- published: 21 Jun 2021
- views: 12045
Saint Clotilde (475–545), also known as Clothilde, Clotilda, Clotild, Rotilde etc. (Latin Chrodechildis, Chlodechildis from Frankish *Hrōþihildi or perhaps *Hlōdihildi, both "famous in battle"), was the second wife of the Frankish king Clovis I, and a princess of the kingdom of Burgundy. Venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church, she was instrumental in her husband's famous conversion to Catholicism and, in her later years, was known for her almsgiving and penitential works of mercy.
Clotilde was born at the Burgundian court of Lyon, the daughter of King Chilperic II of Burgundy. Upon the death of Chilperic's father King Gondioc in 473, he and his brothers Gundobad and Godegisel had divided their inheritance; Chilperic II apparently reigning at Lyon, Gundobad at Vienne and Godegesil at Geneva.
From the sixth century on, the marriage of Clovis and Clotilda was made the theme of epic narratives, in which the original facts were materially altered and the various versions found their way into the works of different Frankish chroniclers. According to Gregory of Tours (538–594), Chilperic II was slain by his brother Gundobad in 493, and his wife drowned with a stone hung around her neck, while of his two daughters, Chrona took the veil and Clotilde was exiled - it is, however, assumed that this tale is apocryphal. Butler's account follows Gregory.
Clotilde or Chlodechilidis (fl. 673) was the founder of the abbey of Bruyères-le-Châtel. Her charter is one of only eight known original manuscripts to survive from 7th century Francia, among which it is the only private charter. It is a parchment, which is unusual in that most surviving Merovingian documents of the 7th century were written on papyrus. As a result, it has been the object of detailed analysis over many years.
Clotilde, notes Levillain, was evidently a very important woman. It is supposed that she was in some way related to the Merovingian kings, but the exact relation is uncertain. Her name and its variants, male and female, are common ones among the Merovingians, perhaps due to the memory of Clotilde wife of Clovis I. Clovis and Clotilde had a daughter of the same name. This Clotilde was unhappily married to the Visigothic king Amalric. King Guntram had a daughter named Clotilde, and Clotilde the Proud, daughter of King Charibert I, was a famously disobedient nun whose story is recounted by Gregory of Tours. Clotilde's charter also suggests a link to the Merovingians as it requires the nuns to pray for the stability of the kingdom and success for the king, a requirement found elsewhere only in royal charters.
The schooner Clotilde (or Clotilda) was the last known U.S. slave ship to bring captives from Africa to the United States, arriving at Mobile Bay in autumn 1859 (some sources give the date as July 9, 1860), with 110-160 slaves. The ship was a two-masted schooner, 86 ft long by 23 ft (26 × 7 m), and it was burned and scuttled at Mobile Bay, soon after. The sponsors had arranged to buy slaves in Whydah, Dahomey on May 15, 1859.
Many descendants of Cudjo Kazoola Lewis, the last survivor of the Clotilde, still reside in Africatown, a neighborhood of Mobile, Alabama. A memorial bust of him was placed in front of the Union Missionary Baptist Church there.
In autumn of 1859, the schooner Clotilde (or Clotilda), under the command of Captain William Foster, arrived in Mobile Bay carrying a cargo of enslaved Africans, numbering between 110 and 160 people. Captain Foster was working for Timothy Meaher, a wealthy Mobile shipyard owner and shipper, who had built the Clotilde in 1856. Local lore relates that Meaher bet some "Northern gentlemen" that he could get around the 1807 law, which prohibited the importation of slaves, without getting caught. The Clotilde was a two-masted schooner, 86 ft (26 m) long and 23 ft (7 m) wide, with a copper-sheathed hull. Meaher had learned that West African tribes were fighting, and that the King of Dahomey was willing to trade Africans for US$50 each in the Kingdom of Whydah, Dahomey. Foster arrived in Whydah on May 15, 1859, bought Africans from several different tribes, including members of the Tarkbar tribe of Tamale, Ghana, and headed back to Mobile.
