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Today I Fucked Up


Posted by5 hours ago

I gave myself kidney stones drinking water

So. I'm 35, i go on a health kick. Trying to slim down my dad bod.. I drink a lot of water because I do HVAC, outside. Of late I've been drinking the high alkali water. PH 9+ stuff. Smart water, 7-11 water, etc. Usually because I'm lazy, and also because I lack ice, and the space necessary to cart around a barrel of fun (80's throwback)

So I noticed some pain in my lower back, on Sunday, I thought it was muscles, the whole, new workout, get fit. End of the day I was in excruciating pain from mid back around to the front and all down my left side, then the right side started hurting. I also noticed I hadn't been peeing much.

Went to the docs on monday, it's kidney stones. They assume it's calcium oxalate, the common type. Weird I haven't been upping my calcium intake aside from a 1 a day vitamin.

Proceeded to drink 3 gallons of water and 2 gallons of limeade in a day.

Still hardly peeing given the MASSIVE fluid intake.

Wakeup this morning with a bursting bladder. Sprint to the bathroom.

It's a firehose, but not just a regular firehose, it's pouring out me with force, splashing against the toilet so hard it's spraying back against my legs.

Then the pain hits. With emphasis. I regret my life choices. I feel the stream lessen, and what feels like gravel start tearing through my urethra. #Ohno. Oh yes. Out comes what feels like gravel tearing through my shaft and tip. Ever wondered what peeing gravel feels like? It's gross. And not fun. Try and catch them with strainer.

Posted by19 hours ago
GOATI'm DeceasedWholesome2Evil Cackle

Throwaway account.

What I'm about to share happened more than a month ago and at the time there was nothing funny about it. Now it cracks me up and makes me cringe whenever I think about it.

I (18m) still live with my parents and Christianity plays a big role in my family. I'm not sure if I believe what they believe, but one thing was certain, my brother (25) believed there was only one God. Drugs. At some point in his life, getting high was no longer about having fun, it was about feeding an addiction. When he started stealing from my family to support his drug habit, that's when my dad called the cops and had him arrested.

My dad's plan was not to send my brother to prison, he was just buying time to come up with another solution. He called a family meeting and we brainstormed. Besides praying and hoping that a higher power magically makes my brother stop using drugs, rehab was the next best thing. My dad wanted to literally drag my brother to the nearest rehab center and force him to check in. I suggested that we try an intervention just like the ones on TV where the loved ones confronted the drug addict with letters they wrote to show how much they care and hopefully inspire the addict to seek professional help.

My family agreed to do the intervention based on my passionate pitch. We wrote our letters and waited until my brother got released from jail the following day. When my brother entered the house, the living room was occupied by family members, church members, a few of my brother's friends, and one of his ex girlfriends. I never expected my parents to basically invite the whole town, but there they all were. My mom explained to my brother what was happening before volunteering to be the first person to read a letter.

My brother was not about that life. He told my mom to stop reading and allow him to go upstairs or he was gonna get upset and say some shit he can't take back. My mom kept reading, which prompted my brother to roast the shit out of all of us. He made fun of my mom for being addicted to botox and always running on the treadmill with her arms straight down. He asked my dad what God thinks about him paying for porn. He accused me of sucking another guy's dick and literally pointed to the person who owned that dick (he was right). He advised my uncle to lose 200 pounds before trying to save anyone else's life. He said his ex girlfriend's belly button looked like a butthole, which was the real reason he broke up with her.

It went on and on until an argument broke out between my brother and everyone else. If my brother was not the tallest person in the room, my guess is someone would've punched him in the face long ago. Luckily it didn't go that far. My brother eventually went upstairs and didn't come down until there was no one left but my parents and I. It was awkward between all of us. My dad and I were unable to look at each other for the rest of that week and what made it even worse was the fact that neither us denied what my brother said about us. It was never mentioned again.

Since then, my brother agreed to go for rehab. He's been clean for 22 days and it seems like he's doing better. My mom stopped using the treadmill and is now running in the park early in the mornings when none of us are awake to see if she's actually moving her arms or not. It's still unclear if my dad watches porn, let alone pays for it. I'm dating a girl and she knows I've sucked a dick. I can't provide updates for the rest of the people my brother insulted. I think they're all done with the drama in my family because I don't see much of them anymore lol.

TL:DR I convinced my parents to have an intervention for my drug addicted brother. The intervention went sideways when my brother got angry and roasted everyone.

Posted by6 hours ago

I never thought I would be posting here as I (50m) have been together with my wife (51f) for almost 30 years and have a very trusting and fun relationship. Yet today I fell for one the oldest tricks in the book, expecting a laugh, perhaps even a "You Wish" reply from my wife.

So to begin, my wife does not like politics. Whenever a conversation starts about it she will always bow out or try to change the subject. She definitely knows what is going on and is very knowledgeable of current affairs, but does not enjoy discussing the reasons behind it. I am a middle of the road democrat and have no trouble debating back and forth on any subject. So on the fuck up.

I was looking over the popular Reddit posts when I came across the video of the Finnish PM Sanna Marin dancing at a club with some singer guy. I audibly said, "Uh-Oh, now she's in trouble". My wife, sitting not far from me asked who was in trouble. So I told her. I then proceeded to tell her about the flak that Sanna Marin has been taking about partying and pictures and videos of the same, and her taking a drug test and all of that. But the fuck up came when I showed her the video of her dancing with the singer guy. She agreed with me that the video is going to cause problems with the very least her home life, but then she asked to watch the video again and that is when she asked THE question. "Do you think she's attractive?"

