1. politijohn:


    July 15, 2022 // source

    I will continue amplifying voices like this re: the latest public health crisis, monkeypox, because the media isn’t. I’m not about to watch the LGBTQ community be victimized by our system’s incompetence or be villainized by the Right if this spreads further and we’re then blamed as we were for HIV/AIDS.

    I hope you’ll help me spread the word.

    Reblogged from: politijohn
  2. politijohn:


    In 2020 alone, Elon Musk added $140 billion to his net worth.

    $150 million is .09% of Musk’s wealth.

    That’s the equivalent of $62.80 for a family making $78,500 a year.

    Reblogged from: politijohn
  3. politijohn:



    Never trust billionaires to solve your problems.

    Reblogged from: politijohn
  4. underestimated-heroine:







    Everytime I hear “a 9/11 a day,” I revert back to 13 and need to sit down for a moment til I can breathe again.


    along the same vein…

    As of May 7, 2020, 76,503 Americans are confirmed dead of COVID-19To put this in perspective:

    • 58, 209 Americans died in the Vietnam War (1961-1975)
    • 54, 246  Americans died in the Korean War (1950-1953)
    • 25, 000 Americans died in the American Revolution (1775-1783)
    • 15, 000 Americans died in the War of 1812 (1812-1815)
    • 13, 283 Americans died in the Mexican-American War  (1846-1848)
    • 4,576 Americans died in the Iraq War (2003-2011)

    Also:   The annual number of deaths in the USA from infectious disease is about 75,000. That’s twelve months’ worth of deaths.  We are slightly over the annual death count for infectious disease after only four months and seven days.

    Don’t kid yourself that this is normal. This is not even remotely normal.

    As of January 23, 2022, that number has significantly increased to 868,000 deaths in the US alone. It is still not normal and it will not be for a long time after.

    1,032,000 as of August 15th 2022 (made this addition on the 26th but data is of 15th)

    Reblogged from: fuckingconversations
  5. natalieironside:





    The pushback against smoking is certainly good for society but a lot of y'all who claim to be progressive and compassionate vis a vis substance abuse have an unfortunate tendency to be real assholes about it.

    Like, if you’re coming at the problem with the assumption that quitting smoking is something you can “just do” and the problem is that smokers are just choosing not to, you have already lost the plot before you began.

    Probably the thing that most changed my attitude towards smokers was the sentence, “A cigarette is cheaper than a meal” combined with the knowledge that smoking is an appetite suppressant. Add in the fact that it can also work as a non-prescription anxiety treatment and, well. Suffice to say, I’m a lot more focused on making sure that people have everything else they need in life before I start in on whether they want help quitting nicotine.

    Nicotine is a non-prescription treatment for any disorder involving a dopamine or acetylcholine deficit, including (but not limited to) ADHD, depression, PMS/PMDD, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s, and dementia, chronic pain, and chronic inflammation. Genetic variations in nicotine receptors (especially the a7, a4 and b2 subunits) are implicated in a host of neuromuscular and neurocognitive disorders. Asking people to “just give up smoking/vaping/whatever” is ignorant full stop, but especially when public health systems around the world are a joke and so many people are left to manage their illnesses on their own.

    Yikes does RJ Reynolds have a tumblr?

    I hope you never have to experience what struggling with an addiction feels like and I hope the world shows you all the compassion you refuse to show to others

    Reblogged from: fuckingconversations
  6. anniehowsback:
“Make a thorough job of it.
and deliberately created an image of the most badass woman on the fucking planet
I like how she’s got the pointed gun, but they also need the tommy gun so they just-...




    Make a thorough job of it.

    and deliberately created an image of the most badass woman on the fucking planet

    I like how she’s got the pointed gun, but they also need the tommy gun so they just- posed it across the pic right there

    Reblogged from: dreamfluxx
  7. akindplace:

    This is a reminder that you can be loved, and you will be loved even if the people in your life are indifferent to you. Just because they don’t care, doesn’t mean no one else ever will.

    Please, work on your self-esteem so they can never make you feel this small, incapable and unlovable again. You deserve so much more than what they give you and you are so much more than what they made you believe about yourself.

    It’s time you give yourself the love and trust you deserve. You don’t need others to tell you what your worth is, what you are capable of doing, how special you are. You should define this for yourself now and stop believing on people who don’t see your value. Just because they can’t see it, it doesn’t mean that there is nothing to see in you. It means they are not able or are unwilling to recognize that you are just as worthy as them.

    I need to internalize this.

    Reblogged from: akindplace
  8. autistic-af:


    Someone said that “isolating themselves properly” helped with being overwhelmed and stuff like that and-

    How do you do that, like what does that mean? I feel like doing that would probably be good for me but I don’t know what it means or how to do it

    How I isolate to recover:

    • Weighted blanket
    • Ear protectors or noise cancelling headphones
    • Favourite snack and drink
    • Lower blinds and darken room
    • Turn off phone notifications
    • TV (optional) set to easy to follow show
    • Naps
    • No plans for at least 2 days if possible
    • Repeat the above until I feel better

    Personal Optional Emergency Isolation Tactics:

    • Hide in a bathroom for a few minutes if at someone else’s house
    • Noise cancelling headphones, on with no music if you need to hear but muffle background noise
    • Stimming with a favourite object. I hold and smell my books to urgent calm down.
    Reblogged from: autistic-af
  9. death2america:


    imagine if people posted about the US like china and north korea. “nice picture, love the landscape (FYI I do not support the war crimes of the US government I just think this picture is nice!)”


    it’s probably because of the war crimes

    Reblogged from: redshifting
  10. mysharona1987:

    Reblogged from: mysharona1987

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