ARMS is a manga series written and illustrated by Ryoji Minagawa, with assistance from Kyoichi Nanatsuki. The story follows a young man named Ryo Takatsuki, who at the beginning of the series believes that he was in an accident causing his right arm to be severed from his body. However, as the story progresses, it is revealed that he was actually a test subject for experiments involving genetics and an "ARMS" nanomachine implant, along with three other youths: Kei Karuma, Takeshi Tomoe, and Hayato Shingu. They all meet under strange circumstances and after many battles they set off on a journey to rescue Ryo's girlfriend Katsumi Akagi, who is kidnapped by the Egrigori. The Egrigori are the creators of the ARMS technology. In 1999, the series received the Shogakukan Manga Award for shōnen manga. It was adapted into a 2001 anime television series by TMS Entertainment titled Project ARMS.
The ARMS weapons are named after characters in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Each of the ARMS is a weapon made of thousands of nanomachines and minerals that have the capability to merge with a biological being, and are capable of mimicking a lost limb (as is the case with Kei, Takeshi, Hayato, and Ryo). Furthermore, each "ARMS" has differing battle modes, which vary in appearance and use. Each ARMS also has several progressions of power, the last of which usually involves the ARMS covering the entire body of the user, making them look more or less like the Wonderland character they are named after. The four original ARMS weapons were Jabberwock, White Knight, White Rabbit, and Queen of Hearts. They each possess an artificial intelligence within them that is similar to the Wonderland character they are named after. The Keith Series ARMS do not have artificial intelligences within them.
Hindustan Times | 17 Nov 2021
The Times of India | 17 Nov 2021
The Independent | 17 Nov 2021
Cryptoslate | 17 Nov 2021
The Guardian | 17 Nov 2021