Actors: Manu Maltez (actor), Lourenço Mutarelli (actor), Julia Abs (actress), Olivia Araújo (actress), Ciro Bueno (producer), Manu Maltez (producer), Manu Maltez (writer), Manu Maltez (writer), Manu Maltez (composer), Manu Maltez (director), Ciro Bueno (editor),
Plot: This contemporary fable, takes place during one night inside an apartment building. In a big city any, Man and the Devil are sleepless neighbors seeking agreement. The theme is the seriousness of success and destiny of music is at stake. Cinema, animation, music, literature and fine arts are in this new version of the Faust myth. Average footage of about 45 minutes. Written and directed by Manu Maltez
Genres: Animation, Music, Musical, Mystery,Actors: Giuliano Carella (actor), Gonzalo Corrià (actor), Julián Gorrià (actor), Vincenzo La Scola (actor), Andrea Papi (actor), Jon Plazaola (actor), Begoña Alberdi (actress), Fiorenza Cedolins (actress), Sonia Ganassi (actress), Felice Romani (writer), Alexandre Soumet (writer), Jon Morrell (costume designer), Pietro D'Agostino (director), Francisco Negrin (miscellaneous crew),
Genres: Music,Actors: Jonathan Dwayne (actor), José Félix Gómez (actor), Johnny Ray Rodriguez (actor), Teofilo Torres (actor), Gladys Aguayo (actress), Awilda Carbia (actress), Magali Carrasquillo (actress), Luisa de los Rios (actress), Cathy Franco (actress), Sara Jarque (actress), Yazmin Luzzed (actress), Gladys Rodríguez (actress), Leslie Hufstetler (producer), Luis Molina Casanova (producer), Luis R. González Argüeso (writer),
Plot: A handful of immigrants make a bittersweet pilgrimage back to the land of their birth in this comedy drama. Ten people who have little in common beyond the fact they were all originally from Puerto Rico and now live in New York discover they've won a contest giving them each a free, all-expenses paid vacation -- in Puerto Rico. While some are eager to visit the place they once called home, others are nervous about what they will find and wary about confronting the people and things they left behind. The travelers include Carlotta, who has become a successful businesswoman and philanthropist; Daisy and Baldo, who would like to return to Puerto Rico when they retire, but aren't sure they want to be so far from their daughter, who loves New York City; Chris, who has thoroughly assimilated into Anglo culture (including an Anglo wife) and isn't sure he wants to see Puerto Rico again; Rodolfo, who still pines for the love he left behind; young and attractive Sara; and Matilde and Clotilde, two elderly sisters who have been all but forgotten by their family.
Keywords: sequelActors: Patrick Catalifo (actor), Jean-Quentin Châtelain (actor), Philippe Duquesne (actor), Denis Falgoux (actor), Jean-Yves Freyburger (actor), Julien Gangnet (actor), Mabroux Guerfi (actor), Manuel Le Lièvre (actor), Francis Leplay (actor), Albert Levy (actor), Bruno Lochet (actor), Christophe Loizillon (actor), Pierre Louis-Calixte (actor), Laurent Lucas (actor), Gérard Barreaux (actor),
Plot: Paris, during the summer, Annie, a young single doctor, does not have many patients. Her consulting-room is empty, so is her life. But soon two of them are going to worry her. Lucas suffers from AIDS, but refuses to be cured, what Annie can not understand. There is also Richard, an actor, they first met at a dinner, and now he is coming at her office, more and more often, and seems paranoid... He must be one of those doctor's nightmares, a persecuting hypochondriac...
Keywords: doctor-patient-relationship, paris-franceActors: Alcione Araújo (actor), Dagoberto Arruda (actor), Paulo Barbosa (actor), Vicente Barcellos (actor), Gerson Brener (actor), Sérgio Britto (actor), Paulo Castelli (actor), Rubens Correia (actor), Haroldo Costa (actor), Jorge Crespo (actor), Ewerton de Castro (actor), Carlinhos de Jesus (actor), Haroldo de Oliveira (actor), Maurício do Valle (actor), Carlos Alberto (actor),
Genres: ,Actors: Tony Biocca (actor), Albano Bufalini (actor), Roberto Ceccacci (actor), Matteo Corsini (actor), Pino Insegno (actor), Stefano Molinari (actor), Eros Pagni (actor), Sergio Rubini (actor), Sharm (actor), Pietro Tordi (actor), Leopoldo Trieste (actor), Giorgio Vignali (actor), Elettra Bisetti (actress), Lidia Broccolino (actress), Margherita Buy (actress),
