
CCURE 9000 by Icy-Yogurtcloset-993 in accesscontrol

[–]el_geto 1 point2 points  (0 children)

AssaAbloy rewrote their DSR integration and it’s now pretty reliable.

From nothing to 4 sets in less than a year. 🤩 by xX_ItzDutchie_Xx in legotechnic

[–]el_geto 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Dunno what I’m more jealous of, the ultimate Lego supercars collection or the lush green sunny backyard. Either way, you are doing good!

This QR code looking like a burger for a McDonalds hiring ad by Srelox in DesignPorn

[–]el_geto 8 points9 points  (0 children)

LOL, true. I still get PTSD when I go to their bathrooms because of that sanitary soap smell

This QR code looking like a burger for a McDonalds hiring ad by Srelox in DesignPorn

[–]el_geto 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Worked the late shift when I was 19, usually with others of relatively same age. It was a lot of work but also a lot of fun. I didn’t last long there as I knew it was not a career-type of job. I might be in the minority but I still have fond memories of it.

Radar over Boston earlier by Pitiful-Motor1293 in massachusetts

[–]el_geto 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Dick! Look out at Starboard. Oh, my god! It looks like a huge..

Tour de comida en Lima? by el_geto in PERU

[–]el_geto[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Que bien! Esa es mi segunda opción y estoy un poco indeciso entre los dos. Acabo de ver este video y se parecen muchísimo https://youtu.be/Il3NjMlQ_dk

12 horas en Mendoza by el_geto in argentina

[–]el_geto[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Estoy mas inclinado a ir a una bodega con almuerzo incluido. Con mis respetos para la gente de Potrerillos, pero parrilla y vino de argentina es mundialmente reconocida... y solo tengo 12 horas para visitar

12 horas en Mendoza by el_geto in argentina

[–]el_geto[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Ya me asilaron en otro lado X'D

12 horas en Mendoza by el_geto in argentina

[–]el_geto[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)


El pueblito o la laguna?

12 horas en Mendoza by el_geto in argentina

[–]el_geto[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

OKA... 2 horas es lo que pense para un aeropuerto pequeño y el viaje es local... terrible lo que le debe haber pasado a Antelope.

12 horas en Mendoza by el_geto in argentina

[–]el_geto[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

la ruta del vino.

Buena idea!... tour con vino y almuerzo es perfecto. Google me recomienda visitar Andeluna, Salentein, Santa Julia en Maipu, Domaine Bousquet, y La Celia. Alguna bodega/finca/vinedo/recomendacion en particular?

12 horas en Mendoza by el_geto in argentina

[–]el_geto[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Y si voy para Buenos Aires?