
Caught cheating in fishing tournament by Ttownzfinest in videos

[–]Ghede 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Alright. Championship match occurs in a bubble of warped spacetime, utilizing technology similar to an Alcubierre drive. The match is only recorded from within the bubble in an indestructible black box.

So when the device is disabled, the black box can survive the resulting black hole.

Caught cheating in fishing tournament by Ttownzfinest in videos

[–]Ghede 4 points5 points  (0 children)

better solution: Chess match occurs in a faraday cage.

I have a date now. I’m here in her house. She has a drum like this in the room. Is this red flag by kimjexziel in pics

[–]Ghede 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Coincidentally, I think it's the same barrel they use for shipping 55 gallons of lube on amazon.

Facebook scrambles to escape stock's death spiral as users flee, sales drop by hzj5790 in technology

[–]Ghede 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Except Facebook recently sold corporate bonds almost 2 months ago to raise money to buy back stock. And that was after a year-over-year decline in income in their previous quarter results. The number was $10 billion in bonds, with 5-40 year periods.

If their stock declines despite the buybacks, they basically pissed that money away, and are likely inclined to try it again. After all, their shareholders expect infinite growth.

A few more quarters of this, and they might be forced to refocus on their core business, and cut back their new VR/Metaverse ambitions.

Ah yes Elon and his daily bragging of imaginary features by smashspete in quityourbullshit

[–]Ghede 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I bet it's elon going off again based on half-understood engineering concepts. Like... an electric motor is a lot more water resistant than an internal combustion engine. You can seal the entire motor so it's water proof, it doesn't need to worry about oxygen for combustion.

However, being water resistant is VERY different from the entire vehicle acting as a boat.

2021 unofficial Rogue Burn VS 2022 Burning Man by helixA in videos

[–]Ghede 6 points7 points  (0 children)

A lot of what the narrator railed against, the limited space, limited entry times, etc are environmental protection measures. The desert has an ecosystem, and destroying what little life it has is devastating.

Jordan Peterson Breaks Down in Tears When Asked About Olivia Wilde Calling Him a ‘Hero to the Incel Community’: ‘Sure, Why Not?’ by Alex_Sylvian in nottheonion

[–]Ghede 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If he told them what they NEEDED to hear, they wouldn't flock to him.

He did not create the incel community, he just embodied it's philosophy of misogyny and superiority.

Evangelical Christians who sought information from their religious leaders about getting the COVID-19 vaccine were significantly less likely to be vaccinated, while evangelicals who spoke with a health care provider about the vaccine were more likely to be vaccinated by Wagamaga in science

[–]Ghede 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Yeah, it's 1/n religious leaders would advise against the vaccine, and 1/N medical professionals would do the same. N>n.

Shocker, when you go get medical advice from people without a medical degree, you are more likely to seek, follow, or get bad advice.

Fearless woman took off her hijab and walked towards the Iranian Islamic morality police. by LegitimateJicama7669 in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]Ghede 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yes, but if the man tells her to, then not covering her hair is disobeying.

Ergo, any law can be considered a religious law, as long as it's coming from a man.

It's been 1 Month and 1 day since RC tweeted last, wut doing? by Shadowman48ped in Superstonk

[–]Ghede 46 points47 points  (0 children)

At this point, I don't even think the 741 is a message. I think he just saw people trying to decipher it and thought it was funny.

A gentle tweak of the nose. My money is on a clown emoji.

How the hell is this even possible by fjpeace in nextfuckinglevel

[–]Ghede 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's almost like reddit doesn't know how tiktok works.

Hyperloop supporters are hyper-cringe. by Tayo826 in fuckcars

[–]Ghede 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah, it's a technology for a post-scarcity economy.

When we have limitless energy and materials, without destroying the planet, then we can worry about cranking out maximum efficiency high cost transport. Until then, Moderate efficiency and moderate cost.

Japan answer to drunk driving by FlyingChinesePanda in videos

[–]Ghede 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Japan has a drinking culture to rival England. It's not an unusual sight to see groups of drunk business men stumbling home in Tokyo.

That said, it's not a very driving centric society. Lots of public transit and walkable cities. Most people do not drive much, if at all.

Association between meatless diet and depression: Participants who excluded meat from their diet were found to have a higher prevalence of depressive episodes as compared to participants who consumed meat. This association is independent of socioeconomic, lifestyle factors,and nutrient deficiencies. by professor_superman in science

[–]Ghede 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Yeah, the thing about depression: IT LIES.

It will make you forget your childhood, but remember your trauma. It will make you forget the funny animal videos, but remember the gore. It will make you forget the good, and remember the bad.

It lies. You think you are seeing the world how it really is, but you are not, you are seeing and remembering the worst. It's a default negative bias.

