Wednesday, September 7

Republicans Try to Steal 15 SEATS! as MTLeg Redistricting Maps Drop

Republicans Try to Steal 15 SEATS! as MTLeg Redistricting Maps Drop

That time is upon us again. Every 10 years the INDEPENDENT REDISTRICTING COMMISSION redraws the state legislative house and senate seats to represent population changes and give Montanans fair maps so their will is represented at the legislature, regardless of political parties' intention of drawing maps that unfairly advantage them. For the last few elections, Montanans have voted for Republicans statewide at a 57% clip. Yet in the legislature, they hold 66% of the seats. This must be remedied and the Republican maps do nothing to address this. In fact, the new Republican maps make the gerrymander much worse. They are trying to steal 15 unearned seats. - REPUBLICAN DISTRICTS NEED TO BE FIXED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE WILL OF MONTANA VOTERS. Greg Gianforte, Brad...
Montana Monica Tranel Denounces SCOTUS Attack on Women’s Freedom’s

Montana Monica Tranel Denounces SCOTUS Attack on Women’s Freedom’s

Ryan Zinke voted to ban abortions while a member of the Montana legislature. Zinke should never hold office representing Missoula, Bozeman, and Butte. Congressional Candidate Monica Tranel released the following statement following the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs, State Health Officer of the Mississippi Department of Health, et al. v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization et al.: "Today, the Supreme Court took away our freedom as women in America to  live life  on our own terms. The Court did what we knew was coming - it overturned Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Today, the Supreme Court has turned the power of the State against every woman, and every family, dictating to us when, how, and whether we be...
Scandal-Plagued Ryan Zinke Illegally Fails to File His Personal Finance Disclosure AGAIN!

Scandal-Plagued Ryan Zinke Illegally Fails to File His Personal Finance Disclosure AGAIN!

Candidate Monica Tranel Requests Investigation into Zinke Based on Zinke's long ethical complaint history, being found to have abused and misused his public office for his own personal enrichment, still under a grand jury investigation for lying under oath, and lying to Montanans about it all, one would think Ryan Zinke would jump at any opportunity to prove he’s changed. But he has not.  After already blowing by the personal financial disclosure deadline once and a month after the 2022 annual filing deadline for members of Congress and candidates, Ryan Zinke still has not filed his disclosure in violation of the law. Scandal-plagued Zinke’s personal financial statement was due on May 16th, just like every other U.S. House of Representatives candidate is required to submit. According t...
Felsie Farsetensen’s Bus Stop Manifesto: Green means stop, Red means go, Where I’m Headed I don’t Know

Felsie Farsetensen’s Bus Stop Manifesto: Green means stop, Red means go, Where I’m Headed I don’t Know

by Felsie Farstensen (satire by Jeanette Muck-Rakin) I know everyone must be saying to themselves, “What were you thinking screaming past a stopped bus, Felsie?” And the truth is, I wasn’t. Just like running a state agency into the ground, driving a truck is best done with your eyes closed. As such, I literally did not see the stop sign that I allegedly ran through.“But you have adorable red-themed glasses, Felsie! Don’t they help you see?”…you say. Yes, yes I do. I found them in the children’s section at TJMaxx and I dare you to ask me whether they have a prescription in them. My obsequious co-workers tell me, right on cue, they make me look smarter. And then I pay them in cash for the compliment.But truth be told, I want to go on the record to explain why I drove around a bus that wa...
Gov. Brian Schweitzer endorses Monica Tranel in fourth campaign ad, “Winner”

Gov. Brian Schweitzer endorses Monica Tranel in fourth campaign ad, “Winner”

Democratic Congressional Candidate Monica Tranel released her fourth campaign ad Heading into the final weeks of the campaign, the ad, titled “Winner”, highlights the support and momentum that Monica has earned over the course of the campaign. Just like Governor Schweitzer, Monica Tranel has what it takes to win, and is the only Democrat who can win. Governor Schweitzer highlights Monica’s career standing up for Montana businesses, ranches, and farmers. The ad closes highlighting the overwhelming support Monica has from Montana Democrats. Monica has been endorsed by Democratic leaders across the state because she is the only candidate who has what it takes to take on Ryan Zinke in the fall, and win. The list includes F...
Tom Winter: “We Must Get Weapons of War Off Our Streets”

Tom Winter: “We Must Get Weapons of War Off Our Streets”

Written by Tom Winter, Democratic candidate for Congress in Montana's new western congressional district that runs from Libby to Bozeman. Like many Montanans I am a responsible gun owner that was raised on the tenets of gun safety. And just like the overwhelming majority of responsible gun owners I support common sense gun safety measures like universal background checks and getting weapons of war off our streets. The only controversy here is that politicians on both sides of the aisle have been either purchased by the corporate gun industry or cower in fear of them. I cannot be bought and fear no lobbyist.Alone amongst all candidates in this race I have grown up in the era of school massacres utilizing weapons of war. Alone amongst the candidates I know that it does not have to be th...
Arntzen Puts Children in Danger, Superintendent in Charge of Keeping Kids Safe Nearly Hits Them with Truck in illegal pass, cited by Cops

Arntzen Puts Children in Danger, Superintendent in Charge of Keeping Kids Safe Nearly Hits Them with Truck in illegal pass, cited by Cops

As first reported by the Montana Free Press, Montana Superintendant of Public Instruction Elsie Arntzen, the top school official in Montana, has been cited with illegally passing a school bus while children were loading onto. This dangerous behavior was recorded and reported by the school bus driver. Arntzen continues to deny the charges.  From the Montana Free Press Arntzen acknowledged that she lives in the area and owns a red pickup, but said she has no recollection of the incident or awareness that it was reported to the police. “I do know there’s a bus stop in our area. I do know I regularly travel to work. I do know that I have a red Chevy. And I do know bus safety should be on everybody’s determination, especially when buses are picking students up and delivering them after ...
Monica Tranel Fires Back at Congress on Uvalde Shooting

Monica Tranel Fires Back at Congress on Uvalde Shooting

Democratic Congressional Candidate Monica Tranel released the following statement: "Today my daughter graduates from kindergarten. Watching her, I can’t fathom the pain of the parents who have lost children – Sandy Hook, Parkland, and now Uvalde. My children are in schools; my family includes teachers. We are long past saying there is nothing we can do.Background checks are only required by gun dealers, not gun shows and private sales. Even the NRA supported closing this loophole. It’s time to act to protect our communities and keep them safe.Those who profit from hate and division based on lies and misinformation need to be held accountable. Congress needs to act on HR 2814, removing immunity from gun manufacturers – the only industry that profits without being accountable.Parents ...