
  • A Chat with Matt Mullenweg

    Presented by Matt Mullenweg

    In this session, Matt Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress, will answer live questions from WordCamp US attendees.

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 4:45 pm PDT in Palm
  • A New Era of WordPress Themes is Here: Block Themes

    Presented by Rich Tabor

    Block themes, the catalyst by which the full block editing experience lands in WordPress, introduces many new concepts for editing and publishing with WordPress. Let’s dive deep and explore the foundation of block themes, patterns, templates, parts, and style variants — all the bits that encompass this new era of WordPress.

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 1:00 pm PDT in Sun
    Block Editor
  • A Rookie’s Reflection – It is NEVER too late to learn!

    Presented by Sally Thoun

    Two years ago, Sally had never heard of a WordCamp, MeetUp, Wapuu, or GitHub. She was too intimidated to touch or edit a website, yet alone explain Digital Accessibility. Many people don’t know where to start learning about Accessibility, which can be overwhelming. When many of her friends were retiring, Sally started an unexpected, yet …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 2:30 pm PDT in Palm
  • An Anthropologist, a WordPress Developer, and a Lawyer Walk into a Bar

    Presented by Cassandra Decker

    This talk will explore communicating across aisles. Whether you need to speak to advanced developers, those just learning WordPress, or better understand how you communicate to those on your own skill level, this session is for you. We will also consider the exciting elements that neurodivergent individuals bring to WordPress and how neurotypical individuals might …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 1:00 pm PDT in Sun
  • Best Design Practices to Create Engagement

    Presented by Lee Levy

    Suggestions and strategies on perfecting your website by using proper keyword/image ratios, proper navigation, proper WordPress plugins, speeding up website, keeping content interesting, simple, clean, proper use of color and how the emotional side of color has an effect on how people think, CALL TO ACTIONS and why they are important,  and many more tips …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 9:15 am PDT in Palm
  • Blog to Video: Tapping into YouTube and Video SEO with Your Existing Content

    Presented by Joey Daoud

    You've put in a lot of work researching, writing, and optimizing your blog posts for your target audience and keywords. Now is the time to capitalize on that effort by turning your blog posts into videos. Video is a huge opportunity to reach a new audience, get more visitors to your site, and slide into …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 11:15 am PDT in Palm
  • Build Your First Block Theme

    Presented by Daisy Olsen

    Are you curious about Block Themes and how they are made? This Workshop will provide you with tangible experience with an entirely new way to think about how WordPress websites are designed. In this hands-on workshop, you will learn about the files used in a block theme and how to create them. At the end …

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 9:15 am PDT in Surf
  • Build Your Social Media Posting Application with WordPress and Zapier

    Presented by George Woodard

    Levering the WordPress CMS (self-managed) and Zapier, you can plan content and schedule them to be posted to your business social media pages.

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 1:00 pm PDT in Palm
  • Clue: A Detective’s Guide to Troubleshooting in WordPress

    Presented by Micah Wood

    WordPress is awesome, but everyone runs into issues now and then. Whether you own, maintain or build WordPress sites, troubleshooting is a skill set that will save you time and money. In this session, you will: Learn about the types of WordPress issues you may encounter and how to diagnose them.Discover the step-by-step processes that …

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 11:15 am PDT in Palm
  • Connected Commerce: Evolving to Multichannel Selling

    Presented by Beka Rice

    Evolve your eCommerce business from a single website to an omni-channel customer acquisition experience. Will cover which channels are best for different industries and how to keep commerce data connected between them.

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 9:15 am PDT in Palm
  • Content Creators Are Users, Too: The Crucial Importance of Carefully Crafted Editorial Experiences

    Presented by Phil Crumm and Helen Hou-Sandí

    Building websites and creating content doesn’t have to be hard. But with the web’s growing focus on end-user experience, we’ve started to lose sight of the first and most frequent users of the tools we create: the content creators that build with them. Join Helen and Phil as we unpack the importance of editor-first content …

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 3:15 pm PDT in Palm
  • Customizing Core Blocks for Clients

    Presented by Alex Ball

    There's no question that Gutenberg has become an extremely powerful tool for building websites. But as Spiderman's various family members have told him in various reboots of the franchise, "With great power comes great responsibility." Using core blocks in a custom site helps streamline development and keep the customer's cost down, but it can also …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 1:00 pm PDT in Palm
    Block Editor
  • DEIB: Uncomfortable Truths of Belonging

    Presented by Cami Kaos

    Join Cami Kaos as she shares with us the basics of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging and get uncomfortable of why the work of DEIB is the responsibility of all. Let's learn to do this work together to make ours a more inclusive and welcoming community where everyone can feel a sense of belonging. 

