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Major parties’ tarnished credibility clouds election prospects

Major parties’ tarnished credibility clouds election prospects

A shifting electoral landscape means Labor and the Coalition can no longer bank on attracting the vast majority of voters.

  • The Age's View


Welcome to The Age Opinion newsletter

Welcome to The Age Opinion newsletter

Each Wednesday evening the newsletter features our best pieces of the week, our most read, Letters to the Editor, puzzles and Age editor Gay Alcorn’s letter to subscribers.

  • by Patrick O'Neil
Morrison has no defence for keeping nation in the dark

Morrison has no defence for keeping nation in the dark

The former prime minister hasn’t adequately addressed why the parliament was not informed of his portfolios. It is the lack of transparency that is most concerning.

  • The Age's View
NDIS alarm bells must not go unanswered

NDIS alarm bells must not go unanswered

This week’s revelations, while shocking, have not come out of the blue.

  • The Age's View
Education crisis calls for comprehensive plan

Education crisis calls for comprehensive plan

Fixing the teacher shortage cannot just be a numbers game or an issue of financial rewards and incentives.

  • The Age's View
Time to plug the holes in Australia’s emergency relief bucket

Time to plug the holes in Australia’s emergency relief bucket

The natural disasters that have swept through eastern Australia in recent years have been extreme events that have given rise to some extreme human responses.

  • The Age's View
US missteps on China should be questioned

US missteps on China should be questioned

The fallout from Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan shows the prospective dangers of being all in with America.

  • The Age's View
Bold policy can lift the brakes on electric cars
Electric cars

Bold policy can lift the brakes on electric cars

Australia has been a laggard on electric vehicles for far too long. It is time to move out of the slow lane.

  • The Age's View
All sides must be on board to achieve boost in jobs and wages

All sides must be on board to achieve boost in jobs and wages

A commitment to compromise will be needed if Australia is to lift its economy and wages growth out of a torpor.

  • The Age's View
A global star who leaves a legacy of generosity

A global star who leaves a legacy of generosity

Olivia Newton-John wore her celebrity status lightly, and used her success to champion many good causes.

  • The Age's View
Regional security threat haunts nuclear power debate

Regional security threat haunts nuclear power debate

Recent events in Ukraine act as a warning to Australia that nuclear facilities can become hostage to the vagaries of conflict.

  • The Age's View