
Palestinian economy

Dear Reader,

This blog discusses the economy in Palestine and what the bad effects and good effects of the most recent conflict, which is called ENTFA AL-AQUSA, are. In 1999, the conflict was started by SHARON (Israeli prime minister) when he entered the holy Moslem Al-Qusai. So Israel started by destroying all the Palestinian government, and the standard of living became lower and lower until the end of 2002. Life stopped. In this period, Israel closed the roads between cities and villages. The people couldn't commute. So there was no business, and people had to spend the money they had previously saved. And the factory output during those years declined about 30% compared to the period before 1999. And there was no import and export. So the businessmen imported sub-standard products from China, and people needed the cheapest product becausethere was no money. The Palestinian products were of high quality, like in Israel, which is why the imported products were very cheap. No security meant that people were stealing from shops and houses. And Israeli soldiers stole money from some Jordanian banks which opened in Palestine. The Palestinian government didn't help the people in this adversity. And as for all the money donated from other countries - no one knows where it is! That gives the people low morale.We hope that the new Palestinian government will help the factories by requiring high standards for products.


Some of the problems of the Palestinian people

Dear Reader,

First of all, I want to thank Mr. Paul who helped me to get started in blogging.

My blog is about the war and the fight between Israel and Palestine. And how it destroys the life of people who didn't want that. And the effect on the people. My problem started when I was a student at a university in Jordan. The war started, and I was in my second year of studying computer science. I fell in love, as typical for someone my age, and married, before I finished my studies. My father helped me as any Arabic family would. After I finished my studies, I decided to return to Palestine with my wife. But Israel refused to allow her in, and because of that I must stay in Jordan to be with my wife. My father helped me too. He gave me money to start my life. The manager of the company I work with helped me too. With the money that my father gave me, I started, together with my uncle, a business to make sweets. It is good. However, the major problem was when God gave me a baby. Jordan didn't give my child his mother's nationality, because the Palestinian government told all Arab countries to do that. And I must take my one-year-old baby from Jordan to Palestine, and there is no airport in Palestine. I have to add my baby to my ID Card, and the same for any subsequent baby. And I stay 50% in Palestine and 50% in Jordan . That is my life . I hope the Abbas government will help all Palestinians who married someone of another nationality outside of the West Bank or Gaza to fix this problem by allowing his wife and children to enter Palestine.