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Scheduled AMA
1 day ago

My name’s Alex and I’m a consumer champion taking legal action against Sony UK.

Sony has been charging their customers too much for PlayStation digital games and in-game content and has unfairly made billions of pounds ripping off loyal gamers.

By charging a 30% commission on every digital game and in-game purchase, we say PlayStation has breached competition law. This means Sony UK could owe up to £5 billion to 8.9 million people, and anyone from the UK could receive £100’s in compensation if they owned a PlayStation console and bought digital games or add-on content via the PlayStation Store from 19 August 2016 to date.

I’m the proposed class representative for this lawsuit because I believe that massive businesses should not abuse their dominance, and Sony is costing millions of people who can't afford it, particularly when we're in the midst of a cost-of- living crisis and the consumer purse is being squeezed like never before.

Ask me anything about the case, and how it could impact UK gamers.

Sign up here to keep up to date with the case:

Proof: Here's my proof!

Hello everyone, thank you for participating in this AMA, I've been answering questions for 3 hours now but I've got to go so will be closing the AMA.

Really appreciate all of the questions and apologies that I couldn't get back to everyone - for any further questions please look at the FAQs here:

And if you would like to keep up to date with the lawsuit please do sign-up here:

Posted by
Scheduled AMA
1 day ago
Rocket LikeWholesome

We’re Audrey (u/onabeachinOz) and Rob (u/vandymarine). The husband-and-wife duo behind The Worm Bucket indoor worm composter kit. Three months ago, our pic hit the front page when Audrey quit her corporate job to launch our boot-strapped e-commerce business out of our garage.

Since that post we’ve sold more than 350 Worm Composter kits - ask us anything about taking the leap to start a small business, building a brand from scratch with no outside capital, worm composting, gardening, designing a unique product, filing a patent and trademarks, manufacturing overseas, e-commerce, working with your spouse, you name it – we’ll do our best to answer.

Proof: Here's my proof!

Posted by23 hours ago
Comments are locked

AMA is being hosted here beginning at 12:00 ET

My name is Joshua Harris-Till, Democratic Candidate for Oklahoma's Congressional District 5. I received my Political Science degree from Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. I have been active in politics for over 10 years working on each level of government from grassroots campaigns in rural Oklahoma to tribal campaigns, to the congressional office of Congressman Dan Boren, to the National President of the Young Democrats of America. All of these opportunities have prepared me to run to be the next US Congressman of the 5th District by providing insight on the needs of the people and how those needs are being neglected by our current representation.

My campaign motto is "Less about DC, more about Oklahoma"; my run as a candidate is unfortunately dictated by political rhetoric rather than policy in this state. The platform I am running on, Jobs, Education, Healthcare and Infrastructure, are important to me because I have been or know someone that has been impacted by these issues. Oklahomans deserve to have quality, good-paying jobs so they do not have to worry about which bills they will pay for the month to make ends meet. Ensuring these jobs are available in our communities will help decrease the number of young people in our state that leave when entering the workforce.

I believe in funding and increasing access to early childhood education programs to lay the groundwork for our children’s educational success. Post secondary education should not cripple young people with debt while they are pursuing a trade or college degree. Affordable healthcare is a right and everyone should have access to care, lower prescription drug costs, and autonomy over their bodies.

Lastly, Oklahomans in urban and rural areas should have good, safe roads and bridges when traveling the state and beyond. It is important to provide opportunities for Oklahoma contractors when federal contracts are available in helping to expand our infrastructure. Legislation for each of these issues can have an immediate impact on the lives of 5th District constituents, Oklahomans and Americans as a whole. My goal is to secure a progressive future for all generations.

I look forward to your questions.

Joshua Harris-Till (@JHarrisTill) / Twitter

Joshua Harris-Till (@jharristill) • Instagram photos and videos

Joshua Harris-Till for Congress

1 comment
Posted by
4 days ago
Gold2Helpful2Wholesome2Faith In Humanity Restored


Let me preface this by saying I will not be sharing locations or identifying details of clients, to protect their privacy and mine.

I work in an extremely underrated career servicing the people most don’t want to acknowledge. Whether it be removing a raccoon from a drug den, to fighting off millions of bed bugs in a care home. Every day brings new challenges and surprises.

My goal here today is to shed light on what is otherwise an often overlooked and stigmatized profession

Edit: 7:52pm Hey everyone it was fun being able to answer questions! However my phone is about to die! But feel free to keep asking and I will happily answer when I can!

Edit 1:52 am As much as I’d love to keep going, I don’t think my thumbs can handle it! It has been an absolute pleasure answering everyone’s questions, quite honestly I didn’t think there would be as much interest as there was, so thank you for turning something I debated not posting into a fun night talking about bugs! I hope I managed to answer everyone’s questions to the best of my ability and if you’re someone struggling with an infestation, please seek professional help if possible. It’s worth every penny for peace of mind and it’s usually cheaper in the long run!

And if you’re reading this and thinking to yourself “yea I can do this” then I absolutely suggest you do! I have worked a plethora of career opportunities, and this has been the only one that has provided me satisfaction at the end of every day.

Sleep tight, and don’t let the bed bugs bite

Posted by
Scheduled AMA
5 days ago
GoldWholesome2Take My Energy

I am an On-Air Talent & host of Pop Culture Weekly with iHeartRadio and after my Mom passed from pancreatic cancer last year, I spent this last year travelling around the country talking to the foremost experts on death, grief and loss to answer questions that far too many of us aren’t comfortable with asking.

From a death doula to an oncological psychologist; an embalmer to a Medium who can contact the other side, a death ritual historian to a Doctor who studies Near Death Experiences, I’ve covered nearly every facet of dying, death and beyond and collected these interviews in a series called Death, Grief & Other Sh*t We Don’t Discuss

I’ve learned a lot about loss and my goal is to share what I’ve learned for others in this club, that we don’t want to be in, but all of us will end up in.

Proof: Here's my proof!

EDIT: I have an editing session in a few minutes, but I'm happy to answer additional questions when I get back this evening! In the meantime, thank you so m much for all of your questions so far! These have been so great & really thought provoking and I appreciate it. I think some of the conversations we've had here so far can really be a help to others <3


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I Am A, where the mundane becomes fascinating and the outrageous suddenly seems normal.




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