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 11:15 am PDT in Sun
  • Designing for Accessibility

    Presented by Sara Cannon

    Technology is so powerful. It unites us together as a society no matter our background or ability. Access to knowledge and information without barriers is crucial for equality and advancement. As designers, how can we do our part to make sure that what we are creating is accessible to as many people as possible? In …

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 10:15 am PDT in Sun
  • Developing Cultural Intelligence

    Presented by Petya Raykovska

    The business ecosystem around WordPress is multicultural and distributed. The strive for diversity, autonomy, and location independence that governs the open source world is what businesses have been successfully adopting so they can win clients all over the world and hire amazing talent. But why is it that even though global business speaks English, we’re …

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 9:15 am PDT in Sun
  • Embracing Minds of All Kinds: Making Digital Content Usable for People with Cognitive Disabilities

    Presented by Christina Deemer

    Cognitive disabilities are among the most prevalent types of disabilities, yet experts have struggled to provide web accessibility best practices around this area due to cognitive disabilities being such a broad category. However, recent work by standards groups has begun to address this deficiency. In this session you’ll learn about the challenges people with these …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 10:15 am PDT in Palm
  • Empowering local stores; learn from the tech giants whilst staying local

    Presented by Ronald Gijsel

    What do the tech giants teach us? These marketplaces drive conversions for a reason, take 5 small steps to follow in their footsteps and support your local community with an eCommerce store that is rearing to thrive. Why deals don’t need to be about giving away, quick payments that your customers love, shipping or curbside …

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 3:15 pm PDT in Sun
  • Extending WordPress using SlotFill

    Presented by Ryan Welcher

    Being able to extend and customize the editorial experience for users has been a part of any WordPress developer's toolbox since hooks were introduced in WordPress 1.2. We have come a long way since then and now with the Gutenberg Project, we have a new tool available to us – SlotFill. The SlotFIll system can …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 4:15 pm PDT in Sun
    Block Editor
  • Finding and Fixing the Six Most Common WCAG 2 Failures

    Presented by Joe Dolson

    The nonprofit organization WebAIM published a report in March 2022 about the state of accessibility in the top one million websites. This report flagged the six most common WCAG errors. These six errors covered 96.5% of all accessibility errors found. Learn how to find and fix these issues on your WordPress site.

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 3:30 pm PDT in Sun
  • FSE For the Win

    Presented by Evan Mullins

    Personal branding and online presence are made easier with full site editing! Do you have a personal site? Is it attractive? Is it current? No more excuses, full site editing makes it too easy not to put your best website out for the world to see. Put up a photo with a few links, a …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 2:15 pm PDT in Palm
    Block Editor
  • Gamify Your Content

    Presented by Ronnie Burt

    Can games, learning theory, and psychology help us make our content more engaging? We'll share real-world examples of how gamification can improve blog posts, online courses, landing pages, membership sites, and more. And we'll highlight how the block editor makes creating interactive content easier than ever.

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 3:15 pm PDT in Palm
  • Get Hooked! Using the right WP actions

    Presented by Benjamin Kostenbader

    Using the right WP actions and hooks could make or break your site's performance and reliability. Whether it's validating backend fields or targeting specific users, make sure you're firing the right time, on time, every time.

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 4:15 pm PDT in Palm
  • Getting Started with WP-CLI

    Presented by Alain Schlesser

    WP-CLI is the command line interface for WordPress. A text-based tool that allows you to control WordPress at scale. It is useful for local development, for remote control of your servers, and for automating menial & not so menial tasks. If you have been convinced that WP-CLI is the right tool to level up your …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 9:15 am PDT in Surf
  • How Live Streaming Can Level Up Your Career

    Presented by Ebonie Butler

    Are you a developer looking for a way to have more fun with your work? Let's dig into how I got started as a webdev streamer, how it forever changed my life, and how it can do the same for you and other developers. In our time together I'll share my personal experience as a …

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 1:15 pm PDT in Palm
  • How to Create Your Brand Content Style Guide

    Presented by Maddy Osman

    Taking the time to create a brand style guide will help get your marketing team on the same page and will cut down on the time you spend editing content in the future. In this workshop, Maddy will walk attendees through the basic structure of The Blogsmith Style Guide, which has helped her scale her …

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 1:00 pm PDT in Surf
  • How Your Small Business Can Participate in Five for the Future

    Presented by Chris Lubkert

    The most visible companies participating in Five for the Future are typically larger organizations that can dedicate several people to supporting WordPress core teams. In this session we will talk about the challenges of participating in Five for the Future as a small organization, how to set up a program for success, and the benefits …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 10:15 am PDT in Sun
  • Images on the Web — past present and future

    Presented by Adam Silverstein

    All about images on the web: current formats, how browsers load images, and upcoming formats – when and how to use them. This talk will start with a review of image formats commonly used on the web today – jpeg, git, png, SVG, and webp. What are they each good for? When and how should …

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 1:30 pm PDT in Palm
  • Improving Processes & Website Tracking with Google Tag Manager and WordPress

    Presented by Stephanie Bernal

    This lightning talk will walk through the efficiencies of Google Tag Manager and how it helps to improve internal processes regarding data and event tracking for WordPress websites. We will cover best practices when it comes to setting up a Google Tag Manager container along with some of the base tracking items that every website …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 1:30 pm PDT in Palm
  • Let’s Build a Custom Block in 15 Minutes

    Presented by Nick Diego

    Block development can be challenging, but getting started with block development couldn't be easier. Let’s build a custom block from scratch in under 15 minutes. Start the clock!

