
State of the Word 2020

This tumultuous year, two things really helped me get through it: my colleagues at Automattic and the community of WordPress.

At the end of the year I usually deliver a speech to the WP community we call the State of the Word, that celebrates what we accomplished the previous year and shines a light on what we could focus on in the coming year. There’s always a great energy in the room and I love mixing with the audience before and after the talk. This year we did it online, which meant we could produce the talk a little more, and we made extra time for the Q&A afterward with answers not just from me but folks across the community.

One thing I’ll call out WordPress 5.6 had an all women and non-binary release squad of over 50 people, a first for WordPress and probably any large open source project. Also the market share of WordPress grew more in 2020 than it has in any year since it started being tracked!

If you’re curious about what’s next for WordPress, check it out:

6 replies on “State of the Word 2020”

Themes, plugins and page builders should follow the standard so that the blocks are the only WordPress development language, regardless of the user’s level or expectations of the web project.

I consider blocks to be the right path to standardization and I hope that page builder companies will adapt to the block system (elegant themes, themify, elementor, ..)

Can’t wait to try the Twenty Twenty One theme on I like the colors (especially the yellow), and the image border feature. It’s quite difficult decision to me whether I stay on Twenty Twenty or the 21. 🙂