Genres: ,Actors: Rodolfo Bottino (actor), Rodolfo Bottino (actor), Ruyter Carvalho de Carvalho (actor), Paulo Castelli (actor), Kenny Castro (actor), Older Cazarré (actor), José de Abreu (actor), Nestor de Montemar (actor), Reginaldo Faria (actor), Reginaldo Faria (actor), Telmo Faria (actor), Guilherme Fontes (actor), Cássio Gabus Mendes (actor), Tato Gabus (actor), Danilo Barras (actor),
Genres: ,Actors: Francisco Bernal (actor), Xan das Bolas (actor), Quique Camoiras (actor), Manuel de Juan (actor), Félix de Pomés (actor), Carlos Díaz de Mendoza (actor), Fernando Fernán Gómez (actor), Félix Fernández (actor), Antonio García Quijada (actor), Agustín González (actor), José Manuel Martín (actor), Manolo Morán (actor), Erasmo Pascual (actor), Antonio Queipo (actor), Rafael Alcántara (actor),
Genres: Comedy,Actors: Mario Alonso (actor), Guillermo Amengual (actor), Inocencio Barbán (actor), Rafael Bardem (actor), Francisco Bernal (actor), Xan das Bolas (actor), Rafael Calvo Revilla (actor), Juan Cazalilla (actor), Manuel de Juan (actor), Félix de Pomés (actor), Carlos Díaz de Mendoza (actor), Fernando Fernán Gómez (actor), José María Gavilán (actor), Julio Goróstegui (actor), Manuel Alexandre (actor),
Genres: Comedy,Actors: Fernando Carmona (actor), Modesto Cid (actor), Beni Deus (actor), Fernando Fernández de Córdoba (actor), Carlos Fioriti (actor), Manrique Gil (actor), Manuel Guitián (actor), Vicente Gómez Bur (actor), Pepe Iglesias (actor), José Isbert (actor), Arturo Marín (actor), Joaquín Pujol (actor), Matilde Artero (actress), Julia Lajos (actress), Silvia Morgan (actress),
Genres: Comedy,Luni, 21 iunie, în direct la #TVR1, Clotilde Armand a răspuns întrebărilor lui Marian Voicu, cu privire la scandalul gunoaielor neridicate, conflictul dintre Primărie și firma de salubrizare Romprest. http://www.facebook.com/fantvr1 https://www.instagram.com/tvr1.ro/ http://www.tvr.ro http://www.tvrplus.ro http://youtube.com/tvrcanaluloficial Toate drepturile de proprietate intelectuală aparțin #TVR. Conținutul nu poate fi copiat, postat pe niciun canal media online sau pe rețele sociale fără acordul TVR. TVR este marca înregistrată și este protejată.
Noi imagini şi dezvăluiri în scandalul momentului în care este implicată Clotilde Armand, primarul Sectorului 1. Imaginile arată că, în ciuda faptului că a negat că a intrat în sala de sortare a voturilor, Clotilde Armand a fost în respectiva sală. Citește tot articolul pe Antena3.ro: https://www.antena3.ro/politica/imagini-ingroapa-clotilde-armand-unde-se-afla-sala-sortare-voturi-610297.html Știri Antena 3, prima opțiune pentru știri online în timp real din Romania și din lume
Folosește acest link când te înscrii pe Crypto.com și primești 25 dolari bonus. La fel și eu! : https://crypto.com/app/gbuhnici #IGDLCC #BUCUREȘTI #CLOTILDE Codul promo pentru Crypto.com, aici: http://platinum.crypto.com/r/gbuhnici Codul promo pentru Exchange Crypto.com aici: https://crypto.com/exch/gbuhnici Detalii și comentarii pe: https://buhnici.ro/?p=25725 Devino membru în comunitatea noastră și susține-ne - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNz5n8PoSGYSwkOH_SMnl2A/join Urmărește-mă cu @gbuhnici pe Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok Producție: Radu Neagu - @radu.neagu pe Instagram Montaj: Daniel Ivan - @danielivanm1 pe Instagram Filmare: Laurențiu Dumitrescu - @laur3ntiud pe Instagram
A fost scandal de amploare la şedinţa care a avut loc la Primăria Sectorului 1, acolo unde s-au auzit ţipete şi urlete. Miza este finanţarea spitalelor.
Vezi ediția integrală pe ANTENAPLAY: https://goo.gl/C7WZ36 Clotilde Marie Brigitte Armand este o activistă civică, politiciană și manager din România, dar este și mama a șase copii, născuți natural. Vedeta nu a dorit să recurgă la cezariană.
Forum philo « Le Monde » Le Mans 2019 http://forumlemondelemans.univ-lemans.fr/
"LeTRa" De "SiLVeSTRe MeNDez" y "aRReGLo" De eL MiSMo "Rey DeL BaJo" eL MaeSTRo "BoBBy VaLeNTiN"!!! De Su aLBuM "eVoLuTioN" 2007!!! eN uN "SoLo" De VioLiN De "MaRiaNo MoRaLeS" y eN La Voz De "JuLiTo LoPez" NoS iNTeRPReTaN eSTe "PLay" Que eSTa "SaBoRRR"!!! By: El_CaBeZoN!!!