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 2:00 pm PDT in Palm
  • Making Security Simple for Plugin and Theme Developers

    Presented by Robert Rowley

    Would you like to know the secrets to secure code? For starters, it is easy as long as you know what to look for. Follow me in this workshop at WordCamp USA where I show developers the steps to follow to perform security code reviews. I will list what the most common misused functions in …

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 3:15 pm PDT in Surf
  • Meeting Your Customers Where They Are – How Businesses Can Thrive in a Digital-First World

    Presented by Keala Gaines

    The lines between the physical and digital worlds have converged, impacting the ways in which commerce operates. The shopping experiences that customers want and expect are dramatically different than they once were. Consumers expect to purchase whenever they want, from anywhere in the world, and in their preferred local payment methods. So how do merchants, …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 11:15 am PDT in Sun
  • Prepare for the cookie-less future with Google Analytics 4

    Presented by Sajid Islam

    On Mar 16, 2022, Google Announced the end date of the current version of Google Analytics (commonly referred to as GA-3/Universal Analytics). Google’s announcement has left marketers and business owners scrambling to figure out how Google Analytics 4 will affect their current (and future) marketing and data efforts. Now is the time to begin learning …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 1:15 pm PDT in Palm
  • Tackling performance in the WordPress ecosystem at scale

    Presented by Felix Arntz

    With the new WordPress performance team that was formed in late 2021, WordPress now has a dedicated working group focused on tackling performance in the CMS. While performance enhancements are obviously nothing new and have been landing in WordPress core throughout the years, in order to truly make an impact at the massive scale of …

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 10:15 am PDT in Palm
  • Taming the Whirlwind – Growing Your WordPress Business While You’re Busy with Client Work

    Presented by Nathan Ingram

    If you can never seem to find time to redesign your own website or launch a new service because you're too busy with client work… you're not alone, and this talk is for you! Attendees will leave with a (1) better understanding of why it's so hard to move our businesses forward when we're busy …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 9:15 am PDT in Sun
  • The Future Of Themes: Designing for the Block Editor and Beyond

    Presented by Michelle R Schulp

    When designing WordPress themes, one of the biggest challenges stems from a core component of WordPress itself: the ability for site owners to change, modify, and build new content themselves. This simple yet powerful capability was a driving force behind the adoption and popularity of WordPress, but theme designers are faced with a difficult task: …

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 2:00 pm PDT in Sun
  • The Nexus of Design and WordPress

    Presented by David Yarde

    Getting the right perspectives at the right time can often be a challenge, especially when it feels like everything is catering towards the programmers. In this workshop, we'll dive into how you can leverage the power of Design Thinking in your WordPress projects and experiences as a content writer, designer, or enthusiast looking to build …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 3:15 pm PDT in Surf
  • Website Accessibility Testing Workshop

    Presented by Amber Hinds and Alex Stine

    Have you ever wondered if your website is useable for people with disabilities or those using assistive technology? Would you like to make your plugins or themes more accessible? 

 This workshop will introduce website accessibility testing and teach participants how to identify accessibility problems using both automated testing tools and manual auditing techniques with keyboard-only …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 1:00 pm PDT in Surf
  • Where is WordPress’ Place in the Creator Economy?

    Presented by Ben May

    The rise of the website creator economy over the last few of years has introduced a number of new creator-focused platforms and approaches to building. How does WordPress fit into this new world? Let's learn from some of the real-life experiences about what has worked with small and large creator & newsletter-focused sites across various …

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 3:15 pm PDT in Sun
  • WordPress for the Next Generation

    Presented by Clemvio Hodge

    With the numerous plugins, themes and integrations on WordPress, WordPress provides the platform with little barrier to entry for any young person to build an online presence, business or even virtual assets. Helping their youthful creative minds to explore, grow and earn.

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 3:45 pm PDT in Sun
  • WordPress Through The Terminal

    Presented by Milana Cap

    Remember the famous “5 minutes installation” process for installing WordPress? Let’s see what WP-CLI can do in 5 minutes. And everything else that can happen in the terminal in 40 minutes. We might actually make WordPress instances more secure. Or just break it. This is not your usual presentation talk. This is a live terminal …

    Saturday September 10, 2022 at 2:00 pm PDT in Palm
  • Your Technical Support Philosophy is Losing Money and Angering Customers

    Presented by Ben Meredith

    Learn a new framework for technical support that retains more customers, attracts new customers, and all without falling into the common trap of becoming a free developer for entitled users. This philosophy of technical support is fun for technicians, empowering for customers, and will have your support team experiencing big wins.

    Friday September 9, 2022 at 2:00 pm PDT in Sun