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Posted by3 hours ago
SilverTake My EnergyAll-Seeing Upvote

4:34 PM: How to stop husband from cheating?

I had only clicked on the history tab to delete the last thing I’d searched for when I noticed the entry. Hurriedly, I finished zipping up my fly and stared at it in bewilderment.

Amy and I had been almost too careful. We had never so much as looked at one another in my wife’s presence, let alone done anything that could have raised suspicion. There was no way she could have known what was going on, even if she had looked through my phone. With a heavy heart, I’d forced myself to delete any incriminating photos Amy sent me after I was done with them, and we had a strict call-only policy.

Amy was our latest hire and aside from being great at her job, she excelled in garnering male attention. Everyone loved her. She was strikingly beautiful and uninhibited to the point where her energy felt almost carnal, sending all morals and restraints out the window. I tried to ignore her at first, even finding excuses to go home early, but eventually, her charming giggle got the better of me too.

4:37 PM: How much does divorce cost?

Droplets of sweat sprang out on my forehead. What? Was my wife planning to divorce me? But why? There was no way she knew about Amy and me. Was there someone else? Was she planning to accuse me of infidelity, all while going at it with some lover boy she’d met at her yoga class?

4:39 PM: Why do humans feel emotions?

I pursed my lips. If by some miracle my wife did know about the affair, I couldn’t imagine the way she must have been feeling. I woke up late this morning and found a note on the kitchen table, saying that she didn’t want to wake me and that she was out doing her Saturday errands. I almost felt compelled to call her and – oh…

I flinched as a large drop of blood landed on the keyboard. What the hell? My first instinct was to look up at the ceiling. Nothing. A strong metallic smell made me come to my senses. I brushed my hand against my face. A bright red smudge sat on my palm. I stared at it, alarmed. I’d never gotten nosebleeds before, aside from the time I got hit in the face with a football in high school. My head raised, I scrambled to my feet and made a dash for the bathroom, my hands cupping my throbbing nose.

Posted by15 hours ago

When I was 3, my family migrated to the US. We lived a comfortable life, and I had a happy childhood. My parents were a bit superstitious, so we had a few strange traditions, and they would always tell me stories about the kapres, aswangs, manananggals, tikbalangs, tiyanaks, and the like.

Filipino monsters always seemed scarier to me than Western ones. It might be because whenever my parents talked about them, they made it sound like they had firsthand experiences with the creatures. They probably just did it for dramatic effect.

We moved back to the Philippines when my grandmother got sick. I was only 16 at the time, and I had to readjust to a new way of living. She died three years after we moved there, but we decided to stay. My grandmother lived in the province, so everything was completely different from what I was used to.

My neighbors would always go back into their homes before dark. There were no town curfews set in place, but they did it anyway. I was taught to say ‘tabi tabi po’ anytime I passed by an anthill or a big tree. Whenever my friend visited, he would yell ‘tao po’ at the door. We weren’t allowed to sweep the floor at night. Basically, there was a long list of things we should or shouldn’t do.

I never really understood why everyone found these things so important. I just followed along out of respect, but I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a believer. So when I finally moved to the city for college, I was more than ready to live a life without all the weird superstitious beliefs.

That was a few years ago. I recently graduated with a degree in marketing. I also met my fiancée, Myra, in college and I was finally ready to take her home to meet the family. I had no debt, and I already had a job lined up for when I got back to the city. Life was good.

“Are you sure they’re gonna like me?” My fiancée asked as we were driving to the province.

“They’re going to love you, baby. There’s nothing not to love,” I reassured her. She gave me a soft smile in return.

Myra was born and raised in the Philippines. She’s never even left the country. We were extremely different, considering I was pretty Westernized. We disagreed on a lot of things in the beginning, but we eventually found some middle ground as we got to learn about each other more.

She was more on the conservative side, so a lot of the things I was used to bothered her. Let’s just say when she found out I watched porn, there was a lot of screaming — and not the good kind. Maybe a bit of the good kind when the fight ended. But we got past all that and got to a pretty good place. I was proud of how much our relationship grew.

Posted by4 hours ago
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Scariest Story 2019, Most Immersive Story 2019, November 2019
2 hours ago

It all started here.

Eddie and Lex were reluctant to meet at Meadow House again the following Friday. They’d also noticed the similarities between the recent deaths and our stories. JD, as usual, was deeply skeptical.

“I’m just saying that people die all of the time in all kinds of gruesome ways,” he said as we gathered at the gate. “It’s just random and crazy. Chaos or whatever.”

We filed in, each touching the post with its four scratches before walking towards the decayed front door. I dropped back to talk with Tone, who was bringing up the rear.

“What if JD is a serial killer?” I joked. “He could be using us for inspiration.”

I laughed. Tone didn’t.

“Chris, if it’s not the house feeding off of us like I think, then the next logical conclusion…”

She waited for me to fill in the gaps.

“You think one of us could be killing people?”

Posted by
Series 15, Title 16, Immersive 17
17 hours ago

“Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.”

From the moment the man entered the confessional across from me, the air became thick. It was almost like smoke. The old wood of the confessional groaned. I wondered, is this what it was always going to be like? This man would mark the first confession I would ever hear as a priest.

“It has been twenty years since my last confession.”

I expected a range of time between confessions. Some people came every week, some once in a blue moon. And some, like the leather-voiced man obscured by the screen, only came when something extraordinary occurred.

“Go on, my son.” My voice sounded like a child’s compared to his. I always hated the high, lilted tone of my voice. I could have tried to speak deeper. But I had a feeling this man would know if I pretended.

He took in a breath. “This is completely confidential, right? You can’t call the cops on me?”

I felt my pulse quicken. “As long as you confess your sins, you are forgiven. Nothing leaves the confessional but our bodies.”

He sighed. “I am...I am not a good man, Father. I have made many mistakes. No...not mistakes. I did it all on purpose. But I didn’t think it mattered.”

“Are you a religious man?” I asked him, confident in the answer.

“I never thought I was. My mom, she was into all this catholic stuff. Went to church every Sunday. Made us pray before meals. My dad thought it was idiotic and I guess I shared that sentiment. Church was boring and I have never done well with boredom. I get into trouble when I’m bored.” He paused. “And I’m bored too often.”


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Created Mar 24, 2010

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