
How to Politely Avoid Small Talk by Prudent-Experience97 in AutisticAdults

[–]Prudent-Experience97[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

When I'm at my desk it doesn't work. Other times I'm walking through the facility handling other business and it wouldn't really be practical. Starting to think I should just ignore people and let them think I'm rude.

How to Politely Avoid Small Talk by Prudent-Experience97 in AutisticAdults

[–]Prudent-Experience97[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Unfortunately that's not an option for me. I'm a receptionist and I have to use the desk phone... how do I handle being an autistic receptionist you might wonder? By trying to avoid small talk with my coworkers.... I'm trying to find another job.

TW // My friend just accused me of spreading fascist ideology for being against art tracing and I'm just lost trying to understand what happened by TeachingPretend1946 in autism

[–]Prudent-Experience97 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I'm sure it made sense to her in her mind for some reason or another. IMO copying art without giving credit is a volatile sin, for what it's worth.

I Hate Clothes. What Do Y'all Even Wear? by Prudent-Experience97 in aspergirls

[–]Prudent-Experience97[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

So you just wear them once before washing them? I've been treating them like pants this whole time (wear them with underwear, a different pair of underwear each time, and they are usually good for 2 or 3 wears before washing as long as they don't get real sweaty)

Karen gets mad at me for shaking my leg. by Electricdragongaming in FuckYouKaren

[–]Prudent-Experience97 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Oh, now I understand a little bit better. Yeah there is definitely a line there. Usually I try to stay aware of who is sitting connected to me if I know I'm going to be shaking uncontrollably, and I'll at least try to contain myself if it's for a short period of time, or I'll go somewhere else. People should still try to be accountable for themselves, and it's not nice to call people cunts.

A Ramble Post About Being "Nonverbal" From a Recently Diagnosed Adult by Prudent-Experience97 in AutisticAdults

[–]Prudent-Experience97[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm sorry you had to experience all of that. May I ask, was it frustrating when you couldn't verbally communicate with people? Or were you able to get comfortable with not speaking?

Karen gets mad at me for shaking my leg. by Electricdragongaming in FuckYouKaren

[–]Prudent-Experience97 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That's completely valid and I can agree with you there. I get nervous too when I feel people shaking a booth. Seeing other people fidget in general can set me off, and I generally don't like to eat in public either. What prompted me to comment was when you said: "A grown adult and you can't sit still in a restaurant like a grown up without shaking your leg". Adults who fidget in public usually can't help it and/or they don't realize they're doing it, and they're often already struggling with negative stigma. Like, you can be annoyed about something without shaming people

I Hate Clothes. What Do Y'all Even Wear? by Prudent-Experience97 in aspergirls

[–]Prudent-Experience97[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Dang girl, I was a stripper and hated most of the outfits. I can still feel the feeling of my sweat and my booty rash in tight thongs :(

I Hate Clothes. What Do Y'all Even Wear? by Prudent-Experience97 in aspergirls

[–]Prudent-Experience97[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That's a good suggestion. I think I'm going to be getting more elastic pants

I Hate Clothes. What Do Y'all Even Wear? by Prudent-Experience97 in aspergirls

[–]Prudent-Experience97[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Do you wear your leggings with or without underwear? I wear only thongs with them to avoid panty lines but thongs are really uncomfortable.

I Hate Clothes. What Do Y'all Even Wear? by Prudent-Experience97 in aspergirls

[–]Prudent-Experience97[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Is this a good winter look? Could you possibly link some inspiration photos for reference?

I Hate Clothes. What Do Y'all Even Wear? by Prudent-Experience97 in aspergirls

[–]Prudent-Experience97[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I can definitely get down with the skirts and need to get me some Birkenstocks. I'm sorry to hear about your bust problem. I have several friends on the bustier side who are neurodivergent and it can be a hassle from what I hear.

I Hate Clothes. What Do Y'all Even Wear? by Prudent-Experience97 in aspergirls

[–]Prudent-Experience97[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That's fascinating! I'm glad to hear that it balances out (for the clothes part anyway). That must come with a lot of challenges.

Autistic today, genius tomorrow by 66cev66 in AutisticAdults

[–]Prudent-Experience97 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Are they supposed to be mutually exclusive or something?