Statistically, we are in nearly the best time to be alive, even for all the faults. Infant mortality is near it's lowest. Average lifespan near it's longest. Amount of international conflict at it's lowest, average crime at it's lowest...

Sure, the needle moves on the metrics, but look decades, centuries in the past. The world is getting better in many respects. Except average global temperature, yeah, that's fucked. Anyone got any data on the average industrial growth rate? Hopefully that's going down. I can't find good numbers on that

Bill Gates says political polarization 'may bring it all to an end' and could even lead to a civil war by DaFunkJunkie in politics

[–]Ghede 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It's because he's rich as fuck. Don't you know that Progressive democrats want to destroy the economy by ensuring that billionaires play their share of taxes, and pay their employees a living wage?! Leaving them less of their billions to spend on whatever charity cause they can stamp their name on, or buy some promising company that they can... stamp their name on!

When you are high enough up above the masses, you tend to see them as equal groups. Instead of one group trying to fix the problem that lead to the creation of the other group. The mile high problem that you are fucking STANDING ON.

An Oregon rape victim was jailed until she testified against her rapist, lawyer says by swingadmin in news

[–]Ghede 31 points32 points  (0 children)

This is one of those situations where both sides can be argued to be morally wrong. It boils down to whether you think individual liberty outweighs collective responsibility.

Given the absolute depravity of the crime in this case, this wasn't just a simple case of a single rape, this was multiple heinous crimes, rape, sodomy, kidnapping, assault, coercion, unlawful use of a weapon, over a period of 7 months! If he didn't go to jail, he would do it again or do something worse, no question.

IF the prosecution did not have a strong case without her testimony, and IF she was a flight risk, or a danger to herself, then jailing her until she could testify might have been the best bad option available.

[OC] Body Height Reported by U.S. Men by academiaadvice in dataisbeautiful

[–]Ghede 0 points1 point  (0 children)

.45 does. So if you round to first decimal first, THEN round to whole number, you break shit. .45 rounds to 0 in whole numbers, but if you round to first decimal, then round again later, you get a mostly wrong number.

For some reason, this Korone clip became the bonfire of hope in LSF subreddit by shizukun in Hololive

[–]Ghede 57 points58 points  (0 children)

Not to mention some big streamer groups are currently engaged in a huge argument, turning fanbases against each other, criminal allegations, etc.

Landlord says the home we’re renting doesn’t have hard water. This is after boiling water one time. by JohnnySniper3 in pics

[–]Ghede 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If you are footing the bill for the repairs on the appliances and etc. You might want to look into billing your landlord for the damages. You might have to go to court to fight it, but if they aren't doing shit about the problem...

Guess what they sell? The answer is suits. This is the statement piece from Suit Supply in Austin, TX. by AlloyComics in funny

[–]Ghede 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Looks like it could also be a seam that exposes the backlighting. It's exactly the sort of place I'd expect to cheap out on their decorative signage.

Waaahhhh lady doesn’t wanna push a human out of her by Confused_4292 in terriblefacebookmemes

[–]Ghede 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yes, but. I think We need more government childcare assistance in general. Birthrates are an important factor in any society, and if they are important, they should be subsidized. We as a society should help bear the burden of caring for children.

I'm talking 'new parent kit' of baby clothes, baby food, machine washable diapers, etc. I'm talking government subsidized daycare services. I'm talking free school lunches.

Children are our future and should be treated as such. If you want to reduce overpopulation, it shouldn't be through a strategy of starving poor children or starving poor adults.

Bill Maher Wants Democrats to 'Stop Talking About Pregnant Men' by [deleted] in entertainment

[–]Ghede 4 points5 points  (0 children)

When Bo Burnham had a sock puppet sing "Neoliberal fascists are destroying the left", Bill Maher was exactly the kind of stooge he was talking about.

Big business can do no wrong, and any democrat that doesn't suck the dick of 'liberal' wall street firms is a a fringe activist to him. And the rising progressive wing of the democratic party is an existential threat to him, the millionaire pundit, champion of the status quo.

meirl by um-chile-anyways in meirl

[–]Ghede 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Kiddo's first pathing algorithm.

Stablecoin Issuer Tether Ordered to Produce Documents Showing Backing of USDT by joj1205 in Superstonk

[–]Ghede 5 points6 points  (0 children)

They are selling to people who want to use crypto as a currency, instead of an investment.

If you need $60 of crypto to buy something from a crypto game, you don't care of that's .0001 bitcoin or 1 bitcoin. It's utility is the same, provided the value is stable enough that you lose nothing during the transaction.

If you want it as an investment, the price has to rise perpetually. If the price starts dropping, you start worrying. Because the utility of bitcoin cannot support a 20k price point. It was always greedy speculators.