Un film réalisé par Petites Planètes (http://www.petitesplanetes.earth) : Vincent Moon (http://www.vincentmoon.com/) et Priscilla Telmon (http://www.priscillatelmon.com/) En partenariat avec le Château des ducs de Bretagne (http://www.chateaunantes.fr) Avec Clotilde Trouillaud - harpe celtique - http://www.clotildetrouillaud.com/ Clotilde Trouillaud joue d’un instrument parfois marqué par des stéréotypes : la harpe dite « celtique ». Cependant, il suffit de l’écouter quelques secondes pour comprendre que cette compositrice de talent ne choisit pas la facilité et sait faire bouillonner des influences musicales multiples pour proposer des airs dont la complexité ne vient jamais émousser la beauté. -- • Tous les films : http://www.eurofonik.fr • Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/...
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Clotilde · Orquesta Revolución 70 Revolución en NY ℗ 1973 Craft Recordings, a division of Concord Music Group, Inc. Released on: 1973-08-29 Associated Performer, Baritone Saxophone, Flute: Jimmy Urbina Associated Performer, Piano: Carmelo Meléndez Associated Performer, Bass Guitar: Carlos Rondón Associated Performer, Trumpet: Norberto Torres Associated Performer, Trombone: Héctor Maldonado Associated Performer, Timbales: William Machado Associated Performer, Bongos, Percussion: Julio Quirindongo Associated Performer, Tumbadoras: Chago Cruz Associated Performer, Vocals: Angelo Pacheco Associated Performer, Vocals: Willie Padin Associated Performer, Trumpet: Luis Perico Ortiz Associated Performer, Guitar: Charlie Rodríguez Assoc...
Una propuesta divertida sobre los tropiezos que supone para un pequeño aprender algo nuevo y la importancia de que lo haga a través del juego "Los enredos de Clotilde" Los invitamos disfrutar esta preciosa historia contada por su autora. Clotilde es una araña chiquita y por eso todavía no sabe tejer. Cuando ve que las arañas grandes tejen mientras hacen otras cosas, se decide a aprender. Así que inventa un juego, porque no hay nada más divertido que aprender jugando. Un libro para enredar y desenredar, atar y desatar; pero sobre todo para leer y disfrutar.
Saint Clotilde (475–545), also known as Clothilde, Clotilda, Clotild, Rotilde etc. (Latin Chrodechildis, Chlodechildis from Frankish *Hrōþihildi or perhaps *Hlōdihildi, both "famous in battle"), was the second wife of the Frankish king Clovis I, and a princess of the kingdom of Burgundy. Venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church, she was instrumental in her husband's famous conversion to Catholicism and, in her later years, was known for her almsgiving and penitential works of mercy.
Clotilde was born at the Burgundian court of Lyon, the daughter of King Chilperic II of Burgundy. Upon the death of Chilperic's father King Gondioc in 473, he and his brothers Gundobad and Godegisel had divided their inheritance; Chilperic II apparently reigning at Lyon, Gundobad at Vienne and Godegesil at Geneva.
From the sixth century on, the marriage of Clovis and Clotilda was made the theme of epic narratives, in which the original facts were materially altered and the various versions found their way into the works of different Frankish chroniclers. According to Gregory of Tours (538–594), Chilperic II was slain by his brother Gundobad in 493, and his wife drowned with a stone hung around her neck, while of his two daughters, Chrona took the veil and Clotilde was exiled - it is, however, assumed that this tale is apocryphal. Butler's account follows Gregory.
They say
They pity you
They pity you
But that's something that I could never do
(Its funny how the light from anybody, Could slowly slip away)
A pretty view
A pretty view
The world outside is not for me and you
Becoming you
Becoming you
So shine the guilty light
The biggest thing the monster saw
Was lost within the bottom drawer
And now my hope begins to fade
To late night meals and bills unpaid
The trapper sneaks beneath my chair
The smell of sweat and unwashed hair
I place the clock upon the floor
To stop them knocking at my door
(Its funny how, You'll never change)
The hollow man he came to see me
The creature that possesses me
And as I shiver in my bed
He shaves a line across my head
(Tonight I see your eyes)
The night I cried he sang with me
A thousand cuts begin to bleed
I opened up the window wide