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Welcome to Coronabumpers, a sub to discuss and share concerns and resources regarding the ongoing pandemic as it is related to pregnancy, expecting, and haven't recently given birth or adopted a human.
Please check out our rules before posting. In addition to Reddits site wide rules, we ask
Be civil. This is a stressful time for everyone, so please be kind in the comments.
No medical advice.
No spamming, self promotion, trolling, etc. This is not a page for boosting your own blog or posting art pictures of yourself with a 3M mask (especially during a shortage, what are you doing?)
NO DENIALISM. Some people want to be comforted but this is not a place to assuage peoples fears by telling them to chill and not worry. Do not assume peoples medical history to be optimistic. This is a place to discuss risks and safety precautions, people are right to have fear and concern.
No anti-vaxx or anti-science based advice. You are within your right to question policy in place at your local hospital, however this sub is not the place to rally people against hospital rules, regulations, or advice. In addition, no homeopathic advice in lieu of medical treatment or advice from a doctor.
Please be liberal with the report button if you find someone breaking the rules or generally making the atmosphere a bad one.
Volunteers currently needed!
We are looking to create a long stickied post of pregnancy related studies and resources, even city specific. If you have compiled resources of this nature, please share so we can get that ball rolling as we are a baby sub trying to manage. Thank you all for your patience and contributions to the sub while we develop.
r/CoronaBumpers Rules
Be civil Be respectful: no racism, sexism, inflammatory remarks, personal attacks, or insults. This includes saying you hope someone gets the virus or any threat of harm. Respect is essential to promote ongoing dialog. This includes trolling harmless posts.
We can't be responsible for ensuring that medical advice given in this sub is reliable. Thus, any posts or comments that ask for diagnosis or treatment may be removed at our discretion with a helpful comment from our automod and/or moderators.
These types of posts will be removed.
This is a sub for acknowledging the realities we may face during this crisis. Telling someone to "relax" or provide assumptive reasoning to assuage concern is not allowed.
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