yo ho ho and im out of control
So Who Is This Andy Ngo Character Anyway?



above: illustration of Andy Ngo on his way to the counterdemo against Proud Boys in Portland this weekend.

No doubt by now you’ve heard the tale of the big bad scary antifa who beat up poor defenseless “independent journalist” Andy Ngo in Portland on the weekend.  To hear the extreme right circus recount events, poor Andy was just there doing his “job” as a “journalist” when all of a sudden the rabid mob of masked antifa pounced on him for no good reason!  THEY HIT HIM WITH CROWBARS!  HE SUFFERED A BRAIN HEMMORHAGE!  O THE INJUSTICE!  

Well something about that tale, told over and over again, didn’t smell right to us.  Things smelled more rotten when a crowdfunder went up almost instantly and Andy cashed in on his alleged victimhood with a nice six-figure payday.

So just who is this Andy Ngo character anyway?

He was a writer for the PSU Vanguard until 2017, when he got caught grossly misquoting a Muslim student speaker in an attempt to demonize the speaker & elicit threats from Islamophobes.


Of course, it was Andy that was the victim, not the misquoted student, and he cried far & wide about the injustice of his “silencing.” Which was quickly amplified by the “voice of the alt-right,” Breitbart.


Andy’s other college activities included bringing speakers to campus like notorious alt-right shitbag Carl “Sargon of Akkad” Benjamin and Google incel James Damore.  Andy apparently is BFFs w/ Benjamin, appearing on his shitty podcast.  

Andy’s current platform, Quillette, is a less suit-and-tie version of Breitbart, catering to even more extreme alt right elements.  Quillette bills itself as a platform “for non-journalists.”  Not that it stopped him from writing fact-free Islamophobic screeds for the likes of the Wall Street Journal - pieces that liberal extreme left rags like Business Insider called “fear-mongering and race-baiting.”   Or the WSJ piece he did called an protest against ICE’s policy of separating children from their families “a mob encampment.”  Or the WSJ piece he wrote after a driver rammed into a Black Lives Matter protest, where Andy blamed the incident on “mob rule” by the protestors.  


Then, in March 2019, when Portland’s LGBTQ+ community suffered a series of violent hate crimes, Andy wrote in the New York Post that they were all “hoaxes” without any evidence to support that claim.

Two months later, Andy was part of a pack of armed right wing thugs (including convicted child rapist Matthew Demetrius “Deme” Cooper and neo-nazis Ian Kramer and Eric Oelkers)  that traveled to a Portland bar to attack bar patrons.  During the ensuing melee, Kramer smashed a woman in the head with a metal baton, knocking her unconscious and shattering her vertebrae.  After the attack, Andy doxxed the victim on Twitter

Not content with rolling with dangerous armed goons, later that month Andy promoted a fake “study” that amounted to a hit list of journalists that were purportedly “antifa” which resulted in death threats for those on the list.

As Oregon antifascists have noted, Andy “is an established far-right propagandist with a track record of promoting violence against people. He is a staple within Patriot Prayer’s gaggle of media grifters.”

So sorry folks, we’re not going to shed any tears for what happened to this clown when he showed up to an antifa protest with the intention of provocation to boost his grifter “brand.”  We do, however, have a title suggestion for the book he’s undoubtedly working on: Chat Shit, Get Banged: The Andy Ngo Story

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