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toomas hendrik ilves
look at my homepage From Estonia. Where Digital is Native
Estoniapresidentilves.eeBorn December 26Joined May 2012

toomas hendrik ilves’s Tweets

August 19! A perfect day for a "State Committee on the State of Emergency" to do something -- this time about some idiot's "Special Military Operation" that's gotten 42K Russians killed. We Kremlins just love meaningless anniversaries but avoid mentioning the important ones
"The aim of this thread is to explore five foundational requirements for Ukraine to win this war." Typically clear, compelling analysis by Mick Ryan
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The Ukrainian attack on Russian bases in Crimea in the past week has brought attention back to a war which many in the west have largely lost sight of. In this thread, an examination of the prospects for a Ukrainian victory. 1/18 🧵
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Russian aggression against Estonia continues. But Estonia is prepared. The aggressive intentions are always there for everyone to see. It's another matter whether they're taken seriously.
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Yesterday, Estonia was subject to the most extensive cyber attacks it has faced since 2007. Attempted DDoS attacks targeted both public institutions and the private sector. (1/4) @e_estonia
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IPhone lietotāji - nospiežam UPDATE podziņu (zem Settings pie General) tagad. Negaidām paziņojumu.
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🚨ATTENTION🚨 Apple found two 0-days actively in use that could effectively give attackers full access to device. For most folks: update software by end of day If threat model is elevated (journalist, activist, targeted by nation states, etc): update now
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A 33 yo captain killed with an opponent with 4 shots. Their discussion topic was Russian aggression with Ukraine. Victim was against it. Do you really want people who kill because you don’t agree with them, in your country. #visabanforrussians #visaban
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🚩🚩🚩Какой пиздец, ребята. У нас в центре города, на главной набережной, 33х летний капитан ВС из московской области убил человека из-за спора о войне в Украине. 4 выстрела из пистолета Макарова за осуждение вторжения в Украину. Мужчине было 51. Я в ахуе.😦
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TikTok 😡 - atverot kādu mājas lapu caur TikTok, tiek ielikts izsekošanas kods, kas turpina novērot to, ko jūs dariet šajās lapā, tajā skaita ievadot paroles. 🤬
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"TikTok, when opening any website in their app, injects tracking code that can monitor all keystrokes, including passwords, and all taps." Paging @FTC h/t @macargnelutti…
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Russian terrorists placed military equipment and explosives in the engine room of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. Russian forces are abandoning Enerhodar and surrounding villages. The Russians will blow up the plant because no country wants to help Ukraine stop them.
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That's how we volunteers sleep during our deliveries after been driving for thousands of kilometers with no sleep..anywhere on the street as long as not sitting up position in the vehicles! That was 10am!
Meanwhile in Russia: propagandist on Kremlin-controlled state TV announces that Ukraine and the U.S. are planning "to shell the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant," preemptively blaming Ukraine and the Pentagon for Moscow's own sinister ploys in course of Russia's ongoing invasion.
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They somehow never understand that aggressive behaviour doesn't make them friends. At this stage, it doesn't even make people scared. It just incites disgust. A difference between EE and Western Europe BTW: in the latter, people still have the luxury of being scared of Russia.
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Replying to @KuldkeppMart and @jmkorhonen
I dont think this is a good application for russia if they wanna travel to Estonia. I call them fools.
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More importantly, regime limits political career choices for young ambitious Russians. That's why many young and ambitious hate it, irrespective of consumption choices. That's why they ignore/endorse the far-right agenda of . They see him as an icebreaker for their career
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Replying to @kamilkazani
Funny enough, the main problem the russian opposition has with putin is the corruption in russian fascist regime, that supposedly limits their consumption options. These suckers couldn't care less about the fascist aggressive nature of the regime
This is very true.
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Yes. There's another thing. Do you *personally* feel the danger or not? If you do, you'll be genuinely interested in what's happening. If not, you'll engage into abstract rhetorical exercises. That may explain the difference between Western vs Eastern Europe's attitude to the war…
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“Your Bolshevism is alien to us, and you will not be able to subjugate the Lithuanian spirit by any force.”
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These are the final words of Lithuanian guerrilla fighter Juozapas Streikus-Stumbras (1923-1962) at the USSR "court" where he was sentenced to death for resisting the occupation. Very important in the light of current war. 80 years of history didn't change anything. 🧵(Part I)
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What was the most revolting for me is that the guy mostly complained about how corrupt and inefficient the Russian army was. If they managed to offer him better conditions to kill Ukrainians more efficiently, he probably wouldn't have spoken out.
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humanizing, normalizing genocide criminals is not ok. what’s next? a memoir “how i mass murdered ukrainians. it wasn’t what i expected”? revolting how some western journalists are rabidly enthusiastic to amplify a russian terrorist while his buddies keep mass murdering my people
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