best of reddit
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Some relevant subreddits
/r/bestofTLDR - The best TL;DRs of reddit.
/r/DailyDot - For when you want to catch up on all the reddit that you missed while you were sleeping, eating, vacationing, or otherwise AFK.
/r/DefaultGems - For the very best gems that the default reddits have to offer!
/r/DepthHub - For the best in-depth conversations to be found on reddit.
/r/GoodLongPosts - A automated subreddit for finding the best longform posts of reddit.
/r/Help - For help with reddit.
/r/MetaHub - For the best meta discussion to be found on reddit.
/r/ModHelp - For help with modding on reddit.
/r/MuseumOfReddit - Historic Posts and Comments
/r/NewReddits - For the best (and worst) new reddits!
/r/RedditorOfTheDay - For all you need to know (and maybe more) about a featured redditor.
/r/ObscureSubreddits - All about interesting reddits which have fallen out of the limelight due to no fault of their own
/r/SubredditOfTheDay - For a daily feature on a subreddit you've probably never heard of before.
/r/ThankYou - For when a certain redditor needs a good, hard thanking.
/r/TheoryOfReddit - For inquiring into what makes the Reddit community work and what we in the community can do to help make it better.
/r/VeryPunny - For the best (and worst) pun threads on reddit. |
/r/WorstOf - For the best (and worst) trolls to be found on reddit.
/r/weeklyreddit - For new and interesting subreddit discovery.
/r/YouGotTold - Collection of fine retorts
/r/BestOfNoPolitics - Bot run sub that collects all posts from /r/bestof and filters out political posts.