Over the course of 30 years I bet I have been asked this question at least a few dozen times. Depending on the circumstances I have had a variety of different answers. For example, when in our twenties and early thirties, if we were out at a restaurant and an overly flirty waitress was trying to obtain a better tip and I was asked I would answer with something along the lines of, "She is ok looking, but not near as beautiful as you". If the same situation presented itself while in our late thirties or forties, I would however answer with a little more playful ribbing. Such as "She is ok looking but not as beautiful as you. Besides you know that I hate a woman with breasts that large". And my answers were always met with laughter or a playful smack to the side of my head. So when presented this question about a woman in her mid thirties who lives thousands of miles away and even without the age and distance difference would be totally out of my league, my tiny brain tells me to say, "I'd do her".

No laughter, no playful smack, just a hmmmm and a frown. I have been around long enough to know this means I sleep on the couch tonight and will probably be shot down next time I try for fun time but I swear I only said it as a joke and thought she would laugh. I will be ordering flowers tomorrow morning making sure she knows that she is still the most beautiful woman in the world to me.

TL;DR Told my wife I would have sex with the Finnish Prime Minister and now I am in the doghouse.

Posted by2 hours ago

Well, context I was filling out some paperwork from my boyfriend's computer as he was leaving for work, I noticed he was lingering a little heavy behind me the entire time but inevitably had to leave for work. Weird, I thought lol. But after he left and it was time to submit my paperwork along with the fee, I went and logged into what I presumed was our online banking account (I forgot I was using the browser that is connected to his Google account, not my browser as we both have chrome shortcuts on his desktop, also the joint account when logged into says Hi, {OP BF Name}! Since he's the primary person on the joint account, so nothing really seemed out of place for me.) I usually handle our household finances, and my tactic is to keep all money in the savings and pull out as needed for bills or small spending here and there. It forces me to think "is this necessary?" Before ADHD compels me to spend $175 at the container store so I can pretend to be organized for 3 weeks and then fall back into chaos... So I clicked on the savings and noticed a large withdraw, again from what I thought was our joint savings account, into the checking account. I immediately was like "Did we get hacked?!?" Spiked panic attack honestly. So I'm investigating and I go into the checking account and saw a statement for a ring shop I've previously gushed about wanting an engagement ring from... And then it clicked. My dumbass ruined my own engagement surprise.

I called my sister, who just visited last night to gush and she said my boyfriend told her last night while I was cooking dinner that he plans on proposing and how hilarious she thought it was that I ruined my own engagement. (But of course she said her lips are sealed for the rest of his plans on how he's going to propose, just told me he's planning to do it sometime during autumn, which I joked that imma be on my A game, staying looking my best the entire season 🤣)

Tl;Dr I ruined my own engagement surprise by being a dumbass thinking I was checking my joint account when I was really in my bfs online bank account.

Posted by16 hours ago

So throwback to me just turning 18. I was still in high school, still lived with my parents, and still was a virgin. I was very sheltered growing up. I was the baby of the family and held at a higher standard than my brother. I usually never rebelled against my parents but I was at that age where my hormones were raging and I just wanted to experience what all the hype was about. I’ve always been a bigger girl and not too many guys were into girls like me in high school. So I decided I should join tinder. I matched with a few guys here and there and nothing really came out of those matches. But eventually I matched with this one guy who was 18 as well. We hit it off instantly and talked for a few days. One night we were getting really into it and our conversation started getting a little spicy. We sent each other pictures and were super into each other. We’ll call the guy Joe. So, Joe decided one night at 2 am that he wants to take it to the next step and help me lose my virginity. Me being all hot and bothered agreed and gave him my address. Keep in mind that I’m still living with my parents and they still pay all my bills. Our rooms are also attached, to get to my room you had to go through my parents room. Well it’s now 2:30 am and Joe shows up. He’s a bigger guy and about 6’3. The only way of getting in the house without anyone knowing/hearing would be to climb through the window. He manages to make it through with a few bumps and noises, but the dogs and my parents didn’t seem to hear. We thought we were in the clear. He gets in my room and instantly starts making out with me. We didn’t do much foreplay and he just whips it out. Of course I picked a guy that was… gifted for my first time. I wasn’t as ready as I would’ve liked to have been but I was too nervous to stop him. He gets in and it instantly hurt. I being the SMART person I am, jerked my arm out of reaction and end up knocking my lamp off my bed side table. It shatters and the dogs start losing it. Joe jumps up, fixed himself back into his pants and runs towards the window. I was smart enough to lock the door, however, my stepdad managed to bust through the door and get a glimpse of Joe jumping out my window. My dad runs out of the room and grabs his pistol as I stick my head out the window to tell Joe to run. He makes it to his car and you could hear the tires screech as he sped off. My dad was on the porch, gun in hand, watching as he sped off. That night I got chewed out by my parents and was grounded the rest of my senior year. My parents bring up that story for a good laugh since they find it hilarious now. But I’m still embarrassed. And to top it off, Joe never spoke to me again.

TL;DR : TIFU by inviting over a guy I just met to lose my virginity in my parents house. Probably should’ve just waited until I was out of high school

Posted by11 hours ago

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