and analog collagist JFKollages. Much like death, this initial offering from PEACE DECAY is only the beginning. 

100 copies on OPAQUE BLUE VINYL for mailorder while they last!

It's also worth mentioning that the 3rd press of the BEEX - THE EARLY YEARS: 1979-1982 12" has finally arrived as well! 250 copies on a SMOKY VINYL, snag em while ya can! And while we still eagerly await the arrival of the 2nd press of the SOCIO LA DIFEKTA - KRESKI EP (hopefully only a couple more months at most), I came across a few straggler copies with slightly damaged covers that I've put up at a reduced rate for those who don't care about things like imperfect print material, corners dinged in transit, etc etc. 

As always, you can obtain copies of these records via the Beach Impediment Records Big Cartel aka OL' FAITHFUL.

You can stream / download these records AND purchase them via the Beach Impediment Records Bandcamp.

Be on the lookout for new slabs from LONG KNIFE, GRAVEN IMAGE, PHANTASIA, RED CROSS, WHITE CROSS and many more through out the year that have yet to be announced but will be soon enough, like an absolute shit kicker of a split that I just sent off to be cut the other day. Stay tuned!!!

Record bullshit aside, please continue to stay safe and navigate this strange new world the best you can. It's pretty much two years to the week since this shit all went down and what a stretch of time it's been. It's nice seeing shreds of normalcy return and we can only hope for some permanence to that. Time will tell.

Be well, stay safe, keep rocking,

Friday, November 19, 2021



Happy days, my friends! Here we have it - the final entries into the Beach Impediment catalog for the year 2021. A mixed bag if I do say so myself! It was an interesting year to press records, that's for sure, and I'm thrilled to see it out with these two! Proceed for more information on these titles + some other news.


After ten long years away from the studio, Gentleman Jesse returns to us bearing a new ten-track album that benefits greatly from the wisdom and heartbreak that a decade of life on this planet affords. An album titled "Lose Everything" is bound to have its dark side, and behind the powerful melodies and jangly guitars a hint of sadness hangs in the air. But Jesse makes a bad time a good listen—after all, he's responsible for tunes like Carbonas' "Phone Booth" and his debut single "I Don't Wanna Know." While age tends to water down the output of older musicians, it's had the opposite effect on Jesse. Gone is any semblance of kitsch or power-pop convention. Also gone are his band—he's flying solo this time. What remains is a dazzling, mature earworm of a guitar-pop album. Each record comes in a matte jacket adorned with the photography of Riley McBride and also includes a lovingly assembled booklet featuring lyrics and original woodcut prints made by the Gentleman himself.

There are 200 copies on JADE VINYL available for mailorder while they last.


Tokyo, Japan's SOCIO LA DIFEKTA have bestowed upon the international punk community a barn burner of a slab in the form of this, the "KRESKI" EP. Featuring members of regional greats like UNARM and MALIMPLIKI among others, this smashing debut contains 6 tracks of rabid yet precise hardcore punk topped off by the dual vocals of Nanae and Iŝimura catapulting their fierce howls in the Esperanto language. Recorded by Shigenori Kobayashi at Tokyo's legendary Noise Room, each record comes in a stunning DIY print sleeve along with a fold out insert chock full of the lyrics and their translations into Japanese and English; all of which was designed and laid out by bassist and renowned visual artist Ippei Matsui.

There are 100 copies on BROWN VINYL available for mailorder while they last.

You can purchase copies here.

You can stream the records in their entirety and purchase copies here.

The following titles have been repressed since we last spoke as well:

CONDOR - SINGLES 2017-2018 12" (500 copies on WHITE VINYL)
BEEX - THE EARLY YEARS: 1979-1982 12" (250 copies on YELLOW VINYL)

We're hoping to have the 3rd press of the MUJERES PODRIDAS 12" in the coming weeks, stay tuned!

On a more personal note, as an update to those who were following the situation since I posted the GoFundMe back in March of this year, Mikey Rodriguez of WHITE CROSS, RED CROSS, MOD SUBS and many other bands over the years lost his fight with liver cancer earlier this month. I had the distinct pleasure and honor of getting to know him while working on the White Cross and Red Cross projects over the past year and a half. He was a friend and will be missed dearly. In honor of his passing his family has started the Michael Rodriguez Memorial Fund to collect charitable donations for the children he left behind. In the event you feel led to do so, donations can be sent via PayPal or Venmo to @kimrod10 or snail mail to:

Michael Rodriguez Memorial Fund
c/o Kim Rodriguez
PO BOX 221
Studley, VA 23162

Thanks again to all who donated to help with his medical bills earlier this year, I can vouch for the fact that he was truly touched by such kindness coming from so many strangers. Here's to hoping we finally get those aforementioned releases out in 2022.

Next month marks 10 years of Beach Impediment Records. Huge thanks for all the support over that decade. There's still more to come! Here's a glimpse at what's next! If all goes according to plan, those top few titles should be kicking off 2022...

LONG KNIFE - CURBSTOMP EARTH 12" (split release with Blackwater Records)

+ loads more to be announced in the new year. 

Take care,