Ever Been 'Dershowitz-ed'? Here's Alan Dershowitz To Explain What That HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING?

Alan Dershowitz has been telling some stories the past few days, and we're going to put a video in this post of Alan Dershowitz talking with the large opening in his face, so please send your children somewhere safe first before you hit "play," OK?

Alan Dershowitz went on the Newsmax show "Sean Spicer's Rock Bottom" to talk about Donald Trump's hilariously garbage legal team. Alan Dershowitz said that he, Alan Dershowitz, was concerned about the quality of Trump's legal team. But get this! Alan Dershowitz said SIX lawyers have all called him, Alan Dershowitz, on the phone, SIX of them, and all said they can't work for Trump because of what's happened to Alan Dershowitz ever since he defended Trump. Indeed, one of the lawyers said he doesn't want to get "Dershowitz-ed!"

And that's why we said to send your kids out of the room, because "Dershowitz-ed" is the most disgusting cuss verb we have ever heard in our lives, can you imagine if your little angel said that on the first day of school?

They'd get accused of grooming the whole class.

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Hard-Working Classy Person Kimberly Guilfoyle Has Some Words For You Lazy Poors

Polls show that a majority of voters support President Joe Biden’s student loan debt forgiveness. Republicans are very upset but they’re never happy when the government does anything positive for people without at least one yacht.

They’ve tried pitting the working class against strawman college-educated elites. This hasn’t gained much traction because working-class people have children and grandchildren with massive student loan debt. Republicans act as if there’s this serfdom of plumbers and truck drivers whose kids never step outside the invisible electric fence surrounding their class.

Republicans attacked student loan debt forgiveness as inherently “unfair” for a while and then decided to just be gross about it. Sen. Ted Cruz, easily one of the grossest Republicans, smeared some imagined “slacker barista” with a “useless” degree who can’t get a job other than the one he just literally said they have. It doesn’t occur to him — probably because he lacks human empathy — that he’s also insulting the “blue collar” relatives of most college-educated baristas.


Ted Cruz Worried Student Debt Relief Will Encourage Baristas To Vote

How Has Lauren Boebert Been Hurt By Modern Dance Auteur Yvonne Rainer?

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Home Ec Major Marsha Blackburn Not Paying For YOUR Useless (Gay) Degree!

It's so banal that it barely merits mention, but you probably have noticed that one of the Republican talking points in opposition to Joe Biden's student loan relief is that Republicans — responsible, hard-working Republicans! — don't want to pay for "silly" degrees, and they especially don't want to pay for degrees they don't morally approve of, like "gender studies" or degrees that imply that Black people exist.

As we all know, Republicans only major in carpentry, bootstrap-pulling, and MBA.

GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert said some shit about lesbian ice dancing theory or something. Wait, it was just "lesbian dance theory." Lesbian ice dancing theory is funnier, obviously, but we actually ... ugh, we are sorry ... that one is still kind of funny. Goddammit, Lauren Boebert.

Kimberly Guilfoyle, who is in a relationship with Donald Trump Jr. and his horrific face on purpose, similarly complained about giving debt relief to people who "wanna have some bizarre basket-weaving degree." She also attacked the "laziness" of people who haven't yet been able to pay off their student loans. We'd argue, except her loud messaging — VERY LOUD ALWAYS! — is doing so much to help Democrats win in November, we'd hate to interrupt her.

(Hey, you know what Guilfoyle's dearly beloved spent his time in college doing, according to stories? Peeing on himself. And wetting other people's beds. And allegedly getting slapped by his father in front of his friends for being such a failure. But hey, at least he wasn't being LAZY over in the lesbian ice dancing basket weaving building, learning the important craft of lesbian ice dancing basket weaving!)

This post is about Marsha Blackburn, the headline says Marsha Blackburn, we should talk about Marsha Blackburn.

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Lotta Little Bitty Men Makin' Great Big Threats About 'Riots In The Streets' Right Now

Every headline, every revelation about exactly which of America's most closely guarded secrets Donald Trump took to Mar-a-Lago to rub all over his grundle, is worse than the last. What's the latest? Oh, just that it looks like Trump was holding intel that could put human intelligence sources in danger, which is entirely expected when you think about it, considering how offended Trump always was that there might be spies looking over the shoulders of America's avowed enemies, AKA Trump's favorite world leaders.

Hey, remember that time in 2017 when the CIA had to extract our highest-level HUMINT source in the Kremlin, the one critical to the assessment that Vladimir Putin had personally directed the 2016 election attack for Trump's benefit, against Hillary Clinton?

Yeah, it's kind of unsettling to hear that Trump squirreled that sort of intel off to Mar-a-Lago. It really opens up a whole barrel of questions about what kind of traitor-level crimes we might be dealing with here.

So obviously this would be a good time for Trump's faithful taint-lickers in the Republican Party, people like Lindsey Graham, to just casually and innocently suggest that if Trump were to be prosecuted, then he's just saying there would probably be "riots in the streets." You wouldn't want "riots in the streets," now would you? It's not like Trump has incited a terrorist attack against the country when his back was against the wall before, oh wait, he has.

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Very Smart Trump Lawyer Like What Even Is 'Espionage'? Is That Like French For Jaywalking? I'M SO SURE!

The lawyers he deserves.

We think Alina Habba, who is by our count one of Donald Trump's three stupidest (current) lawyers, may be even less competent than we thought.

Here she is, doing her very hard lawyering work of going on Charlie Kirk's show and talking about all the "mundane" crimes they are investigating Donald Trump for, like the Presidential Records Act and obstruction of justice and like espionage or something, what is that even, is that like getting caught with a joint at school?

OK officer, I'm so sure!

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Wonder What They'll Talk About At Today's White House Briefing!

Live on WonkTV!

Watch and find out!

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Steve Doocy APPALLED Right Now, Strangely For Correct Reasons!

Who's asking good questions about Donald Trump's stolen Top Secret traitor documents? Steve Doocy is!

Steve Doocy woke up on the less stupid side of the bed this morning, and when he got to work on "Fox & Friends," he was absolutely appalled by what he learned about the new government filing about Donald Trump's stolen treason documents.

So when he was interviewing emptyheaded dumbfuck South Dakota Republican Governor Kristi Noem, he decided to ask questions like "WHY DID HE HAVE ALL THAT SECRET STUFF AT MAR-A-LAGO?"

They were good questions!

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