
Buyer’s remorse could be creeping in for GOP on abortion by Streona in politics

[–]Noahdl88America 2295 points2296 points 522& 9 more (0 children)

Fuck em, they created this baby, now they have to carry it to full term.

Biden rebukes the criticism that student-loan forgiveness is unfair, asks if it's fair for only multi-billion-dollar business owners to get tax breaks by DaFunkJunkie in politics

[–]Southern_Vanguard 22.6k points22.6k points 19211131122410& 56 more (0 children)

I own a business. Therefore I am friends on Social Media with other people in my city who own a business. Without fail they have been complaining about this “handout” and how they never get handouts because “they work”.

I have spent the day replying to them with a screenshot of their businesses PPP loans being forgiven. So far I have done it 9 times. All 9 have gotten angry at me. 2 threatened to sue because they did not realize it was public. 1 even threatened to call the Police because they thought I hacked them (I own an IT business).

Disclosure: I also got PPP loans forgiven and own it completely. It kept my doors open and I do not deny that we VERY well may have closed without that “handout”.

Edit: Lot of people are replying with an "irrelevant conclusion" (Google it). That dog does not hunt here. I am not arguing if the PPP and Student Loans are the same thing. You are. I am saying, do not claim to be free from loathsome dirty handouts when you take them yourself. They are hypocrites and you are arguing in bad faith. And even if I wanted to argue that, I wouldn't with you lot, as I can smell the boot polish on your breath from here.

Bill Barr slams Trump, accuses former boss of "extortion" and "sabotage" by BelleAriel in politics

[–]Bagz402 2821 points2822 points  (0 children)

Fuck this asshole, he covered for him this entire time. Trump where he is now is partly his fault.

Buyer’s remorse could be creeping in for GOP on abortion by Streona in politics

[–]DdddydyaCalifornia 478 points479 points  (0 children)

Conservatives forgot their whole grift.

They don’t have solutions for anything and they don’t know how to lead or govern

They’re usually the party that isn’t in power and they spend their time bitching about the Democrats in power who are actually doing stuff. Right wing media is all about saying that everything the Dems are getting done is all done the wrong way and how if the right was in power they’d do it all the correct way.

They grift and fundraise off that but they used to know that if they got into power their lies would be revealed.

Look at Obamacare vs. how much the right talked about how they’d do health care better. How they went on and on about Death Panels and other nonsense.

They didn’t do shit while Trump was in power and they controlled Congress. They didn’t even try.

Now they got high on their own supply and fucked up, thinking that people actually want their horribly repressive and awful policies.


We May Never See Another Lifelong Public Servant Like Anthony Fauci by thenewrepublicThe New Republic in politics

[–]dingdongdolly 140 points141 points  (0 children)

I rejected religion at a very early age in favor of science when I realized that religious people are unwilling to admit mistakes while scientists embrace them as part of the process to get to the real truth of a matter. I think Mr. Fauci will go down in history as a very great man.

Biden says ‘extreme MAGA philosophy’ is like ‘semi-fascism’ by ForkzUpArizona in politics

[–]thefugueAmerica 76 points77 points  (0 children)

Until then it’s just sparkling prejudice

Biden sees highest approval in a year in latest Gallup poll by malcolm58 in politics

[–]jono9898North Carolina 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It’s amazing what helping people does to your approval rating.

Some of Biden's Student Loan Critics Went to College for Less Than $400 per Year by Foot_DizzyTexas in politics

[–]MaximumEffort433Maryland 1311 points1312 points  (0 children)

Any of y'all remember the showdown over the Bush tax cuts during the Obama administration?

George W. Bush passed massive tax cuts after 9/11 in an effort to goose our shocked economy (and kick a few billion to the wealthy), but they were intended to be temporary and expire a decade after they had passed.

When it came time for the taxes to expire the United States was still recovering from the banking crash, the wealthy had recovered most of what they'd lost but the middle class was still struggling to find employment, and raising middle class taxes during an economic recovery could have set back what few gains they were making.

So President Obama made a simple proposal: We'll renew the tax cuts for Americans making less than $125k/yr, and expire the tax cuts for those making more.

McConnell refused.

McConnell insisted that either President Obama renew all the tax cuts, including those for the wealthy, or expire all the tax cuts, even for the working class.

President Obama didn't want to raise taxes on working folks and so he had to renew the whole damn thing, which sucked even more because those tax revenues were expected to pay for the ACA, so instead that spending went on the deficit.

After writing all of this, the point I'm getting at is how differently the parties approach means testing: Republicans tend to start at the bottom and work their way up, Democrats start at the top and work their way down.

The Democrat's means testing for student loan forgiveness is essentially just "You have to make less than $125k/yr."

If Republicans (somehow) forgave student loan debt, they'd start off with a work requirement, a drug test, a signed affidavit from your husband or father, and a genital inspection.

Some of Biden's Student Loan Critics Went to College for Less Than $400 per Year by Foot_DizzyTexas in politics

[–]highblacksky7 0 points1 point  (0 children)

don’t want to waste their hard earned money supplementing some random persons education.

I pay federal and state taxes every year, supplementing other people's education. I don't have kids, so why should I have to pay for other people's kids k-12 school?

Some of Biden's Student Loan Critics Went to College for Less Than $400 per Year by Foot_DizzyTexas in politics

[–]Fenix42 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's also expensive because we keep cutting funding. Students are asked to shoulder more and more of the cost of their education.

Buyer’s remorse could be creeping in for GOP on abortion by Streona in politics

[–]the_Formuoli_Wisconsin 1586 points1587 points  (0 children)

Let’s hope they can’t win a national election ever again.

If you ever wondered why they're currently so bent on trying to change election laws and whatnot, this is precisely what they fear. Their ideas are clearly unpopular and get less popular all the time. Rather than change their ideas and be more popular, they're going the "change the rules to favor them" route

Buyer’s remorse could be creeping in for GOP on abortion by Streona in politics

[–]djdestrado 167 points168 points  (0 children)

This. Republicans spent the last 25 only being against things.

Here is an example for every letter of the alphabet: abortion, banking regulations, critical race theory, democracy, elites, fist-bumping, gay marriage, Hamilton, islam, jabs, kwanza, liberalism, mail-in ballots, NAFTA, open borders, public transit, quarantine, renewable energy, stem cell research, trans rights, universal healthcare, voting, white replacement, young people, zoning regulations.