
just made a Low Quality Relatable Meme by Mnskibladez24 in apexlegends

[–]IceWotor 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Laughs in ashes because I'm not Ash nor Wraith

Make sure you handa your payong and fix your bubong dudes. by springheeledjack69 in Philippines

[–]IceWotor 43 points44 points  (0 children)

Yes, we will handa-handa na, pero tomorrow nalang sana because I am so pagod pa

Ang irrelevant na ng mga pinag-sasabi mo Rendog Labrador! 😴 by Burikatto in Philippines

[–]IceWotor 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Ge lods, sabihin mo rin sa mga below the poverty line na, baka maging below the ground na rin.

I feel like i've seen this somewhere by thepersonwhocares_ in apexlegends

[–]IceWotor 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Respawn really copied Ei Cheing Lezhends' lobby huh

Fuse be like by ggggggaylord in apexlegends

[–]IceWotor 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ah yes, Brimstone, the aussie from Salvo

anime_irl by Mangome in anime_irl

[–]IceWotor 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It's Uzumaki you dumbfuck

AlaM MOh B4hh??? by ChrisBlack6969 in Philippines

[–]IceWotor 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Hipokrito na nga, kinailangan pa ng 3 takes para imemorize ang 2 sentences

New movement tech? by Ronina_E in Apexrollouts

[–]IceWotor 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Just a weird climb on those targets

The troll to end all trolls by HoodNet in apexlegends

[–]IceWotor 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Fragger? How is she a fragger? She's a fucking support at this point

hmm... by _meowdarchod_ in hmm

[–]IceWotor 0 points1 point  (0 children)

How the fuck is this vanilla